Home > Thick as Thieves (Aster Valley #4)(5)

Thick as Thieves (Aster Valley #4)(5)
Author: Lucy Lennox

Lorraine reached up to cup my cheek. “You know we love you, right?”

I’d had just enough to drink to make me irrationally emotional. “Yes, ma’am, although I’m not sure why.”

“Because you keep Rod humble on the slopes,” Julian’s dad said, giving Rod a friendly nudge, while Julian’s mom pressed a kiss to my cheek. “That, and you’re a good man.”

Lorraine dug the knife in extra deep and gave it a good twist. “Parker, I would love you no matter what. I need you to understand that, as much as Rod and I are thrilled about the wedding tomorrow, you have always been a member of this family in your own right, and you will continue to be one no matter what happens in the future.”

I felt my chin wobble and my eyes smart. “I hate you,” I whispered. “You’re a cruel woman.”

Julian’s hand was a familiar weight on my lower back. I didn’t even need to look to know it was him. He, more than anyone, knew how deeply I felt the words Erin’s mother spoke. Both Erin’s and Julian and Hazel’s parents had taken over where my own had failed. The Thick and Rokas families had provided me with everything from shelter and food to love and support, not to mention the skiing experience that had earned me a college degree and a career path I loved. I didn’t know what I’d do without either family in my life.

Lorraine leaned in and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “Put Rod in his place on the slopes tomorrow. It’ll settle his nerves and give him something else to think about before he gives his baby girl away,” she whispered into my ear.

I snorted. “Consider it done. Thank you for tonight. It was a gorgeous dinner.”

She pulled back and gave me one more motherly look before turning to find her husband and making their way out of the hotel restaurant along with Julian’s parents.

I turned around and realized Julian and I were practically the only ones left. The rehearsal dinner was over. The servers were already clearing up the rest of the dishes left on the tables. Mikey had pulled Tiller away by the hand with an obvious fuck me expression on his face, and Sam and Truman had already disappeared, probably for similar reasons.

“Where’d everyone go?” I asked. “It’s too early for bed, and I could really use another drink—”

“Jules.” Nolan slung an arm around Julian’s shoulders and buried his nose in Julian’s neck. “Parties make me horny. Let’s go upstairs.”

Ugh. I really did not like that guy.

Julian’s jaw tensed, and he cleared his throat. “Not yet. I have a few more best-manly duties to get Parker ready.”

“Can’t you do that later? Some of us are already ready,” Nolan purred, mouthing at Julian’s skin and skating a hand over his chest.

I clenched my hands into fists.

“Nolan,” Julian said, pulling away. “We talked about this, remember? This weekend is about the wedding. That’s my priority.”

Nolan’s face fell almost comically. “Wait, you were serious about that? Does that mean no fucking tonight?”

Julian’s neck turned splotchy red, which meant he was either really upset or really embarrassed. I hated seeing him that way. “I was serious,” he confirmed.

“Ah, dude, are you still pissed about the monogamy thing? Because I really like you, Jules. I just like lots of other men and women, too. True respect in a relationship means giving your partner freedom to pursue their passions—”

I reached out and plucked Nolan’s hand off Julian’s shoulders, then pulled Julian slightly behind me. “I think what Julian’s saying is that his passions are leading him down a different life path, Nolan. His path and your path? Two different paths.”

“Parker,” Julian warned.

“Go find your path, Nolan,” I commanded. When the man stared at me uncomprehendingly, I grabbed him by the shoulders and faced him toward the door. “No, seriously, go now. Don’t stop until you find it. In fact, I saw a couple of gorgeous women hanging at the bar earlier. One of them might be your path. Heck, both of them might be.”

“Yeah? Sweet. But wait.” Nolan frowned. “Jules and I are sharing a room.”

“Roommates are social constructs, buddy. Pursue those passions. Run free!”

“Jules?” Nolan glanced back at Julian, then at me.

“Yeah, go ahead.” Julian sounded resigned. “We’ll catch up tomorrow.”

“Solid.” Nolan shrugged easily, like spending his evening with Julian or finding some random bar hookup was all the same to him, which pretty much confirmed my initial impression of the man.

Fucking idiot.

“Ass,” Julian muttered, and I nodded as I watched Nolan leave, pleased that Jules and I were on the same wavelength, as usual.

“No judgment, babe, but he kinda is. You could do way better.”

“Not him, Parker. You.” Julian shoved past me more forcefully than necessary. “You’re an ass.”

“Me? What?” I grabbed his wrist, forcing him to turn and look at me. “I saved you from that guy. He was obnoxious. And rude. And overly familiar with you. And inattentive.”

“Overly familiar? You sound like my nana. And how can he be overly familiar and inattentive?”

I opened my mouth, then shut it again. “I’m not sure, but he managed it.”

Julian sighed and ran a hand through his hair, disturbing the product that had temporarily kept his chocolate-brown cowlick tamed. The little errant curl over his ear flipped up the way it always did, the way I always teased him about but secretly adored. It made my buttoned-up bestie a little less perfect and a little more real.

“Well, that’s just great. Really helpful.”

I met Julian’s eyes. His familiar faded blue irises looked exhausted and oddly sad. I wanted to pull the man into a hug and tell him everything was going to be okay. Maybe it was one of the reasons I’d suggested he join us on the Mexico trip in the first place. He looked like he could really use the time away. I knew he’d been helping Tiller with his new resort business, but I didn’t realize it had taken that much out of him.

“I wasn’t kidding earlier. You really should come away with us,” I said softly. “You need a break.”

His nostrils flared. “Crashing your honeymoon would be the opposite of a break. I’m going to Aster Valley for the week. I’ll be fine.”


“Drop it. I’m going out for a drink, and apparently it won’t be at the hotel bar.”

“With me?” I asked hopefully.

Julian snorted. “Obviously. You’re buying. It’s the least you can do.”

Hell yes.

I grinned at him and led him out of the restaurant. “You and me, Jules. Always. The way it should be.”

We walked across the swanky hotel lobby to the gold-trimmed doors. The liveried doorman nodded and greeted us politely. “Need a car, gentlemen?”

“No, thanks. Where’s a good place for a drink that’s close enough to walk and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg?” Julian asked.

The man’s face creased into a genuine smile. “Bert’s Brews, a block and a half that way. Tell them Jerome sent you.”

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