Home > Ferrara(93)

Author: T.L. Swan

We have two sons and three daughters, and Olivia is my queen.

I never knew that love could be like this, not until I met her. I wanted to give her more from life than being in a Mafia family in Italy. She deserved more.

My phone beeps, notifying me of a text, and I get up to check, it’s from Lorenzo.

Francesca has been kidnapped



I pick up the phone and dial his number.


“What’s going on?”

“Lombardi has Francesca.”


“We are in Switzerland, she and Giuliano were getting married on Christmas Eve. She was skiing and a chopper landed and killed her guard and Valentino’s girl.”

I close my eyes, the horrific scene playing out in my head. “Fuck.”

“I have to go, I’ll keep you posted.” He hangs up and I walk into my office and turn my computer on. I drop into my seat and with my heart hammering in my chest I do something I have never done before.

I click on the program and hit,

Activate Satellite



I wait, the program zooms out and a map of the world comes up.

“Please work.” I close my eyes and say a prayer.

When our father died, I put a microchip in a diamond necklace and gave it to Francesca in the instance that something like this ever happened.

“Please still be wearing it.” I close my eyes, if this doesn’t work…. “Please, please, please.”

A red light comes up with a beep that sounds like a heartbeat. I watch it flash as it comes to life.

I zoom in on the picture and lean into my computer screen as I concentrate.




“Bingo.” I sit back in my chair. “Got her.”







“No,” Olivia snaps. “You’re not going.”

I glance up from the suitcase that I’m packing. “I wasn’t asking for your permission.” I walk into the bathroom and retrieve and then throw my toiletries bag into the suitcase as it lies open on the bed. “I’ll be gone three days…tops.”

“You left that life behind for a reason,” she snaps. “What are you going to do?” She throws her hands up in the air in disgust. “They have a million fucking guards at Ferrara, Enrico. If they couldn’t keep her safe, what in the hell makes you think that you can?”

I throw my shoes into the suitcase with force. “Don’t.”

“Don’t?” she cries. “Don’t?” She puts her hands on her hips. “Don’t you dare don’t me!”

I grab her by the arms. “Listen to me. Francesca is my baby sister and I left her there unguarded.”

“She has guards,” she spits.

“None that can watch her like I do,” I growl.

“So…you’re going to put yourself in danger to try and save her?”

“I have to try.”

“What about your children, Rico. Who will guard them if you die?” Her voice cracks, betraying her hurt. “I have not lived here hidden away for ten years for you to risk your life at the first thing that goes wrong back home.”

I throw a stack of shirts into the suitcase.

“She is my sister.”

“They have a leader, Giuliano. Let him do his job.” She begins to pace, her hand on her forehead as she processes what I’m about to do.

“He is too close to her to be of any use.”

Her eyes nearly bulge from their sockets. “And you’re not?” she screams.

“I’m just going to Milan to help strategize.” I throw in a pile of pants, I go to my drawer and grab a stack of boxers and socks, I throw them in too. “I’m not going to do anything stupid.”

“Going home is stupid!” she cries. “I don’t want you to go. You’re not going!”

I zip up my suitcase. “You have no choice.”

Her eyes well with tears as she stares at me. “Please,” she whispers. “Don’t do this.”

I pull my suitcase off the bed and stand it up. “I have to.”

Her face screws up in tears and she turns her back to me, she crosses her arms, she walks over to the window and looks out and watches the children as they play downstairs in the yard.

I walk up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder and she flicks it off.

“I love you…” I whisper as I stand behind her.




I get a lump in my throat, what if this is our last goodbye?

“Are you going to say anything at all?” I ask.

“If you die, I will never forgive you,” she whispers as she stares straight ahead.

Her words cut like a knife and I close my eyes.

I wheel my suitcase to the door and turn back to look at her. “I love you,” I tell her again.


Tell me you love me, God damn it.

I wait, but she doesn’t turn.

With a heavy heart I walk down the stairs and out onto the deck, my car is waiting out the front.

“Come give Papa a hug,” I call to the children. “I have to go away for a few days.” They come bouncing up and I take them into my arms and hug them one by one. “I love you,” I tell each of them. “Look after Mama.”

I glance up to see Oliva watching us through the bedroom window.

I smile softly and wave up at her and she turns her back and walks away.


I get into the car and wave to my beloved family, the thing is, deep down I know that Olivia is right…but I can’t not go.

It’s Francesca.

I’ll never forgive myself if she is killed and I didn’t at least try to save her.

With the children laughing and squealing as they and the dog chase the car up the driveway, my heart is in my throat.

What if…don’t.

It will be okay…it has to be.

Twenty minutes later we arrive at the airport, my private plane is waiting, along with my three guards. I retrieve my luggage from the trunk and walk up the stairs.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Ferrara.” The captain nods.


“Departing for Milan in ten minutes, sir.” He smiles.

I sit down in my chair. “Change of plans,” I reply flatly as I stare out the window. “Take us directly to Switzerland.”




The red lights from the police cars flash their reflection onto the snow, the ski slopes are empty.

The snow is coming down and after hours of questioning by the police, they are finally bringing the bodies down the mountain.

The ambulances are lined up waiting and every fucking moment I stand wasting time here, Francesca is in their hands.

We watch on as the Snowmobiles come slowly down the mountain, pulling a trailer behind them, on each a body bag.

An eerie silence has fallen over us.

An incomprehensible dread.

My girl missing, Valentino’s girl dead.

Bruno, their guard…my heart sinks. How did this happen on my watch?

He was there all the time, she worked for him. She trusted him.

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