Home > Ferrara(52)

Author: T.L. Swan

“Great. I knew you’d remember it.” He goes to walk out.

“It needs to be cut on the angle, remember,” I call after him.

“Ah.” Tony’s face falls. “Does it?”

“It has to be laid in herringbone to get that look.”

“I was going to do chevron.”

I wince. “It will look lovely, very different, though. If you want that same look as the Murdoch job, I would go herringbone.”

“Okay, thanks.”

My attention returns to my boss.

“Where are we up to with the Remington project?” he asks.

“They’re currently demolishing and I’m ordering materials and furnishings.”

“Chesk, what carpeting did we use in Chalet Street?” Ella asks from the door.

“Um.” I screw up my face as I try to place the job. “In the bedrooms or the living?”


“It was a tufted hundred percent wool. I’m not sure of the color, it’s from the Merino latest catalogue.”

“Okay, thanks.” She disappears.

My boss looks over at me. “Are you always interrupted every two minutes like this?”

I give an embarrassed smile. “Comes with the job, I guess.”

“No. it shouldn’t, not when you have your own very important job running. Why don’t you work from home for a while?”


“That way nobody will interrupt you every five minutes, you can actually get things done.”

“That would be great, thank you.” I smile, although a little voice from deep inside fears what sinister thoughts the silence may bring. Keeping myself busy is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. “I’ll only need a few weeks to get everything finalized and then I’ll be back in the office, I like being here.”

I need to be here.

“Okay, starting tomorrow, turn your phone off and work from home. No more interruptions.”

“Wonderful.” I smile. Although it’s not, working alone is not great for my mental health at the moment.

I’m worrying me.



Antonio pulls the car to the curb. “Just call me when you’re ready,” he says over his shoulder.

“I won’t be long.” I sigh, this is the very last place I want to be. I’m finally having dinner with Marcel. He’s been begging me to see him for weeks and I know I owe him some closure. He needs to talk it all out and I need to listen.

We haven’t seen each other since the day we broke up, at first, he didn’t want to, and then by the time he finally did, I was so self-absorbed over my heartbreak that I haven’t been able to deal with his.

Pity it’s not over the same relationship.

I’m officially the worst person I know, thinking back over the last few weeks and the feelings that have re-emerged, I really don’t know if I ever truly loved Marcel.

At least, not the way I do my Giuliano.

My Giuliano…what a joke.

He isn’t mine, he’s probably slept with fifty women since we went to Ibiza. I’m sure he’s fucked me well and truly out of his system by now.

The thought is depressing.

I peer through the window and see Marcel sitting at a table at the back, he looks up and sees me and I smile and wave.

It is good to see him.




I sit in my car outside the club, the boys are waiting inside for me…but I’m struggling to go in.

I’m low.

It’s not going away…in fact, it’s getting worse.

Every day away from her feels like an eternity.

I should never have gone to Ibiza, I’ve been in a detached state from the world ever since.

Neither here nor there … dead or alive.

I can’t stop wondering where she is, what’s she doing? I feel better when I know.

I dial Antonio’s number; I’ve been keeping tabs on her movements through him.

“Hey, boss,” he answers.

“Hi, the computers will be ready tonight sometime.”

“Okay great.”

“Can you pick them up and deliver them to the airport? The plane is scheduled to leave at eleven p.m.”

“For sure.”

My computer blew up and seeing it has such sensitive material on it that I need retrieved, I can only get it fixed by someone on our payroll. Unfortunately, he lives in France, so we have to literally fly our plane to him with my computer and then we fly it home. I have another two computers that need servicing as well.

One hell of an expensive computer service, but we have no other choice.

We can’t risk anyone having access to our data.

“He will call you when it’s ready to pick up,” I reply.


I close my eyes, it’s always so awkward when I call with my hidden agenda. “Where are you?”

“Outside a restaurant.”

She’s out.

I choose my words carefully. “Having dinner, is she?”


“Who with?” I try to act casual.


I frown. “Her ex?”

“Yeah…they got back together.”


I’m shocked to silence as my nostrils flare.

“I’ll wait for the call,” Antonio replies.

“Okay,” I mutter, distracted. I hang up the phone and put my head back against the headrest.


I mean I knew…. But…. She was always going back to him.

With my elbow resting on the steering wheel I pinch the bridge of my nose and exhale heavily. I picture the two of them together and my stomach twists in anger.

Fuck this.

My car door opens in a rush. “Hey,” Alex says as he walks past my car. “What are you doing?”

I stare out at him, I’m angry, furious with her…at myself.

But mostly, I’m just fucking pathetic.

“Come on,” Carlo says. “You are going in there and you’re going to get some high-grade pussy and snap the fuck out of this.”

My eyes meet Alex’s. “He’s right, man. Trust me, you’ll thank us tomorrow.”

She’s with him.

I get out of the car with renewed determination and slam the door hard. “Let’s go.” We walk in through the front doors.

The bouncer nods and unlatches the red rope for us. “Good evening, Mr. Ferrara.”

“Hello.” I glance in through the double doors at the club, loud music and scantily dressed women.

I’m in the mood for a blonde…and fuck it, I’m going to have one.

Maybe a few.




I make my way through the restaurant and Marcel stands as I approach, he kisses me on the cheek. “Hello.”

“Hi.” I smile as I sit down.

“You look beautiful.”

“Oh.” I try to deflect the compliment. “How are you?”

“I’ve been better.” He forces a crooked smile.

An awkward silence falls between us.

We both go to speak at the same time and then both stop ourselves. “You go first,” I offer.

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