Home > Carson (Lighthouse Security Investigations West Coast #1)(32)

Carson (Lighthouse Security Investigations West Coast #1)(32)
Author: Maryann Jordan

Adam leaned back in his chair. “It seems like the perfect setup to transport drugs across the border. Why the fuck can’t Dave and the DEA nail them?”

“I’ve been working on this angle,” Dolby responded. “The DEA doesn’t have the manpower to stop every single truck that comes across the border at Tecate. They randomly search, and they do have dogs around. And every time they searched one of the Garzas’ trucks that either has bottles of wine or grapes, they don’t find anything.”

Grumbling ensued, and Carson gave them a minute to express their frustrations considering he felt the same. It wasn’t unusual for an investigation or mission to take weeks, but with other security jobs that needed to be worked on, he was starting to feel the tension of devoting so much manpower to the Garza takedown. Finally, he said, “Something’s going on in Tecate, and we need eyes on that as well as what’s going on in the warehouse at Vincent’s winery. My gut tells me that Alonzo is transporting drugs through Tecate somehow in a way that we haven’t perceived yet, and Vincent is receiving them and using his warehouse as the next step in the distribution chain.”

“So, what’s the plan, boss?” Rick asked.

“Let’s tackle the closest one first. Let’s get eyes and ears into Vincent’s warehouse, and then let’s get air surveillance on Tecate. And not just the winery building in Tecate but all of it. Somewhere, they're getting drugs across.”

Bennett whirled around in his chair, rubbing his hands together. “Okay, let’s get to me creating a little diversion. Tonight? Tomorrow night?”

The others laughed, moving around the table to finish their plans. Tapping on his tablet, Carson nodded. “Tomorrow night is the perfect time with a storm coming. We’ll go in as the storm passes over the area, creating a natural environment for disaster. Poole, Dolby, and I will go in as soon as Bennett hits one of the gas tanks. While Garza’s men are dealing with the fire, we’ll get in and get cameras set up so we’ll have eyes and ears on the inside. Adam and Leo will be there for backup and to drive. Two vehicles. Two points of entry. Departure based on best proximity. Jeb, you’ll take care of the eyes and ears as they’re getting things set up. Rick and Hop, you’re backup for keeping track of the security on the estate.”

The next two hours were spent going over the plan, making sure Teddy would have their equipment ready. “Tomorrow, we’ll do our final planning and work through whatever obstacles might come up before we leave in the evening. Since it’ll be a late night, you can call it a day.”

As the Keepers got ready to head home, high-fives and handshakes ensued, adrenaline was running, and excitement over the upcoming mission was high. Carson grinned, and Leo sidled up next to him.

“Looks like you took my advice.”

“You were right… this time,” he laughed. Clapping his friend on the shoulder, he added, “I stopped avoiding her, and it turns out that’s just what she was waiting for.”






“Your brother is late,” Vincent said, watching his daughter as she checked her watch. He sighed heavily. The exclusive restaurant’s staff was waiting to prepare their food until he gave the signal, and he was tempted to go ahead and give it despite Juan not being there.

“He will be here soon, I’m sure,” Maria replied, and he recognized her dutiful voice. The one she used when she was plotting and placating at the same time.

Chuckling, he reached over and patted her hand. “I reward those who please me, Daughter.” Lifting his head, he caught the gaze of the head server and received a smile and nod in return. “I took the liberty of ordering. They will begin serving soon.”

He had no doubt Juan had decided to take a detour to sample the delights of whatever woman had caught his fancy this morning. While he didn’t blame his son for his single life’s pleasures, frustration built at his son’s lackadaisical behavior of late as though the world’s riches would come to him without the hard work to make them happen.

“How are things with Uncle Alonzo and Aunt Ann?” she asked.

Her question showed deference and politeness since they saw their close relatives weekly, but as a dutiful female, she would always inquire. At least the modern American values hadn’t taken that from his teachings when his children were younger. “They are both well. Alonzo is particularly impressed with your work.” She tried to hide her smile, but her posture gave her away. He chuckled. “It’s all right to show pride where earned, Maria. And you are earning it.” He studied her, thinking of something Cheryl had said to him the other day. “Maria works very hard to make sure her place in the family is secure. Please don’t make the mistake of overlooking her just because she’s female.” He knew his children tolerated Cheryl because he had fallen in love with the beautiful woman but that there was no true respect. He wondered what Maria would think if she knew that Cheryl championed her.

The server brought their first course, and they began their meal. Juan had not appeared by the end of the soup course, and Vincent pushed his bowl away when finished. His ire at his son was growing. Looking across the table at Maria, a sense of nostalgia hit him. “You look so much like your mother.”

This time, Maria did nothing to hide her pride as her smile eased the tight muscles of her face, giving her a vulnerability rarely seen. There was a calculating, ruthless streak in his daughter that had never been present in his first wife, a sweet, loving woman who saw her only duties as being a wife and mother.

“I want you to know that Alonzo and I are planning to give you more responsibility over all our business endeavors.”

“Father, I won’t let you down,” she rushed, pleasure mixed with pride now filling her eyes.

He patted her hand. “I know. But we can discuss all that later. For now, let’s enjoy this meal.”






Jeannie looked across the table at Carson as they sat in a restaurant having dinner. She hated to drag her gaze away but knew she’d look foolish if she kept gawking in awe at him instead of eating the delicious seafood.

Just like before, their conversation was easy as they continued to get to know each other. Over wine, she asked, “Where did you grow up?”

He chuckled, and she became even more eager for his answer.

“I was born and raised in California, but not near a military base, and certainly not near a big city. My parents are great, but my grandparents were a little… um… odd.”

“Why?” she asked, leaning forward, her attention focused directly on him.

“Believe it or not, both sets of my grandparents were best described as California hippies of the 60s. They even lived in communes, dividing their time between worshiping the trees in the forest and the ocean gods.” He laughed, shaking his head. “I don’t even want to imagine what they drank, smoked, snorted, or God knows what else!”

“I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s really hard to imagine someone like you as having grandparents into sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll!”

“Tell me about it,” he agreed.

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