Home > Hollywood (Oath Keepers MC Hybrid)(12)

Hollywood (Oath Keepers MC Hybrid)(12)
Author: Sapphire Knight

I dip my head, grateful for his words. “Thanks, brother.” I’m not ready to tell him I’m fairly confident I’ve already found the woman I want. I’m keeping that bit to myself until I’ve had a chance to spend more time with her. As it stands, it never seems to be enough.

Moaning draws my attention to the far side of the room. The twins already have the new woman naked and spread out. She sucks one of their clocks while the other eats her pussy. It looks like they’ll be having a good night, and she’ll make a fine club slut.

I enjoy watching as much as any of the brothers around here, but it’s time I call it a night. With a fist bump to Blaze, I head to my room. I’ve only got one woman on my mind, and with the memories of my face buried in her pussy, I’m overdue stroking my cock. I need to come, and it’ll happen with her name on my tongue.



Chapter 7




It’s three in the morning, and Viking has half of us suited up in black riot gear. We’re strapped down with weapons and bandanas to cover our faces. The only thing visible is our arms, and even those are covered in various stages of ink.

“The fuck’s going on?” Nightmare grumbles, looking like he just crawled out of bed. He was probably up late fucking his ol’ lady or helping with the baby and barely nodded off before we got Vike’s alert.

Mercenary grunts his agreement, crossing his arms. He’s suited up as well as Zeus, Viking, Torch, Saint, and me.

“Whatever it is will turn bloody with this lot, that I don’t doubt.”

Viking smirks at my observation. “Caught wind of another load. Some serious shit’s supposed to be moved tonight.”

“All right, so why am I staying back?” Odin asks.

“Because I’ve laid low long enough. It’s time I ride with my brothers, and you get to hold up the fort.”

Odin nods, accepting the order without argument. Viking’s the prez, but aside from that, he does whatever he wants. He always has.

“What’s the plan?” Zeus asks, leaning closer, taking in the details.

“I spoke to the Russians. They’re going to take the product off our hands and export it. Get the shit back out of the fucking country.”

“Look at you, turning all Superman and shit,” Nightmare grumbles, and Vike snorts in return.

“The fuck I am. They’re gonna give us a nice payday in guns and cash for that shit, and we get it the fuck out of Texas. Less for us to deal with down the road. I didn’t get a hold of Joker in time, but Tate stepped up.”

“It’ll come back tenfold. It always does,” Sinner murmurs, and we all nod. It’s true. It seems like once we snuff out one meth and heroin load, they pop up everywhere.

“It’s asking for retribution.” Blaze huffs. “It’s not only Princess and Bethany we have to worry about anymore. There’re several ol’ ladies, and with each hit, the more they become a target. One of ‘em will end up dead if not more.”

Mercenary grunts and glares at Blaze. “I’ll filet anyone coming at Chevy. Don’t give a fuck, raze the world down for that bitch.”

Viking tips his chin. “Same, brother.” He’s literally chopped a guy’s head off for slandering his ol’ lady, so if anyone gets it, it’s him.

I went to great lengths keeping Kadence’s identity out of the public when she was growing up, so many people don’t know I even have a daughter to possibly threaten. I can’t help but think of my sexy little bartender that I haven’t shook off yet. It’s times like this, I’m glad I don’t have an ol’ lady. Not sure if I could find a woman chaotic enough to handle the rough life we live. Not only that, but she’d have to be able to deal with me being gone on runs or other business, like tonight. I have already been down that path before, worrying about my ex not coping with the separation.

Hell, I couldn’t handle another round of infidelity. If I ever find a woman... no, I can’t think like that. Yes, when I find a woman, she’s gotta have my back one hundred and fifty percent—there’s no room for distrust in our relationship. I’ve never laid hands on a woman, but if I find a man balls deep in her pussy, this go around, I may just kill them both and dust my hands of a relationship forever.

This is exactly why the idea of Hollywood and me terrifies my ass. She’s the type of woman I could see myself falling fast for—in a sense, I already have. The last thing I want is to be hurt again.

“You straight, Chaos?” Viking asks, drawing me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, I’m good,” I say automatically, realizing I’d just spaced out on the rest of the meeting. FML. Hope this doesn’t mean I end up getting shot. It’s happened in the past, and it sucks.

There’re six of us, and we load up. I’ve garnered from bits of conversation on our way outside that I’m coming along to drive the semi full of product. I understand now why Vike chose the six he did. He needed muscle and the right bit of crazy if this gets messy. I grab a few ratchet straps and stuff them into my saddlebags. I’ll need them to tie my bike in place in the back of the 18 wheeler’s trailer to transport.

“We bringing the semi to the pig farm again?” I ask Viking before he takes off.

“That’s the plan. Mafia will be waiting nearby for me to give them the signal. We’ll load up the rest of the shit we have as well, and they can take it in one haul.”

“Fuck,” I murmur. If they get popped, they’ll be going away for a hell of a long time. Glad I’m only driving the truck a short distance. I’m assuming it’s a big load if Viking has us in black, riding at three thirty in the morning. I managed to catch the brothers staying behind, saying they were going to the farm for backup in case we’d be coming in hot. This was the last thing I’d imagined we’d be doing tonight, but when the prez gives an order, you rally behind that shit and put it in motion.

We ride out, being as quiet as possible. Club whores and a couple of ol’ ladies are passed the fuck out, so we don’t need to be worrying or waking them from a wild roar in the middle of the night. Once we hit the highway, it’s another story. Viking doesn’t hesitate to haul ass wherever he’s going, always getting there fast. We fall in behind in our respective ranks, where I ride beside Mercenary. He’s not a bad brother to have at your side, and the kid knows his shit. He can be a bit of a hothead, but at times we all can.

Taillights eventually appear in front of us. I count three bikes, then the semi. I can’t see ahead of them, but I’d put money on more riders, maybe even another vehicle. Anyone moving this much money in the middle of the night wouldn’t be stupid enough to send it unprotected. Vike’s hand goes into the air. I only notice because of our headlights, and then he shoots off like a rocket. The fucker’s crazy. Torch peels off, keeping pace with Viking as they go to the far sides of the road. Zeus and Saint speed up to take the middle position.

I can understand the plan just by their positions. We’ve ridden together long enough I can read their movements. Viking and Torch haul ass to the front before anyone has a chance to react. Zeus and Saint move to the middle, planning to get the driver and passenger of the semi to stop. That means Merc and I will have to take out the three in the back.

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