Home > Just One Touch(48)

Just One Touch(48)
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron

She gave me a tender kiss goodbye in the parking lot, and I went back to the farmhouse exhausted, but excited about the next week.

Piper Patrick was officially my girlfriend.



Chapter Nineteen



I taught sunrise yoga on Wednesday, went back to the farmhouse for breakfast and a nap, worked, and then drove over to Piper’s in the afternoon.

Natalie let me in and there was a knowing smile on her face.

“Well, hello there,” she said.

I opened my mouth to say something, but she put her hand up to stop me.

“Piper already told me, so I’m going to say that I think you’re great together, and I’m really happy for you. She deserves someone good, and so do you.”

Well, that was nice to hear. I waited for her to tell me that I was moving too fast, or that I should consider what I was signing up for, but she didn’t.

“Do you want anything?” she asked, and I told her that I could make my own tea.

“Yeah, of course. Help yourself to anything. I’m going to get back to work.” Natalie gave me another smile before heading to the office.

I heard her say a few words to Piper, and then she appeared around the corner in her work attire.

There was something unbearably sexy about Piper in a gauzy top and pencil skirt. She was even wearing heels.

Part of me wanted to ask why she wore such fancy outfits when she worked from home, but I liked seeing her in those outfits too much.

“Hello there,” I said, putting my tea down and holding my arms out to her.

“Hello. How’s your day been?” We shared a kiss and she beamed at me.

“It’s better now that I’m here,” I said. “You look incredible.”

“I do?” she said, looking down at her clothes. “It’s just my regular work outfit.”

“Well, it’s working for you,” I said, sliding my hand down to grab her ass. She yelped and then made a different sound as I stroked her a little in the same spot.

“Ohhh, you can’t do that. You’re going to distract me.”

“Isn’t that what I’m here for?” I asked.

“You’re here for a whole lot of reasons,” she said, and an alarm went off on her phone. “I have to go get Preston. So work is pretty much done for the day. I will be back in a few.” She pulled away from me and started to gather her purse.

“Can I come?” I asked.

“You want to come with me?” She looked at me as if I’d asked to go with her to the moon.

“I mean, sure. Why not?”

She smiled softly. “Okay. Sure.”



“He might be cranky today, so prepare yourself,” Piper said as we pulled into the daycare parking lot. I’d seen it before because I’d come to pick up Julia a few times when her car wasn’t working.

“I’ll be right back,” she said, getting out. I stayed in the car, figuring I didn’t need to go in with her and cause all kinds of questions.

Piper came out of the front door a little while later with Preston, his little backpack over her shoulder and his hand in hers.

A warm, expansive feeling filled my chest and for some reason the sight of the two of them together made me so emotional, I had to blink back tears.

Preston had a smile on his face and instead of walking, he bounced his way to the car.

“Hi, Preston,” I said when Piper opened the door to put him in his car seat.

“Hi, Kenna!” he said, waving at me as Piper tried to strap him in.

“Did you have a good day?” I asked. Piper finally got him buckled and checked the adjustment before putting his bag on the seat next to him.

“I had a excellent day,” he said, and I could tell he was happy with himself for such a big word.

“Whoa, that good? What did you do?” I asked and he started chattering, telling all kinds of stories about what he did, and I found Piper looking at me.

Thank you she mouthed.

I could understand how being confronted with the energy of a toddler could be overwhelming, especially after a long day of work. So I talked with Preston the whole way back.

“I’ll get him,” I said when we arrived back at Piper’s house.

“Okay,” she said.

“Come on, buddy,” I said, undoing the car seat and helping Preston to the ground.

“What do you say?” Piper asked, grabbing her bag and Preston’s.

“Thank you, Kenna,” he said, and then ran up the steps.

“You’re welcome,” I said as he fumbled with the doorknob.

Natalie was still there working on some things and greeted Preston with a big hug and kiss.

“Oh, you’re getting so big. Stop it,” she said, growling and swinging him side to side.

“You’re telling me,” Piper said, slipping off her heels with a sigh.

“I got an answer about that proposal while you were gone, do you want to see it?” Natalie asked, setting Preston down.

“Yeah, I do.” Piper said. “I hate to ask this, but can you watch him for a few minutes?” The question was directed at me.

“Of course,” I said.

She smiled and followed Natalie to the office.

Preston was already tearing open the storage ottoman and looking for his favorite toys. He also pulled out a few books from the other ottoman.

“Kenna, please read to me?” he asked. How could I say no to that?”

I sat on the couch and he climbed into my lap and I held the story so he could see the pictures.

“I help turn the pages,” he told me, and whenever I asked him to, he would.

We finished one book, then another, then another. He didn’t seem to be getting bored.

When we finished the third book, Preston sighed.

“Snack time?”

I figured it was almost his dinner time, but I didn’t know what Piper’s snack policy was.

“We need to ask Mama about that one,” I said.

“Mama says that we can have some crackers and peanut butter, but we don’t want to spoil our dinner,” Piper’s voice said, and I turned to see her leaning on the wall and watching us.

Preston crawled off my lap and ran to the kitchen.

“Kenna, want some crackers?” he asked.

“Sure, if you’re sharing,” I said.

“I will share,” he said, nodding. I looked at Piper and we were both trying not to laugh.

“Thanks so much for sharing with me,” I said.



Dinner got a little chaotic with trying to keep little hands from touching the stove, or the oven, or sharp knives, or anything else that might harm tiny hands.

Preston cried a little bit and Piper had to take him aside and give him a safety talk.

She was such a good mother. She validated his feelings while reminding him that she was trying to help him not get hurt.

Dinner was less dramatic, and then it was time for the bedtime routine and once we closed the door on Preston’s room, I let out a yawn.

“I know,” Piper said. “He’s a lot.”

She looked down and frowned.

“He is. But it’s nothing I can’t handle. Remember that video I sent you of all the niblings watching a movie? Preston is chill in comparison.”

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