Home > Sun Crossed (Zodiac Wolves #3)(41)

Sun Crossed (Zodiac Wolves #3)(41)
Author: Elizabeth Briggs

He stalked toward it through the Sun Witches' perfect garden, the one they'd created as a gift to the Leos. I followed him, at a loss for what else to do, though bile rose in my throat with every step. Memories flashed back of the last time I'd been in the gazebo, when Jordan had tried to force me to mate with him under another full moon. Had the Sun Witches controlled him, that night? I wasn't sure.

Kaden stopped in front of the structure and looked up at it. Then he stepped forward and punched one of the pillars as a look of pure fury crossed his face. The wood gave way under his shifter strength instantly, and the whole gazebo buckled. The structure groaned out a warning, but Kaden ignored it and ripped the broken piece from the rest of the gazebo and tossed it down.

Bit by bit he tore the structure down with his bare hands, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from his attack. It was oddly satisfying seeing him destroy the gazebo after all the pain the place had caused me. When it collapsed into a pile at his feet, I let out a sigh of relief, as if a huge weight had been lifted.

Finally, after the gazebo lay in pieces at his feet, Kaden began to glow. I watched mutely, trying to figure out what the hell he was doing. A strong wave of moonlight pulsed from Kaden's body, spreading over the surrounding garden. The plants withered and died on impact, leaving nothing but a bunch of husks.

“What are you doing?” I asked finally as Kaden set the remaining pieces of the gazebo on fire with his magic.

“I'm sending a warning,” Kaden said, turning to look at me. His face was grim as he stepped away from the chaos he had created. “A reminder not to mess with me, or my people. Or my woman.”

A shiver ran down my spine at his possessive words—and how much I liked them.

Maybe I didn't hate this villainous version of Kaden as much as I'd thought.






We searched the Leo village until well after dawn but found no sign of anyone nor any trace of where they'd gone. It seemed as though the place had been abandoned for some time, but Kaden wanted to wait 'til after dawn anyway in case they returned once the full moon was over. When no one showed up, we finally returned to the hotel with one very frustrated alpha.

Everyone was exhausted beyond measure, and like them, I was ready to sleep and forget about this entire night. But Kaden was wound tight with anger and restless energy, and I followed him as he headed straight for Jordan's cell and barreled through the door.

Jordan was still chained up and slumped over on the ground, but at least he'd survived the night. He raised his head and looked to be weak from the poison, but lucid enough. His eyes flicked to me, and that seemed to enrage Kaden even more.

“Where did the Leos go?” Kaden snarled at Jordan. “Your town was empty, and I know you had something to do with it.”

Jordan gave Kaden a bored look. “How would I know?” he drawled. “I don't exactly have a phone in here, or any way to communicate with my pack.”

Kaden moved in the blink of an eye and picked Jordan up by the throat, chains and all, too quick for me to do anything to stop him. He shoved Jordan against the wall, one hand wrapped around his neck. Jordan began struggling and sputtering, trying to get air, but Kaden was merciless. I stepped forward to stop him, but Jordan's eyes flicked to me, and he shook his head slightly.

“Tell me where the fuck your pack is, or I'll kill you,” Kaden growled.

Jordan coughed, trying to get air. “I don't know,” he wheezed out. “And even if I did, I would sooner die than lead you to my pack.”

Kaden growled again and gripped Jordan's throat harder. The sound of Jordan choking was horrible, and I couldn't just stand by while Kaden did this, no matter how much I hated what Jordan had put me through in the past.

"No!" I said, trying to yank him off Jordan. “Don't kill him! He's more useful to us alive!”

For a second, I didn't think Kaden would listen. He bared his teeth at me and tightened his hold on Jordan's throat as if to prove a point. Jordan struggled against his chains, but he couldn't do anything to defend himself against the attack.

"Stop, Kaden!" I shouted, drawing moon magic into myself, ready to unleash a moonbeam bolt at Kaden if I had to. "Or I will make you stop!"

Kaden finally let go at those words and shoved Jordan back against the wall. He glowered at me. "You would fight me over him?" he asked, jerking his chin at Jordan.

"I will fight you when you're being a stubborn mule of an alpha who needs to go calm down before he does something he regrets," I snapped.

"Fine,” Kaden said and stormed out without another word.

I let out a breath as I watched Kaden go. I had no doubt I'd have hell to pay for this later, but I needed Jordan alive. I crouched down in front of my brother and reached out to check his throat. His pulse was pounding with adrenaline against my fingers, and Jordan's eyes opened to look at me.

“Can you breathe?” I asked.

Jordan nodded slowly and swallowed. He coughed a few times, and I let out a sigh. He was going to be fine. The healing would go a bit slower because of the poison that still ran through his veins, but he would heal completely.

I called on the guards to unchain Jordan, then made sure he had a good breakfast sent up. He would need it for his shifter healing to kick in. Then I went after Kaden.

The angry trail of his scent was easy to follow and I caught up to him fairly quickly. He glanced back at me and then continued on his way. He didn't say anything, but the anger that poured from him was loud enough. He was livid, and there was no one to pin the blame on right now. No matter how much he'd wanted to kill Jordan, he had to know on some level that Jordan hadn't had anything to do with what happened tonight.

Kaden marched right up to Ethan's office and threw the door open. Ethan looked up, startled. I was surprised to see him in his office this early, but I supposed he'd been waiting for a report on the attack on the Leo village.

“How did it go?” Ethan asked, standing up to meet Kaden.

“Call the other alphas for a meeting,” Kaden said. “Right now."

Ethan didn't cave under the pressure and simply gave Kaden a firm look. “They won't all be awake right now, but I'll schedule one for as soon as I can.”

Kaden growled low in his chest, but Ethan didn't back down. Finally, Kaden let out a frustrated breath and shook his head. “Then set one up for this afternoon. Say it's an emergency. Make sure they all come.”

“I'll do my best," Ethan said.

He went back to his desk and sat down, pointedly ignoring Kaden as he clicked a few things on his computer. Kaden left the room without saying anything else. I lingered, an apology on my lips. But what would I apologize for? Kaden being an utter asshole? Ethan should be used to that by now.

"I take it things didn't go well?" Ethan asked, without glancing up at me.

"There was no one there," I said, shaking my head. "Another dead end."

Ethan nodded grimly. "And now Kaden has a new plan."

"So it seems," I muttered, before leaving Ethan's office.

It was clear that we were wearing on Ethan's last nerve, and he would be a valuable ally to lose. I just hoped Kaden could reign it in in time for the meeting. I had no idea what he had planned, but there was a sinking feeling in my gut. Whatever it was, it wouldn't be good.

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