Home > He Said Together (The Lost Corisis #3)(40)

He Said Together (The Lost Corisis #3)(40)
Author: Ruth Cardello

Our gaze locked and for a moment I forgot where we were. There was nothing beyond him and the raw emotion I saw in his eyes—no—yes? Afraid to believe that this could happen so fast, I looked away.

He put his hand on my lower back to usher me toward the entrance of the boutique. I held my breath and waited for him to say something, but before he did the door of the shop opened.

The woman who greeted us was tall and thin, perhaps a few years older than we were, and in a navy linen dress. Her hair was pulled back in a timeless, relaxed fashion that fit the island. “Welcome. Come on in. I’m Marilyn.” She referenced the sign above the shop’s all-white front. Marilyn’s Closet.

The mannequins on either side of the door were dressed in casual nautical attire. As if she’d read my mind, she said, “I also have formalwear. It’s in the back. I sell a lot of original pieces my mother and I design.”

My heart warmed at the idea of a family run shop. “Thank you so much for opening for us,” I said as I stepped through the glass door she held open. The inside was bright, but modestly decorated. Clothing was hung from rods on both sides at various heights and a white painted table displayed folded shirts and slacks.

“You look familiar,” she said to Kal.

“I have one of those faces,” Kal answered without missing a beat.

I glanced back, wondering if she recognized Kal from the stage or a poster. It was easy to forget that he was also Invio. Her expression gave nothing away.

Once inside, she took the lead. “We’ll head to the back.” As we walked, she took another look at Kal. “I’m pretty good with faces. I feel like I should know you. Should I? Are you on the big screen?”

Kal shook his head. “My name is Kal Ragsdale.” He put his arm around my waist and introduced me. “This is my girlfriend, Jade Tremblay.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell.” She tapped her temple. “It’ll come to me. It always does.”

“I do look a lot like my brother, Dominic Corisi. That could be it.”

Surprised that he’d shared that, I gave Kal a quick look. Oh, I get it, he was looking to distract her.

Marilyn didn’t appear impressed by the name drop. “I do see the resemblance, but that’s not it. Sorry. It’ll come to me when I no longer care for it to.” She gave Kal a head-to-toe look and said, “I don’t have a suit on the floor that would fit a man of your . . . size. However, I do have some clients I always keep something on hand for. Do you mind if I take your measurements?”

“Not at all,” Kal said.

I would have said the same until Marilyn took her time with that measuring tape. She fumbled, dropped it, had to measure several parts of his body more than once. The pink flush to her face was her biggest giveaway.

I was feeling a little territorial until I noticed he didn’t seem affected by her at all. He made a few jokes, but none that were flirtatious.

From beside them I asked, “Will you need my measurements as well?”

Without looking away from Kal, Marilyn said, “I’m sure I have something off the rack that will fit you.”

My mouth dropped open, my eyes widened, and I could have sworn that Kal coughed back a laugh. When Marilyn stepped away to check what she had in the back, I slapped Kal’s arm.

He chuckled and shot me a boyishly guilty smile. “I can’t help it if women find me irresistible. If you want, we’ll find a shop tomorrow that’s run by a man and he can . . . hold on, no. I don’t like that idea at all.”


He squared his shoulders. “Don’t worry. I’ve got your back.” When Marilyn returned, Kal said, “Jade flew up to meet my family. Tomorrow is about my sister getting engaged, but it won’t be long before Jade and I head down that same road. Don’t tell Jade, but I’m already hers.”

I blinked a few times quickly. He was either an incredibly good actor, or that was how he felt. Oh, my God.

“That is so sweet.” She turned to me. “Is this really the first time you’re meeting his family?”

I clasped my hands in front of me and took a page out of Kal’s book. Maybe if she knew me a little better she’d be less quick to dismiss me. I motioned toward my skintight dress. “A friend gave me a makeover today, but this isn’t how I usually dress. I can’t walk in these heels. I’m surprised I haven’t already broken an ankle.”

Marilyn’s eyebrows drew together. “What is your normal style?”

“I’m a marine biologist. Not a lot of dresses in my closet.”

Her expression softened. “My uncle went to school for that. He has a desk job in insurance now, but he’s always loved the ocean.” She looked me over again. “Tell me about tomorrow’s event.”

Kal jumped in with the basics—a breakfast and a beachside carnival.

“I have a few pieces that might work.”

When she approached me with the measuring tape, I beamed a smile at Kal and wiggled my eyebrows. I won her over.

He nodded and winked.

“Yes,” she said. “It should fit. I have an elderly client who loves garden dresses. Simple, classic styles. I’ll bring out a few for you to try on. She always says she likes clothes she can wear to church or to meet the Queen. I think you’ll be pleased.” To Kal she added, “Jason Momoa was here already this season. He doesn’t normally return so I doubt he’ll miss any of the suits I put aside for him. If you find one you like, I’m not even sure I’ll have to tailor it.”

Of course.

I get the granny dress.

He gets Aquaman’s suit.

“I’ll be right back with a few outfits for each of you to try on.”

“Thank you,” I said politely even though I was inwardly rolling my eyes.

When Marilyn was out of the room, Kal flexed. “I’ll help you across the street later if you need assistance, Granny.”

“You’re an ass,” I said, but I was smiling.

He kissed me and murmured, “You know, there isn’t a dress she could bring out here that you wouldn’t look gorgeous in.”

Bring on the granny dress, Marilyn.

I need to get this man alone.






Like most men, I don’t normally like to shop, especially for clothing, but anything I did with Jade was fun. Her expression when Marilyn had said she’d bring out dresses she’d made for an elderly client—priceless. I doubt a saint could have resisted teasing her about that one.

With Marilyn out of the room, I could focus all of my attention on Jade and how damn good it felt to be with her. I lightly kissed her sweet lips again, savoring how something as innocent as that could set my entire body on fire. The way she smiled between kisses sent my heart racing. I should have been in a rush to get her alone, but it had been a long time—too long—since I’d simply enjoyed someone’s company and there was nothing about being with Jade that I wanted to rush.

“How do you not have an enormous ego?” she asked.

I loved that she knew I didn’t put much stock into the superficial. “I didn’t get into lifting weights to impress anyone. I was twelve when my mother’s back started to spasm so badly she couldn’t walk for a while. I was nowhere near this size and the first time I tried to pick her up, I dropped her.”

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