Home > Rescue Us (Next Generation #7)(7)

Rescue Us (Next Generation #7)(7)
Author: J.M. Walker

His mouth spread into a smirk, something flashing in his eyes.

Piper muttered something to him, gently pushing him out the door. I watched as she was greeted by Jaron. Before she even made it to their car, he had her in his arms. She threw her head back. Even though I couldn’t hear her, I could feel her laughter and for the second time that day, I smiled.




She was absolutely breathtaking. Especially when she smiled. As cliché as it sounded, it lit up her whole face and reached her eyes. I woke up that morning in a shitty mood only to meet this beautiful woman and have her smile pull me out from under the dark cloud that constantly hung over my head.

Her blonde hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail with loose strands framing her face. Her lips were a light pink and freckles sat on her nose and cheeks where the sun had kissed her skin. She appeared to be small under the ripped jeans and baggy sweater she was wearing but I knew that if I let her, she could force me to my knees, and I would comply.


Once I realized that Ainsley didn’t speak, I racked my brain with the sign language I had learned as a kid. Thankfully, I had practiced often and kept up on it as best I could, but it wasn’t something I let most know. Even my own brother didn’t know I knew ASL. But when Ainsley realized that we could communicate without her having to constantly use her phone, the hope dancing in her eyes made me realize that I had kept up on the language for a reason.

But her panic attack bothered me.

And the way Sammy looked at her, bothered me even more. Not because he wanted her. I knew he didn’t. He had someone already in mind, but he looked at Ainsley like she was beneath him. I didn’t know why. He had peculiar tastes when it came to sex. I only knew because I had walked in on him one too many times. I had seen women in all sorts of positions but one thing I had noticed over the years, he always kept his clothes on. It wasn’t something I questioned him about. Obviously, we were close but it was a line that neither of us crossed and we liked it that way.

A tap on the window pulled me from my thoughts. Sammy scowled, nodded once, and in not so many words, told me to hurry my ass up.

I looked down at Ainsley.

While she was pale, her cheeks held a glow that I found I wanted to explore and make the rest of her glow just the same.

Blood pulsed through my cock, making it jump the longer she stared up at me. Clearing my throat, I backed up. “It was nice meeting you, pet.”

Something flashed in her eyes at the term of endearment.

Proud of myself, I left the building and was met by my grumpy as fuck brother.

“Who is she?” he asked, following along beside me as we walked toward Jaron and Piper’s car.

“I just met her the same time you did,” I told him.

“You gonna hit that?”

I stopped, turning on him. “I don’t hit women. That’s you.”

He rolled his eyes. “I don’t hit women either. Hitting involves punching and shit. Spanking is a different story.”

“Still considered hitting.” It didn’t if it was a kink and that was your thing, but he was pissing me off.

“It does not.” His scowl deepened. “Tell him, Jaron.”

Jaron chuckled, pulling Piper closer to his side. “I’m not saying shit.”

Piper looked between us. “As long as it’s consensual between all adult parties, who cares?”

“Exactly.” Sammy punched my shoulder. “That’s why Piper’s my favorite.”

It was my turn to roll my eyes then.

They laughed but I wasn’t feeling it. I loved Sammy. He was more than just my brother. He was my best friend. But he had become moodier over the past few months, and it affected everyone around him. I wasn’t sure what his deal was, but it was annoying as fuck.

While they continued talking, I looked back at the building. The Dove Project was a center to help human trafficking victims. While they sometimes helped domestic abuse victims as well, it was mostly for those who had survived being taken.

I couldn’t see Ainsley from where I was standing but I could sense her. Was this how it was with my parents? Were they attracted to each other right away? While it hurt to think about them, I’d heard over the years that my mom had started a rumor about herself to get my dad’s attention. Making a mental note to find out more, I turned back around.

“We should go.” Jaron cupped Piper’s stomach.

“I’m feeling like pasta.” Piper paled. “Wait, never mind.”

We laughed.

“We’ll find something to help settle your stomach, babe.” Jaron kissed the side of her head.

“I didn’t have morning sickness like this with Brynlee.” Piper shook herself, blowing out slow breaths. “It only lasted the first couple of months with her but this one has been nonstop and it’s kicking my ass.”

“It’s almost time,” Sammy reminded her. “And then you can go back to making more babies.”

“Oh God. I need a break.” Piper laughed. “But not from the trying to make babies part.” She waggled her eyebrows.

Jaron lightly smacked her ass. “Good. Now let’s go. Gotta feed my girl.”

Piper shook her head, a wide smile spreading on her face.

Heading to my bike, I glanced back at the large window. When I saw Ainsley standing there, I stood up straighter and popped the collar of my hoodie beneath my leather cut.

She waved.

I nodded once.

“Do you want that?”

I frowned, glancing at Sammy. “Want what?” I asked, looking back at the large window. When Ainsley was no longer standing there, my frown deepened.

“A relationship and a family.”

Straddling my bike, I ran a hand down my face. “One day.” I just wanted a good girl. A wife. Kids weren’t a priority on my list but if it happened, I would be happy. At the moment, I just wanted a relationship.

Sammy nodded, throwing a leg over the seat of his own bike.

“Do you want the same, Sammy?”

“I have you.”

I scoffed. “That’s not the same.”

“No, I guess it’s not,” he murmured.

“What about Red?” I asked, knowing that I was taking a chance by asking him about her.

He stiffened. “What about her?”

“Have you asked her out yet? Wined and dined her? You know, the usual shit that you hate doing.”

“No but if anyone deserves it, it’s her.”

“What are you waiting for then?” I asked, surprised that he was opening up a bit about her. It was one thing I had learned about my brother. He talked about the women, all of the women, but when it came to Red, he kept that shit closed off. He must have really liked her because I didn’t know anything about her. Just her nickname and that she worked at Rouge.

“I’m waiting for her to make a move,” Sammy admitted, pulling on his helmet.


“You ask a lot of questions, brother.” He hesitated. “If she makes a move, then I’ll know.” He turned on his bike, revved the engine, and drove off leaving me wondering what the hell was going on with him.

Something deep within me told me to go to Ainsley. To talk to her. To get her to sign, so I could learn more about her. I wanted her words, but I wasn’t lucky enough to get them from her. Maybe one day. Maybe never. Either way, there was something about her that I craved. I could sense that she kept a part of herself hidden. I would earn her trust, so she would reveal all to me. No matter how long it took.

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