Home > Rescue Us (Next Generation #7)(3)

Rescue Us (Next Generation #7)(3)
Author: J.M. Walker

I was thankful the center had grown as much as it had and that I was handed information for the center from the social worker at the hospital. I couldn’t stay in that city. I couldn’t even stay in that state. When I first wrote down my need to leave, my social worker did her research and returned with the information on The Dove Project. I agreed that it was the place for me and she set it up.

I wasn’t sure what would have happened to me if that raid had never occurred at the brothel. The only thing I currently knew, as safe as I thought I was, someone was likely looking for me. Maybe someone would always be looking for me.

I also knew that one day, the monsters would come. Whether it be the ones in my head or the ones lurking in the dark corners of my room. It was only a matter of time before they came to collect. I just didn’t know who would be first.

The ones in my head.

Or him.




I didn’t usually visit my parents’ gravesite by myself, but my brother was off doing who knew what, and I didn’t feel like waiting for him. He typically joined me, was the first one to arrive most times, but not today. For whatever reason, pussy was more important to him. That was the excuse he always made anyway but I knew that it went deeper than that. He missed them. Both of us did but their deaths affected us in different ways.

Our parents had been gone for over twenty years, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less.

Both shot and killed within a year of each other, the agony over losing our mom and dad when we had been so young, would forever be etched on our damn souls.

We had different ways of coping with that loss. Sammy fucked through anything he could stick his dick into, and I fought. I also drank a bit at times but fighting was better and helped me deal.

Glancing at the headstone one last time, I took a deep breath, swallowed my sorrow, and headed back to my bike. It had belonged to our father. Even though it was old, the machine purred like it was brand-new. Keeping up on the maintenance helped and I would ride it into the ground if I had to.

My phone took that moment to buzz. It was later in the afternoon and while most were getting dinner ready, I was itching for more. Something else. Something different. Something I never had before.

Checking my cell, I saw a text from my brother.

Sammy: The kitties are in full swing tonight.

My brother’s choice of words when it came to women, was interesting to say the least. I couldn’t wait for the day when a woman brought him to his knees.

Me: On my way.

Sammy: I’ll keep them warm for you.

I rolled my eyes, stuffing my phone back in the pocket on the inside of my leather cut.

Sammy’s views on women changed depending on how they acted. Most threw themselves at him, so he would fuck them and leave. Pussy was pussy. His words. I knew there was someone out there for him and I had a feeling that he had already found her. Especially since he had become moodier over the past few months. A lot of shit went down in the last year. Things we never even saw coming. They never affected us directly but seeing family members almost lose each other and a child at the hands of vile human beings, we upped the protection and remained as quiet as could be as a result of it.

My brother was now on edge and searching for something much like I was, but I didn’t know what. I didn’t think he knew either.

I wanted a good girl. Someone who was okay with sitting at home on a Friday night and watching re-runs of The Office. Someone who enjoyed the simple things in life. Like a home-cooked meal or that first cup of coffee in the morning. But I also wanted someone who had a passionate part of them just the same. A part that they would only let me see. I wanted her at my feet when the moment called for it, but also at my side.

I wasn’t happy being single anymore and had been looking for that special someone for a while, but something was always stopping me. Endless dates were a recurring thing for me until our cousin asked both Sammy and me to watch over his girl and daughter. I didn’t mind as it was distracting, and Piper Michaels was like a little sister to us anyway.

Slipping on my helmet, I straddled my bike and let out a sigh as the engine roared to life. Driving the distance to Rouge, the strip club Sammy was at. The length of time it took to get there eased some of the tension resting on my shoulders.

When I arrived at the club, it was pushing seven at night. It was still too early to be attending a strip club, but I never said anything and just went with it. I also had to look out for my brother. He was a hothead and was going to get himself mixed up with the wrong woman one day who had an ex that was larger than him. Sammy was a nasty fighter and one of these days, he was going to get himself hurt or worse.

“It’s about time you showed up.” Sammy butted out his smoke on the bottom of his Shit-Kicker and pushed away from the wall.

Killing the engine, I pulled off my helmet. “Why are you here so early?”

“I was bored.” He grunted, pulling a pack of cigarettes out from the inside of his cut. He lit up another smoke, took a deep inhale, and let it out through his nostrils. The spicy scent of the tobacco wafted into my nose. He was stressed about something. It was the only reason he was currently chain-smoking.

“You’re always bored.” I slid off my bike and placed the helmet in the side storage compartment before locking it back up.

“Nah, brother. It’s getting worse.”

I straightened, slowly looking at him over my shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

He shrugged, puffing away on that damn smoke.

“Sam.” I went up to him and took the smoke from between his fingers before bringing it up to my mouth. Inhaling the sweet, spicy bliss, I let the smoke settle deep in my lungs before blowing it out slowly between my lips.

“Nothing’s wrong exactly. I just...” He looked at the building behind him. Rouge sat in large red letters above the door. It had been our home away from home for years. We knew the owners and the women who danced. We even knew the regular customers. If new people came into the club, we made it a point to get to know them as well.

“You’re wanting something more than just easy pussy,” I told him.

“Is that what you want?” he asked, still looking at the building.

“I’ve been wanting it for years, Sammy.” I clapped his shoulder, handing him back his smoke.

“Why? Women are difficult, brother.” He stuck the smoke back between his lips. “They usually come with baggage or a large fucker for an ex.”

“That’s because you go after women who aren’t readily available.” I went to walk past him when a thought came to me. “How’s Red?”

His dark eyes locked with mine. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I chuckled, shaking my head and heading into the club. Sammy followed because I knew he would. Even though I could hear him grumbling shit about the woman he was currently hung up on, he followed because he wanted to see her. She was a dancer and only ever went topless if the owners demanded it. It didn’t happen often because even when she was clothed, she could move and had the men drooling at her feet.

Once Sammy and I were seated at our usual booth, his mood changed. He scowled, glaring at everyone who walked past our table.

“Seriously, Sam. Chill the fuck out.” I stared at my twin. “What the hell is your problem?”

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