Home > The Summer Getaway(98)

The Summer Getaway(98)
Author: Susan Mallery

   Harlow thought about how everything was different now. “Yes. We’re good. We’re both moving on with our lives.”

   “She’s going back to California?”

   Harlow nodded. Hopefully her mom would have the courage to tell Mason how she really felt, and they could work it out. They were so good together, and she would, selfishly, like to have Mason as her stepdad. And speaking of stepparents...

   “My dad’s going to buy my mom’s house,” she said. “It’s a whole thing with Zafina.”

   She explained how her father technically owned half the house and that he’d brought Zafina to see it.

   “I left for an hour,” she continued. “They were still there when I got back, and Zafina couldn’t stop crying. I assume that was pregnancy hormones, because she doesn’t strike me as the crying type.”

   Their drinks arrived. When their server had left, Harlow said, “They’re getting married.”

   “You okay with that?” Enid asked.

   “I guess. I’m going to have a half brother or sister. That’s weird. Okay—we’ve only talked about me. Time for a subject change.”

   They talked about Enid’s fall class schedule and whether or not she thought she could come back for the Christmas holiday. They ordered their dinner, then a second round of drinks. At a break in the conversation, Harlow reached into her bag and pulled out an envelope.

   “So, I have something for you,” she said, smiling at her friend. “Before I give it to you, I want you to know how much your friendship means to me. You’re smart and kind and supportive, and you could be best friends with anyone, but you’ve chosen me. I know I don’t always make it easy.”

   Enid looked confused and a little afraid. “What are you talking about?”

   “Medical school. It’s not right you’re going to graduate with a hundred thousand dollars in debt.”

   Enid grimaced. “You’re talking about my outburst from before. Pretend that never happened. I’ll be fine. It’s no big deal.”

   “It kind of is, and I want to help.” She held out the envelope. “With this.”

   Enid took it and pulled out the check. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open as she stared at the amount.

   “No! You can’t. Harlow, what are you doing?”

   “Giving you a check for fifty thousand dollars.”

   Enid started to cry. “You don’t have this kind of money. This is crazy. No. I won’t accept it.”

   “You have to. And I do have the money.” She told her about the inheritance from Lillian. “I want to do this. Enid, you’re my friend, and I love you. Let me do this for you. Please. It would mean so much to me if you’d accept it.”

   “But you can’t.”

   “I can. I still have plenty for my future. You’re going to be a doctor, and I want to be a part of that.” She grinned. “Not the studying part, just the pride part.”

   Enid wiped her face, then flung her arms around Harlow. “Are you sure?”

   “Yes. Take it, I beg you.”

   “Thank you.” Enid hung on tight. “Thank you. This is changing my life. I can never repay you.”

   “That’s not what I want. Go be a great doctor, and when you’re rich and famous, do the same for someone else.”

   They both sat back and smiled at each other.

   “I can’t believe it,” Enid said. “I’ve never seen a check for so much.” She laughed. “I can’t use my app to deposit it. The amount is too big. I’ll have to go to the bank.”

   “A novel experience. We’ll go in the morning first thing.”

   More drinks arrived, along with their dinner. As they talked about people they knew and maybe getting a pedicure tomorrow, Harlow couldn’t stop smiling. She’d done a good thing for someone she cared about. She was proud of herself and happy for her friend. She had a new job and her very first ever apartment by herself. She didn’t know where she would be in ten years, but she had a feeling she was going to be just fine. She was strong, like her mom—it had simply taken her a while to figure that out.




   TWENTY-FIVE YEARS in the army had given Mason a healthy respect for routine. If you did what needed doing, regardless of how you felt, the day generally went better. There had been mornings he hadn’t wanted to wake up at five, spend an hour on PT, or deal with whatever shitstorm was going to dominate his day, but he’d done it, and often the act of doing had improved his mood.

   He’d put that theory to the test over the past few weeks. Since Robyn had left, he’d been forced to create a different kind of routine. He got up around six, went running, came back and started his day. He fed the cats, focused on his book every morning, and spent afternoons working in the house or out in the garden.

   Neither was necessary, but they kept him busy and tired him out. The latter was required if he wanted to have a prayer of sleeping at night. No, not sleeping. Sleeping without dreaming of Robyn.

   There were no words to describe how much he missed her. He’d loved and lost before, but not like this. It was as if she’d gotten into every cell of his body, and he couldn’t breathe without thinking of her. Her ghost still haunted every room, every time of day. She was around every corner. He’d yet to find a single space she didn’t occupy. And if that wasn’t bad enough, her son was a constant reminder of her.

   Austin had returned after spending nearly a week in Florida. Like Mason, he’d quickly settled into a routine of his own. On the days he didn’t have an early-morning charter, he went running with Mason before heading to the gym to lift weights. His afternoons were spent studying naval history and navigation and brushing up on his math skills. He worked as a busboy most nights. He was a good roommate, quiet, clean, and he took care of his own meals.

   On his nights off, he and Mason frequently went out to dinner. Mason talked about military life, and Austin told him which of the latest movies his friends liked. Neither of them ever mentioned Robyn. Sometimes Austin told him how Harlow was doing, but that was as close as they got to the delicate subject of Austin’s mother.

   Mason rinsed out his breakfast dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher. Salvia was only working a couple of days a week. He’d taken over most of the feline duty. He’d created a spreadsheet so he could make sure he inspected each of the cats every week. He fed them twice a day, and precisely at four in the afternoon, he emptied all eight litter boxes. While most of them took advantage of the grounds of the house, a few were too prissy to do their business outside.

   He poured the last cup of the coffee before making his way to his office. He was determined to write at least three pages today. Yesterday morning he’d had a meeting with Gregory. The historical society had made a formal offer on the house. According to the paperwork, they were willing to pay fifteen million dollars. After closing costs and taxes, Gregory had said Mason would walk away with close to ten million.

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