Home > The Deeper I Fall (Calamity Falls #9)(70)

The Deeper I Fall (Calamity Falls #9)(70)
Author: Erika Kelly

When they both got the next three questions correct, Phinny worried the contest would end in a tie. Had her dad planned for something like that? Would they keep going until someone won?

“Question number nine. Name three Grevers who made an impact on the town.”

Easy. She quickly answered.

Colt Grevers, one of the five brothers, became the first county sheriff and was responsible for driving outlaws out of the valley.

Abigail Grevers opened the first schoolhouse.

Clara Grevers became a nurse and married a doctor. The two of them birthed every baby in the county for sixty years.



She set down her stylus.

“You’re both correct.”

She smiled and lifted her eyebrows to Declan. Look at us go. He grinned right back.

“And now, our final question. At the moment, you’re tied, so if one of you answers correctly and the other does not, the contest ends. Otherwise, I have tiebreaker questions.”

They both gave nods of acknowledgment.

“All right, then.” The lawyer stared at the index card for a moment before looking first at Declan, then at her. “What did Kurt value most in the world?”

Declan immediately wrote down his answer.

But it wasn’t that simple for her. Because while her dad prized the land, he loved it because generations of his ancestors had worked on it, fought on it, and scrabbled to make a living. Clara Grevers left Calamity to get her nursing degree, but she came back to practice in this community.

So, was it the land? Or the family?

Which did her dad value more?

The answer drifted across her skin like a caress. A warmth settled over her, and she just knew. She wrote her answer, then set her stylus down.

Her pulse beat wildly. Her skin went hot at the same time her blood turned cold. If she was wrong…she would just die. Taking shallow breaths, muscles clenched so tightly she ached, she kept her gaze on her desk and waited.

“You are correct,” the lawyer said.

Phinny twisted around to read the board.

Declan had written The ranch.

She had written Me.

So, which was the correct answer?

Everything she’d learned over the past month all funneled down into one truth: my dad loved me.

If she got the answer wrong, then she’d only heard what she’d wanted to hear.

And that meant…he hadn’t asked her to stay for a month because he wanted her to know how much he’d missed her. It would mean he’d wanted her to learn about the land so that she wouldn’t sell it. So that she’d keep it in the family.

And she didn’t think she could come back from that. Not after finally believing he’d not only loved her, but he’d wanted her. That losing her had crushed him.

She almost didn’t want to hear the answer. She wanted to walk off the stage and—

“Seraphina Crutchley is the winner.”

Emotion erupted, and she lowered her head so no one could see the great, howling sorrow consume her.

Not a moment later, Declan’s arms were around her. “Hey. Are you okay?” He tipped her chin. “Look at me. I need to know what you’re feeling.”

And she did. She gazed into those concerned eyes and said, “He loved me.”

“Yeah, sweetheart. He did.”

“He loved me, and he’s gone. I’ll never know him.”

“You know him.” His arms tightened. “You know him. He made sure of that.”

She cried so hard her knees gave out, but Declan caught her. Next thing she knew, she was in his arms, and he was moving. Slipping behind the curtain, he set her down backstage, letting her cry for all she’d lost.

But also, for all she’d gained.

Her dad had truly loved her. He’d wanted her in his life.

And he’d given her Declan, her forever love.



Chapter Nineteen



Joy radiated out of her, and Declan wanted to mainline it. As they waited in Harrison’s office, happiness burbled over, and he couldn’t help pressing a kiss to her cheek.

As if it were the most natural thing in the world, she threw her arms around his neck. “He wanted me.”

“Of course, he did, golden girl.” Who wouldn’t?

She leaned back. “For a minute there, I swear to God, I didn’t know which of us had the right answer. I only knew if it was you, I’d be devastated. It just felt like this whole journey to learn about my dad was really to learn that he loved me. And if I was wrong about it…if all he cared about was finding the right steward for his ranch…” She shook her head.

“That’s just not the Kurt I knew.”

“And now…God.” She got up and stepped away from her chair. “Now, I own a ranch.” Hands on her pinkened cheeks, she whipped back around to him. “Declan, I can’t do this. It’s not just that I don’t know anything about cattle or water rights or feed. It’s that I’m not a businesswoman. I’m not the right person for this.”

“Kurt believed you were. But he made sure you didn’t have to do this alone. He hired the best staff, and he prepared them. He practically wrote a book on every detail of running his operation. So, you have a staff and…you have me.” He watched her carefully. “We’re in this together.”

Relief slackened her shoulders. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right.”

“But that’s the beauty of his gift. Turns out, it was never about the land. We were wrong about that. It was about making sure you knew he loved you. And now that he’s done that, you’re free to do whatever you want. Sure, this ranch meant a lot to him, but you meant more. And he wants you to be happy. So, you can sell this place, and he’d be fine with it. Or keep it. It’s your choice.”

“Sell it? Are you freaking kidding me? This land that’s been in my family for generations? Are you out of your mind? I’m not selling a single acre.”

Her conviction knocked the breath out of his lungs. She’s not leaving. She was staying in Calamity, and she was staying with him. He leapt out of his chair and lifted her off the floor, swinging her around.

The door opened, and Harrison walked in. “Oh.” He laughed. “I see we’re celebrating. Wish I’d thought to bring champagne.” He headed behind the desk and dropped into his black leather chair.

After setting her down, they both took their seats, their hands joined on her armrest.

“Well, I’m glad that’s over.” The lawyer smiled. “You both did an outstanding job. Kurt would be proud of you. Especially…” His eyes clouded with emotion. “Let’s just say he’s a happy man right now. There’s not much more he wanted than for you to understand how he felt about you. Okay.” He cleared his throat. “Let’s get down to business. Because nothing was ever simple with Kurt…” The attorney waved a document at them. “There’s a second codicil. He’s offering the winner a choice between the ranch and a cash inheritance.”

“What?” She cut a look to Declan. Did you know about this?

Hell, no. Declan was surprised, too.

“Phinny, you can either own the Gongshow Ranch or take a lump sum of twenty-five-million dollars.” Harrison peered at her over his glasses. “To be clear, the ranch comes with working capital, as well, but that’s only to be used for operations.” His gaze shifted to Declan. “And whichever she doesn’t choose goes to you.”

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