Home > Ferrara(96)

Author: T.L. Swan

I call my men who are already trying to track Francesca’s phone from the tower.

“Hey, boss. Her phone is still not showing up anywhere.”

“Run this number for me.”


I read out the number.

“Give me ten.”

“Okay.” I hang up and look over to Val.

“Now what?”

“We wait.” I pull the car over to the side of the road in a parking bay and we sit in silence.

The snow floats down onto the car.

“You alright?” I ask.

“It’s my fault she’s dead.”

I roll my lips, choosing to remain silent.

“I told her she was safe with me.”

“We thought she was.”

His nostrils flare as if grappling for control. “Her mother when I told her….”


My phone rings and I answer, “Yes.”

“We’ve got a match; the phone is sixty kilometers from where you are now. I’ll send the coordinates.”

Thank fuck.

Adrenaline surges through me; Francesca’s life depends on us getting this right. “Thanks.” I hear a text arrive with a ping.

“Giuliano…” he says, “Good luck, hey.”

I immediately call Leon. “We’ve got an address, bring the guards and ammunition.”

“On our way.” I hang up and look over to Val. “We can’t fuck this up.”

“We won’t.” He pulls out onto the road and a bang sounds from the trunk as Carlo tries to kick himself free.

“I will be fucking him up, though,” he mutters dryly.

“Get in line.”







I listen…silence.

Lombardi coughs as he lies on the floor and struggles to get his pills from his pocket and suddenly I’m furious.

How dare he do this to us?

More silence.

What’s happening out there?

The door bangs open and although my view is distorted, I see someone being dragged inside by two men.

“Get your fucking hands off me,” he growls as he struggles. “Francesca. Get her up,” he cries. “She’s injured.”

I know that voice, I’ve missed that voice.


He is alive….

“Let her go,” he yells. “It’s me that you want. Let her fucking go.”

Whack! I see a boot connect at full force to his stomach as somebody kicks him.

I hear the air knocked from his lungs as he moans.


Has he really been bought back from the dead so that I can witness his murder all over again?

Help. Help.

Somebody…help him.

I lift my head to see that he’s been shot in the leg, they drag him up and prop him against the wall while they tie his hands.

What do I do?

His eyes meet mine and he gives me a soft smile and my heart breaks.

No…not you too.




We pull off the main road while we wait for the others, I dial Leon’s number. “Where are you?”

“Just driving in now.”

“Okay.” My heart races and this is it. The pivotal moment where I find out if my forward planning was worth it.

“I’ve got the house in view,” he says.

I close my eyes.

“Something’s already gone down here,” he says.

“What do you mean?”

“There are bodies everywhere. I’ll put you on speaker.”

Val’s and my eyes meet as my heart hammers hard in my chest, I hold my breath as I listen.

Are we too late?

The car door slams and I hear Leon walking. “Is she still alive?” he says. “What the hell has gone on here?”

“We just bagged Enrico,” a man’s voice replies.

My eyes widen…. Enrico?

What the fuck? I start the car.

No word if she’s alive.

“Pop the trunk,” Val growls.

“Not now.”

“Pop the fucking trunk,” he cries furiously and I know that he needs to do this now…while he still can.

I pop the trunk, he gets out and goes to the back, I hear two gunshots through the silencer.

He gets back into the car and slams the door hard.

“Now,” Leon whispers through the phone. “Get here now.”




“Get her up,” Lombardi says.

Two men sit my chair up and the horrific scene comes into full view.

Enrico is disheveled and bleeding from a gunshot wound to his thigh, he’s been fighting, his hair is wild, his face banged up. He’s propped up against the wall with his hands tied in front of him.

“Time to pay,” Lombardi says.

Enrico glares at him, emotionless.

“You killed Lucky, my son. You wrote your own fate.” Lombardi paces back and forth as if he’s practiced this sermon many a time in his head. “And what would cause you the most pain, Enrico?” He runs his fingers through his stubble as if thinking. “Killing you quickly is not an option…you need to suffer the pain like I have.”

Enrico glares at him, remaining silent.

He gestures to me. “Watching your beloved sister be tortured to death…now, that would be something though.” He smiles. “Wouldn’t it?”

Dear God.

Enrico’s eyes meet mine and for the first time, I see fear. “Kill me. Take my life, she is a good person, she doesn’t deserve to die. I do.”

“No deal,” Lombardi growls.

The door opens and we all turn, startled.

“Leon.” Lombardi frowns. “What are you doing here?”

“Carlo sent me. There’s a car of men, three kilometers down the track. He wanted me to warn you.”

Lombardi’s eyes widen and he turns to the other three men in the cabin. “Go check it out.”

The men all leave and two minutes later, automatic gunfire rings out.

“What’s happening?” Lombardi whispers.

Leon puts a gun to Lombardi’s head and clicks the trigger back.

“What are you doing?” he cries.

The door bangs open and Giuliano appears, his eyes are dark and wild.

He’s here.

“Stop underestimating me.”

Lombardi’s face falls as he connects the dots.

“You’re not the only one who thought ahead. Do you really think I wouldn’t have a mole close to you?” Giuliano smiles as he raises his gun. “Your time has come.”

I close my eyes and a gunshot rings out, Lombardi falls to the floor. I open them to see Giuliano standing over him, he pulls the trigger again and again, and I screw up my face to block out the horror; I know that it was his life or mine but it’s so brutal and way too real.

Then I feel myself being untied and Giuliano takes his shirt off and ties it around my arm, he lifts me into his big strong arms. “Are you alright, baby?” he says softly.

I really don’t think I am but I nod through tears.

He’s alive.

“Come on, let’s get you to the hospital.” He begins to carry me to the door.

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