Home > Double Exposure(56)

Double Exposure(56)
Author: Emma Nichole

“I don’t want you listening to the rubbish that other students say about me. I’m not completely out of touch. I do know that they talk quite a bit about me, and it’s simply because they know nothing at all. It kills them that I make sure my life and choices are private.”

“I’m not trying to upset you. I was hoping you could poke fun with me. Is there a reason, other than what I can imagine, that you decided to be so private?”

I can feel his free hand start to weave through the hair lying down my back. Every once in a while, the tips of his fingers break through to my skin. “It is mostly for the reasons you think. I prefer the mystery. It saves a lot of small talk. It also shows true intent if they decide to ask the hard questions.”

“I understand that completely.” I close my eyes and relish in the feel of his fingertips brushing against my skin.

“What other things are being churned out of the rumor mill lately? They tend to be quite creative.”

“My favorite is that you’re also a mob boss and this is your side hustle.”

He laughs and it vibrates against my cheek. “A mob boss? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard, and I’ve actually been asked to my face if I was a vampire.”

“What?” I push myself to sit up, hair falling over my left shoulder and stare down at him in disbelief. “Who would ask you something like that?”

He reaches up to twirl the ends of my hair between his fingers. “I was attending a function the university was hosting and there was an open bar. That tends to make inhibitions a bit more loose, and someone who was there and quite inebriated asked the question.”

“You said no, right?”

That smirk appears and it says it all.

“I may have said yes just to see the look on her face.”

“Tell me, Professor. How does one convince another they are a supernatural immortal being?”

“With infinite charm, good looks, and the accent is the ringer.”

He laughs then I laugh harder. I wish he laughed more. It fills the room. It fills my heart.

“You’re amazing for not letting any of it get to you. I’m glad I get to see what others don’t.”

His strong palm lays lovingly against my cheek and his thumb traces the corner of my mouth. “There is not a single other person on this earth that I’d allow to see it. It’s yours.”

The butterflies that permanently reside in my body when he’s around begin their dance again. I almost blurt it out. I almost tell him that I love him right here, right now, but his lips seal over mine before I get the chance.

If I can’t tell him in words, I’ll tell him with my body… over and over until the sun begins to rise.



Chapter 20



My overnight stays in his condo have started to become weekend stays. I’ve taken to studying in Tristan’s office while he’s in class. Above and beyond everything else, I feel safe. I feel protected by his things. I feel protected by him. The feeling in the club when the eyes of my past were on me have faded since that night. Tristan is the reason. He’s my reason.

I’m curled on the large, brown leather sofa that is situated on the far-right side of his office under the window. The rain from earlier has given way to the sun peeking its glow in and out of the clouds, so while I intended to read over some notes, the pitter-patter of the droplets still falling from the leaves on the trees to the glass on the window are lulling me into a cat nap.

I keep finding myself drifting in and out of a dream. I’m with Tristan here in his office, then I’m alone, then I am trying to call for him, but he can’t hear.

I swear, I blink my eyes open for a moment and see a dark, tall man standing just in front of me, reaching for me, but I can’t move. Am I dreaming?

“Ahem,” a voice calls out, startling me awake. I scramble to sit up, doing so far too quickly and growing a bit dizzy.

“Oh God.” I hold my hands out from my side for a moment, blinking until my vision settles and that’s when I see Adrianna standing in front of me in all her beautiful, powerful, professional glory.

“I’m sorry, Miss Morgan. I didn’t realize you’d be here, let alone sleeping. Are you all right?”

“Yeah. Um, yes. I didn’t realize I’d fallen asleep.” I can feel my heart beating way too fast in my chest. For the last couple of years, whenever I’m woken by surprise, it takes my mind and body’s fight or flight response a while to calibrate.

“You’re quite pale. Are you ill?”

“No. No. I’m sorry. Just give me a second.” I reach forward for my insulated mug with my tea in it. I take a couple sips and let it blanket me. I can feel the heat radiate in and calm me. “Tristan is in class. Did you want me to tell him you stopped by?”

“No, that’s not necessary. I was dropping by to leave this,” she holds up a large book, “on his desk, but now that you’re here, I’d like to take you to lunch, if you’d join me. My treat, of course.”

My instant response is to say no. I don’t know what she is going to say or if this is going to lead to something bad, but Tristan’s words swirl through my brain.

What we are doing isn’t wrong. We are consenting adults. It’s not taboo.

“Of course,” I say instead. “I’d love to.”

We take one of the underground walkways to the commons cafe in the heart of campus. It reminds me of a beatnik club from the sixties. There are always acoustic artists playing, poetry readings, and local art pieces from students on every wall.

We order from the counter and find a secluded table near the window. I have my hands already wrapped around a warm mug when Professor Griffin finally joins me. “You’d think they’d have the flavored creamers out this time of year for heaven’s sake. I hope this spot is okay. Contrary to my attitude presently, I do enjoy the food here very much.”

I smile. “This place is wonderful. I really enjoy their salads.”

“As do I.”

She settles into her seat across from me and I watch as she lays her napkin in her lap and tucks her hair behind her ears. She’s a very beautiful woman that time has been very kind to. She exudes power and knowledge. I’m envious, honestly.

“So,” she says, folding her hands around her mug. “You must be wondering why I wanted to steal you away from campus for just a little bit, I’d imagine, yes?”

“I do. I’d assume you’d want to know how things are going for me on behalf of the department.”

“That is part of it, yes. Why don’t we start there until you trust me more, and I you.”

That statement catches me completely off guard. “What do you mean by trust me? Have I done something wrong?”

“Not that I’m aware of, but I think you and I both know that this conversation will eventually require a good amount of trust that will extend beyond Hyde University needs.”

I knew deep down that this conversation was going to occur one day. It was silly of me to believe that it wouldn’t, but he met my family and handled it with grace and courage. I just need to do the same here.

“I understand.” I nod to her and slide my mug to the side of the table and pick up my fork to begin eating.

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