Home > Fearless(30)

Author: Tia Louise

“We let ourselves in.” Greg levels his gaze on me in a way that makes my heart beat faster.

“Why?” My eyes go from him to Trip, who breaks into that casual grin.

“Just looking for a book. What’s your favorite Dickens?” His eyebrow arches. “I like the one with Pip. He finds out the person helping him is also a convict.”

“I don’t have a favorite.” The pity party consuming my mind is gone, and I’m back to the bad bitch who protects her family. “You’re not to be in here. It’s my uncle’s private office.”

Greg steps between us, and his tone is sharp. “Tell me, Blake, where is your uncle again?”

“I told you, he’s visiting friends.”

“Yet he invited you and Hana here for a visit. Why would he do that if he planned to be gone?”

“Maybe we got our dates crossed.”

“I don’t think you did.” Greg steps closer, and his black eyes sear into mine.

I don’t know what he’s looking for, but the scar tingling above my eyebrow reminds me I’m not intimidated by bullies. “I don’t care what you think.”

Trip stands, but Greg doesn’t move. His eyes go from my face to my uncle’s disheveled desk and back to me again before he blinks. “Your uncle has something that belongs to me.”

Pulling my chin back, I try to think. “Does my uncle even know you?”

“That’s a good question.” He watches me, waiting, and the skin on my neck tightens.

“You think I know what you’re talking about?”

“Do you?”

Huffing a laugh, I shake my head. “This is bullshit. Tell me what you’re looking for, and perhaps Norris can help us find it.”

“I’m not talking to Norris.”

Trip interrupts with his usual nonchalance. “Here’s the mystery I want solved. What’s up with you and the big guy? How long has that been going on?”

I blink away from Greg’s persistent stare. “Nothing is going on with Hutch. He’s a friend of my uncle’s. We’ve known each other since we were kids.”

“Don’t lie to me, old chap.” Pushing off the desk, he wraps an arm around my shoulders, guiding me to the door. “Has the town detective taken you behind the barn yet?”

My cheeks heat, and I shrug out of his embrace. “I’m on my way to the kitchen for coffee. Would you join me?”

“No thanks.” Greg’s shoulders relax, but his eyes are still cold. Walking to the door, he hesitates beside Trip. “We’re heading back to New York. Now.”

“Ah, yes. The gala.” Trip shoves his hands in his pockets and turns to follow his friend. “I guess this is au revoir, B. You and Hana will be missed.”

Greg Peters is not getting off that easily. He’s up to something, and I intend to find out what it is and what it has to do with my uncle.

Squaring my shoulders, I follow them out into the hall. “I’ve decided to go to the gala. I just need to pack a bag.”

“Make it quick.” Greg doesn’t turn. “We’re leaving in twenty minutes.”

“I’ll be ready in ten.”







Hana’s in the kitchen when I use my key to enter. Our eyes meet, and she gives me a careful smile. “It’s like you live here or something.”

Her voice is soft, and she sips a mug of what I presume is coffee. It could be anything.

“Your uncle gave me a key.” My focus is on finding Blake, and I quickly scan the room to find us alone.

“It’s kind of crazy how he disappeared like that. Any idea where he went?”

“None.” I don’t have time to hang out and chat.

I start for the door when she puts her mug down, standing straighter. “I got some cute shots of you and Pepper last night. I’ll run them by your house when she gets home from school.”

My conversation with her sister is on my mind. She must read it on my face, because she quickly adds. “Or at dinner. If we’re still doing that, I mean.”

“Of course. Lurlene is expecting you.”

She nods, looking down before quietly adding, “She’s a really great kid. ”

“I think she is. Thanks.”

“My life went to shit after my dad died.” Her voice drops. “She’s lucky to have you.”

I don’t know Hana very well. I haven't made up my mind how I feel about this girl who’s normal one minute then high as a kite or mixed up in a gambling-porn-blackmail racket the next. I know she’s important to Blake, and while I disagree with her reasons, it makes me want to try.

“I’m sorry.” Clearing my throat, I take a step back to where she’s standing. “I’m sure that was hard for you.”

“Our past makes us who we are today, right?”

“And the choices we make.” She doesn’t respond, so I put it out there. “I don’t want Pepper around things that could hurt her.”

She doesn’t meet my eyes, but she nods. “Blake is like that.”

“You could be a little more like that yourself.”

“I don’t want to hurt anyone.” Her brow furrows, and she looks up at me. “I want to have experiences. I’m an artist.”

“Art isn’t about gambling debts and porn films.”

The color drains from her face. “What do you know about that?”

It’s enough to draw me closer. For the first time, she might choose to remember. “What do you know about someone named Ivanov?”

Her body is tense, and her eyes flutter away. She seems to be closing in on herself. “Nothing. I don’t know him.”

“But you know it’s a him?” Her chin lowers, and she starts chewing her thumb. I’ve seen her shut down this way before. It’s annoying as fuck, and I don’t have time for it. “Where’s Blake?”

“She’s not here.”

“Did she go into town? I need to speak to her.”

“She left with Trip and his friend. They went back to New York.”

“New York?” Cold filters through my veins. “Did she say why?”

“Trip said they were going to the gala, but Blake said I had to stay here.” Hana turns her back and walks to the window. “We always go to the gala together.”

Knowing what I know now, I’m pretty confident the gala is not why Blake went to the city.

“Listen to me,” I catch Hana by the arm and turn her to face me. “I need you to think. Who would Blake go to see in New York?”

Her brow furrows, and she shakes her head. “I don’t know.”

For once it’s possible she’s telling the truth. “When is the gala?”

“Tonight at nine. Are you going?” She studies my face. “Can I go with you?”

“I think your sister’s right. You’d better stay here. I’ll have Scar and Dirk keep an eye on you. Spend the night at my place if you don’t want to stay here alone.”

She pulls her arm out of my grip and walks away, but I don’t have time to waste.

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