Home > Double Exposure(33)

Double Exposure(33)
Author: Emma Nichole

She slinks back in the seat then leans in toward me just a little. “I really needed to hear you say that.”

I can feel the palpable rage making my skin throb. I’ve only ever felt this primal need to protect one other time in my life. I failed that time. I won’t fail now.

“I’ll say it as many times as you need. I’ll show you even more.”

Her hand slides over open palmed on my thigh. She’s seeking momentary solace in me…or longer. I desire to do that for her. I offer her fingers mine. They quickly yet softly close me in. “Boys, then men, my age never fit or filled what I needed. I started working around the world before many of them had their first job. I gravitated toward older, more intelligent men. They were settled, hopefully more mature.

“I had a man I spent quite a long time with. At first it was about flowers, poetic notes, even dresses and jewelry. Then when I would assert my independence, I was quickly reminded what my place was and what my leash length could be. I could feel myself fading away.”

“With physical violence?” She doesn’t answer, she doesn’t have to. I know the answer. Instead, she changes the subject completely. Textbook avoidance.

“I’ve shared enough, I think.” She blinks rapidly like she was trying to keep herself from crying. “I think it’s only fair that you share something in return.”

“All right…” This conversation isn’t over, Petal.

“I want to know about Katya.”

“I’ve been waiting for this conversation since that night. I was never hiding her or anyone else from you. What do you wish to know?”

“She acted like she was…familiar with you. How long have you known her?”

“We have been acquainted for about eighteen months. The first time we met was at a live art show in the city. She was part of the exhibit.”

“Part of the exhibit? What does that mean?”

I tread carefully because I don’t want anything to upset her as it did that night.

“The artist poses individuals in certain ways to fit a certain theme or their vision. It’s usually adult themed in nature, but not all of the time.”

She reaches for her glass and takes a gulp of her wine. “I’m assuming she was naked then? The first time you met her?”

“She was, yes.”

“What happened after that?”

“Don’t ask questions you may not want the answers to, Petal. Are you able to hear it?”

“I’d rather know than not know.”

“I wanted to know her body, Nora. That’s as plain as I can make it for you. I didn’t want to talk, get to know her. It was about detached, feral sex. Nothing more and nothing less. It was only after about the third or fourth time we were together that I even asked for her name or she for mine.”

“That sounds… exhausting. When was the last time?”

“Are you sure you want to know the answer to that question?” I don’t know if I can tell her this.

“Tristan, please stop asking me if I’m sure. If I didn’t want to know, I wouldn’t ask you.”

I take a gulp of wine of my own, then give her the answer. “The night I saw you dancing in the club.”

“The night you…” Nora freezes and slowly begins to pull away from me. “You know what. I don’t know if I can do this. Can you please take me home?”


“Petal, listen to me. The night you were with me was the first night I’d seen her since then.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’d like to leave please. I don’t feel comfortable anymore.”

I take hold of her wrists near my chest to hold her hands on me. “Don’t say that. I’d like a chance to explain.”

Nora lowers her voice so the patrons around us cannot hear her. “Let. Me. Go. Tristan.”

“You heard what she said. Let her the fuck go if you value your life. If you don’t, I can help with that.”



Chapter 12



“Lucas.” I whirl around, as best I can, given the fact that my wrists are still bound by strong, Tristan hands. “What are you doing?”

“Whoa, take it easy, mate,” Tristan says, finally releasing my hands.

“Don’t you fucking tell me to take it easy.” Lucas steps right up and into Tristan’s face, trying to forcefully shove me behind him.

“Luke, please? What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean? Get your purse. I’m getting you away from…him. I don’t give a shit who you are. I will knock you on your ass if you try to stop me from taking her out of this place and away from you.”

“I brought her here and I will see her home on her terms, at her wishes.”

“No! Both of you, stop it!” I step between them and shove them away from one another. “I’m standing right here. I don’t need either of you to get me anywhere.”

“I saw you, Nora. This asshole was upsetting you and I’ll be goddamned if I’m letting that happen under my nose.” Lucas sneers at Tristan.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Lucas, is it?” Tristan says, using his name with thick disdain. “Now, kindly back the fuck off and stop causing a scene and ruining the evening of everyone in this room.”

“You may think you’re king shit off campus like you are on. I know who you are with that fake as fuck smirk that has every coed wanting you in their bed. I can tell you one bed you won’t have access to if I can help it. Nor, babe, come home with me. This is no kitten. He is a full-on tiger that will eat you alive for sport.”

“Listen, my little blond friend. As much as you think you are a match for me, you’re not. I promise you. You. Are. Not. Now flit back off to the corner of daddy’s money and boredom and leave the adult matters to the adults.”

Everything happens in slow motion.

Lucas brings his arm back, Tristan reaches for the lapels of Lucas’s jacket, and my heart and spirit break into a million pieces to give room to my anger.

“ENOUGH!!” I shout, “I’m taking myself home. Don’t follow me. I need some space.” I glance over at Tristan before stomping out of the bistro and into the crisp air.

If they want to measure dicks all night long like a couple of fucking cavemen, they can do it without me present. I’m regretting two things right now. One, these shoes, and two, I left my jacket in the booth. The air is cooler than I thought it would be. I wrap my arms across my chest in an attempt to not only get warm, but to console myself.

I can’t even begin to comprehend the words the man I’m falling for and the man who is my rock were saying to each other. More than that, they completely ignored me for their pissing match. My feelings, let alone my wishes, were nonexistent. I walk up the block on my aching feet and try to get a rideshare in my app while praying a cab will suddenly find me.

In the middle of my swirling cloud of thoughts and the noise of the street, my name floats above everything. “Nora. Stop.” With each step farther away from him, his voice grows from a polite plea to a roaring request. “Nora. Stop. Now.”

I whirl around, with my fists clenched from freezing, fear, and utter frustration. “Or what, Tristan? Or what? Did you hurt him?”

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