Home > High Stakes(23)

High Stakes(23)
Author: Danielle Steel

Phillip handled each appearance graciously, and was surprisingly relaxed on TV, and even enjoyed it. They both liked Dallas. Hailey had never been there before. Atlanta had less charm. It was a big, businesslike city, but the interviews he had there were some of the best, and they only spent a day there. By the time they got to Washington, D.C., they were almost sorry the tour was ending. Phillip had worked hard and done his part. He never complained and Hailey saw to it that he had nothing to complain about. On their last night in Washington, he took her to a splendid elegant dinner at The Lafayette, across from the White House, and spotted two well-known senators and a congresswoman dining there. They both enjoyed the evening and talked about the tour and the cities they’d visited. His publisher was thrilled with the number of appearances he’d done, and how well it had all gone. They couldn’t have hoped for a better result, and he looked at Hailey with a grateful smile.

“You made this a terrific experience, Hailey. I used to have nightmares about going on tour. You made it a first-class event every step of the way.”

“Thank you.” She smiled back at him. “I enjoyed it too, and I didn’t think I would.” Her children had survived it with the patchwork of babysitters she had provided. The yoga teacher with the Chihuahua was the biggest hit. Will had squealed and said she let them eat ice cream for breakfast, watch TV on school nights, and stay up late, but Hailey didn’t mind. She was just relieved that they were happy. Arianna’s performance in Annie had gone well, and Hailey couldn’t wait to see the video when she got home. She was bringing back a few souvenirs from each city for each of them, and an autograph for Arianna of a teenage rock star she’d met on one of the TV shows. She was a particular favorite of Arianna’s, and Hailey knew she would be thrilled.

Phillip looked at her as their plane landed in New York.

“I’m not going to know what to do with myself tomorrow when you’re not there to tell me where to go. I’m going to miss you, Hailey. Let’s have dinner next week sometime.”

“I’d love that.” She was tired from the trip. Paying close attention to every detail had required concentration every moment of every day, but the results had been rewarding, and she hoped it would help his book. It was a wonderful book and deserved to be a huge success. She was happy to have contributed to that, and that he was happy with the tour.

The last car and driver were waiting for them at the airport. She said she could take a cab into the city. He didn’t need to worry about her.

“Don’t be silly. I’ll give you a ride. Where do you live?” She told him and he smiled. “You live a few blocks from me. I’ll take you home.” He had an apartment at The Dakota on Central Park West. He’d had it for years, since his books first became successful. Many famous actors, directors, artists, and writers lived in the building.

It took them forty-five minutes to get to the city, and another fifteen to cross to the West Side, through Central Park. He was surprised by how small and shabby her building was. She was always so well dressed and impeccably put together that he had somehow assumed she would live in a fancier building. It had never occurred to him that she might be struggling financially. The street was all right, but her building wasn’t pretty. He got out to help her with her suitcase, and when he saw that there was no doorman, he offered to take it upstairs for her.

“Don’t worry, I can manage,” she said, slightly embarrassed to have him see her unattractive address, but her bag was heavy and he wouldn’t let her take it.

“I’d love to meet your kids,” he said with a shy smile, which surprised her, knowing that he wasn’t very interested in children. She hesitated but then invited him to come up, and he carried her bag up the two flights of stairs and waited while she fished the key out of her handbag. The moment she stepped inside, there were squeals of delight and excitement. Will threw himself into her arms and almost knocked her down. She picked him up and carried him as Phillip stood behind her and watched them. He realized now what she had left behind to do the tour with him. Seeing them made it real to him, and he understood the sacrifice she’d made leaving them and was deeply touched. Arianna was looking at him shyly, and Bentley politely stuck out his hand to shake Phillip’s, when he put the suitcase down.

The living room was small but everything was neat and clean, and the apartment was cozy and inviting. The yoga teacher was standing in the kitchen doorway. She had helped the children make a cake for their mother with pink icing and sprinkles that spelled out “Welcome Home Mom.” A tiny white long-haired Chihuahua was barking frantically. It was loving chaos, and Hailey hugged and kissed each of them and held them close to her as Phillip smiled at the scene. He didn’t want to intrude, but he was enjoying it, and it told him more about who she was than anything else could have. This was who she was too, not just the woman who had escorted him so efficiently through seven cities in two weeks.

“I think I’m leaving you in good hands,” he said before he left her to celebrate her triumphant return with her children. He walked out quietly after saying goodbye to her, and as soon as the door closed behind him, Arianna looked at her intensely.

“Is he your boyfriend, Mom?”

Hailey was shocked at the question.

“Of course not. He’s my client. He’s an author, which is why we went on the book tour, so he could go on TV and give interviews, so more people would know about his new book.” She knelt down and opened her suitcase then, and started handing out the small souvenirs she’d brought them from every city, sweatshirts and pencils and tiny teddy bears, a Dodgers cap for Bentley, and the autograph from her favorite rock star to Arianna. She squealed when she saw it.

“You met her?”

“Phillip was on the same TV show with her, so I asked her for her autograph when we were in the green room together.”

“What’s the green room? Is it green?” Will wanted to know.

“No, it’s not green. It’s a waiting room, kind of like a living room, where people wait to go on TV. They have lots of things to eat, and I watched the show from there.” It had been fun for her too.

Xena, the yoga teacher, gathered up her things and got ready to leave a little while later, and the children were sad to see the dog go. Her name was Pamela and they loved her. They all said they wanted a Chihuahua, except Will, who wanted a Great Dane. He had seen one in the park, and said it was big enough to ride, like a pony.

Hailey thanked Xena before she left. “You really saved me. I couldn’t have done the tour without you.” She wouldn’t have had enough babysitters to cover the full two weeks.

“You have terrific kids. I’m going to miss them. Call me anytime to babysit. We’re best friends now.”

It took a while for everyone to settle down. And while they were going through the gifts she’d brought them, she went and changed into her nightgown and bathrobe. It felt good to be home in her fuzzy slippers and robe, with her children around her. Will looked to her as though he’d grown. Bentley was the same sturdy boy, and Arianna suddenly looked more grown up. Maybe it had been good for them to manage for two weeks without her. No one was complaining. Will said he wanted chocolate ice cream for breakfast, with chocolate sauce and marshmallows, like Xena gave them.

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