Home > Empire of Hate (Empire #3)(17)

Empire of Hate (Empire #3)(17)
Author: Rina Kent

My feet falter with the force of his shove and my heart spills on the floor metaphorically covered with dark splotches of blood.

But instead of hiding and crying like when I was young, I force myself to hold my head high. “Do you think you hate me more than I hate you? Do you think I’d ever choose to see your face, let alone work for an egotistical prick with narcissistic tendencies? Do you think I would ever put myself at your mercy—or the lack thereof if I had the choice? I’m only doing this to keep a roof over my family’s head. So you can show me your worst, but you won’t be able to break me or force me to quit, sir.”

He raises a perfectly thick brow. “Is that a challenge?”

“It’s merely information.”

“I can still fire you, Ms. Adler, so you best remember that the next time you choose to run your mouth or criticize me when you have no right to.”

I’m about to argue, but he cuts me off by snapping his fingers. “You’re still talking when you should have been out of my fucking sight a minute ago.”

I glare at him, but I stop myself from saying anything because I know it will just come out wrong.

And I might get myself fired.

As a compromise, I close the door not so gently on my way out.

I head to the cafeteria to have lunch. This is the only time I’m able to escape the twat’s orbit.

In the lift, two secretaries join me, but they ignore my existence as they chat among themselves.

Once upon a time, that would’ve bothered me, mainly because it meant I wasn’t doing a good job being noticeable, but that’s not the case anymore. I came to appreciate the lack of social interactions and being in the background.

It’s where predators can’t find you or hurt you.

I get my phone out to double-check what I should do for my jerk of a boss after lunch, but I can’t help focusing on the conversation the two women are having.

“Did Knox decide on his next pro bono case?” The secretary wearing gold-framed glasses asks her much shorter, black-haired friend.

“Not yet. He has a lot of options because of his recent win. How about Aspen?”

“She’s still deciding. You know how picky she is about which people she’ll represent. Besides, since Kingsley came back, he’s been interfering in her cases and making everything difficult.”


“Really. I feel sorry for her. It doesn’t matter that she’s the only senior female partner in the firm or that she’s close friends with Nathaniel. Kingsley is making her his target, and apparently, nothing will be able to stop him.”

“That’s so petty. Just because he owns the firm with Nathaniel doesn’t mean he gets to treat people like dirt.”

“Well, he is known to have a ruthless reputation, but the way he’s making an enemy out of Aspen is weird.”

“You never know what happens behind closed doors, girl.”

“True.” The secretary pushes her gold-framed glasses up her nose. “Anyway, because of the whole Kingsley drama, Aspen’s workload has doubled, so she’ll probably only offer pro bono legal advice, not representation.”

“Makes sense…” the other woman’s voice drifts off when they both get out of the lift.

It isn’t until the doors close that I realize I should’ve gotten out on this floor as well to have lunch.

The conversation I just overheard was more important than eating.

So instead of pushing the button to open the doors, I punch the highest floor number that’s dedicated to management and senior partners.

The lift asks for my access card and I swipe it.

Since I’m the assistant of one of the partners, I have limited access to the managing partners’ floor. I can get up during business hours and only onto the floor, not into the rooms.

Once the lift dings open, I’m thinking about the best way to approach Aspen or ask her for advice.

But my thoughts come to a halt the moment I step out of the lift. Not far from it, Aspen Leblanc and Kingsley Shaw are fighting.

And I mean full-blown fighting with loud voices that echo through the entire hall.

I saw their pictures on the virtual tour HR offered me, but they didn’t do them justice. Kingsley appears taller and more imposing in real life.

He’s what I call the epitome of American beauty. He has a masculine face, a proud chin, and a muscled body that only adds to his intimidation factor.

This man, who’s only in his late thirties, started Weaver & Shaw with his best friend, Nathaniel, and it’s known for its tremendous growth, not only nationally, but also internationally.

The New York branch is the biggest and the most important since the two founding partners use it as a home base.

Although Nathaniel Weaver is the managing partner, Kingsley still has equal power. So meeting him for the first time while he’s having a fight is awkward to say the least.

“I told you to stop meddling!” Aspen is facing him. She’s about my height but she couldn’t be more different looks-wise. Her shiny red hair falls to her shoulders and she has high cheekbones that could cut stones.

Kingsley slips a hand in his trouser pocket, appearing as laid-back as a monk when his eyes tell a completely different story. “And when did I meddle?”

“Meeting my opposing counsel for dinner is the definition of meddling. In fact, it’s treason.”

“Treason? What do you think this is? Some medieval war?”

“Might as well be, considering your barbaric methods.”

“Funny coming from a damn witch. You realize your kind were burned at the stake, right?”

“I’m so over your mind games, Kingsley. And I’m warning you to stay away from my work.”

“Sorry to burst the delusional bubble, but I don’t have time to waste on you, sweetheart. The counselor and I studied together, so I was just meeting an old friend.”

“Old friend, my ass. I’m telling you, asshole, if you don’t stop getting into my business, I’m taking you to the board.”

He laughs, but it’s malicious. And when it dies out, he looks like a demon, complete with metaphorical horns peeking from his head. “You can try, witch. I’m curious to see how far you’ll go.”

Okay, I really shouldn’t be here.

Just when I think about the best way to get back in the lift, Kingsley’s attention slides to me. Harsh and unforgiving. “And what do you want?”

I swallow. “I…came here to talk to Ms. Leblanc if that’s possible.”

“It is not. Disappear.”

She jams a finger at his shoulder. “Who the fuck are you to tell me who I should and shouldn’t talk to?”

“We’re not done yet.”

“Well, I am. So how about you disappear?” She switches her attention to me and I expect it to be as harsh as his, but it’s calm, neutral almost. “Follow me.”

I can tell Kingsley is displeased by the turn of events, but I choose to follow Aspen down the hall anyway.

This isn’t a chance I’m going to miss.

Once we’re inside her spacious office, Aspen pours two coffees from the machine, then sits on the dark red leather sofa and motions at me to do the same. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

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