Home > Fearless(29)

Author: Tia Louise

Hana needs to grow up and get help, and she’s not going to do it with her sister bailing her ass out all the time.

“What’s this shit about Hana?” Scar’s voice is fierce, and I glance at him, wondering how he’s planning to handle the problem.

Dirk clears his throat, standing and scratching his butt through his boxer briefs as he walks towards the kitchen. “Last time I text your ass in the middle of the night.”

“I didn’t know it was private.” I follow him to the sink.

“It’s not private, but it’s not on fire either. You could’ve let me get a few hours sleep.”

He turns on the water, filling a kettle before putting it on the stove. We’re waiting, arms crossed as he grabs his iPad pro. “I’ve been tracking this guy Ivanov.”

“One of the guys from the ledger?”

“A relative, I think. He’s into horses and strippers. And porn.”

Scar’s arms lower, and his fists clench. “Go on.”

“He’s pretty sloppy at securing his data. I found chatter between him and this other guy Sidorov about throwing a loop over a honey pot. Instead of names, they’re Honey and Black. I’m pretty sure Honey is Hana.” He swipes across the screen, showing us the texts. “They think they can get Black to pay them to kill an mp4 labeled with the initials 3L.”

Protective rage surges in my chest. “You think Black is Blake?”

“It fits, right?” Dirk blinks up at me. “Two rich socialites, one a bit of a loose cannon with a lot of gambling debts.”

“You think it’s a porn film?”

“Licking Lady Liberty?” He arches an eyebrow. “I don’t know what else it could be. I’ve been trying to access this file, but whoever encrypted it knows what they’re doing.”

“Is that everything?” Anger tightens my throat, and I’m ready to hunt down this Ivanov asshole.

“It looks like he’s made contact with Black, but she’s not playing ball. I don’t know what their threats are, but I’d be willing to bet they’re bearing down hard. They’re hoping for half a mil from her.”

“Must be a pretty sick porno.”

“Or something they don’t want all over the media.”

“Mother fuckers,” Scar exhales a hot breath. “I want to know who these assholes are, where they live.”

Dirk turns serious eyes on me. “Has Blake said anything to you about it?”

“No.” I’m pissed someone’s threatening her, and I’m more pissed she didn’t tell me.

On top of that, I’m pissed my first thought is Nobody fucks with my girl, especially after my decision last night.

“That’s all I got.” Dirk pours boiling water over coffee grounds. “I plan to spend today tracking down more info on who this Ivanov might be.”

“Let’s get started.” Scar pulls out a chair. “I’ll help you search.”

“I’m going to start at Hugh’s place.” Taking his keys, I head for the door. “It’s possible the answer might have come to us.”

Even if it hasn’t, Blake is going to tell me what the hell she’s hiding.







“Where did you get it, Hana?” My sister’s blue eyes open slowly, and she frowns up at me.

“What time is it?” Pushing off her pillow, she digs out her phone.

“Time to get up and start telling me the truth. I can’t believe I thought you’d changed.”

After storming into the house last night, I went straight to my sister’s empty room and began searching. I pulled out every drawer in her lingerie chest, searching the spaces between the drawers as well as the contents. Nothing.

I opened and inspected every container in her cosmetics bag and her toiletries case. I opened every book, shaking them so the bookmarks and pressed flowers fell out onto the desk. I didn’t find any drugs or paraphernalia, so I sat on her bed fuming, waiting for her to appear.

Finally, when she still wasn’t home after midnight, I gave up and went to my room where I punched on my pillow several times, pretending it was him. Then I pulled it to my chest and hugged it as angry tears coated my cheeks.

How dare he be right? How dare she make him right? I look like a fucking fool. After a long time, sleep took me away from the pain and frustration.

Now I feel torn and shaky. I’m tired of carrying this burden alone. I’m pissed that Hutch would judge my sister, and I’m annoyed that he might be right.

Either way, I’m not letting her do this again. I’m still trying to put out her last fire.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She flops back against the headboard. “Go away and let me sleep.”

“Hutch said you were out with Trip two nights ago. He said you were high. Is that true?”

Her dark brow furrows, and she lifts her thumb to her mouth, chewing on her cuticle. “Did I see Hutch two nights ago?”

Reaching out, I grab her hand and pull it down to her lap. “We’ve had dinner at his house every night since we’ve been here.”

Her pink lips pout, and she rolls her eyes towards the window. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Who gave you drugs? Was it Trip?”

“I don’t remember.” She shifts her body away from me, pulling the blankets over her shoulder.

I’m so not in the mood for this act. Reaching for her shoulder, I pull her over to face me. “You can’t keep doing this, Hana. You’ve got to take responsibility for your life and start acting like an adult.”

“What does that mean? Acting like an adult.” Her voice rises. “Who gives a shit what we do?”

“I give a shit. I want your life to have meaning. You have talents. Find a way to use them to contribute or at least to find happiness.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do. What are you doing?”

My head hurts. My heart hurts, and I’m so tired. “You have no idea what all I do.”

“You have no idea what I do.” She turns away again, and I don’t pull her back or try to engage anymore.

There’s no joy in protecting her.

Leaving the room, I walk down the hall to the main house. I’m so tired, and I have no one to lean on. I’ve lost the one person I could maybe go to for help. Now I’m facing a blackmail deadline and the very real possibility my sister might never get better.

I’m not ready to give up, but this ache in my chest is so strong.

Rubbing my hand over my forehead, I’m considering going back to bed when I see the light on in Uncle Hugh’s office. My brow furrows, and the low tone of male voices drifts to me. Hope squeezes my chest, and I break into a short trot.

Is it possible–is he back? Oh, God, it’s exactly the help I need. I round the corner then skid to a stop, ice replacing the hope in my veins.

“It’s all law books and leather-bound classics.” Trip leans against the desk holding a copy of Great Expectations. “You’re wasting your time. Hello, B.”

“Trip.” I’m breathless from my jog. “What are you doing here? Where’s Norris?”

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