Home > Simplify How to Stay Sane in a World Going Mad(23)

Simplify How to Stay Sane in a World Going Mad(23)
Author: Bob Hillary





It takes a certain amount of bravery to step out with determination on the path to a simpler life, in tune with yourself and with the Earth. As discussed way back in the introduction to this book, I encourage you all to become warriors for the Earth. By doing so, I guarantee you will learn to let go of all the things that are cluttering your life and limiting you in so many ways – you will truly learn to simplify and to stay sane in a crazy world.

A warrior goes slow in this world. Not too slow. But slow enough so that they are fully present with every step they take. They can also move fast when needed, but only when it is required. A warrior does not rush. They are methodical and powerful in their measured pace, and they honour themselves at all times.

This must not be mistaken for laziness – oh no, laziness is a completely different matter. A warrior is not lazy, although they also know when to let loose a little and take it easy. It’s highly important for a warrior to allow plenty of ‘down time’, to keep the batteries topped up so they are full for warrior duties.

The world does not need any more headless chickens running around – there are enough of these already. You know the ones? Those people running around caught up in a permanent state of drama and panic. Strive not to be one of these people. Being in a state of stress and rush does not serve anyone.

A warrior is someone who is doing their inner work, someone who is facing their shit. A warrior is someone who has ‘got out of their own way’, and who humbly goes about their work, carrying light and unafraid to shine brightly for all to see with no shame or fear of judgement.

• A warrior lives not from the ego, but from the HEART.

• A warrior lets their heart lead the way in life, using their mind as a tool.

• A warrior has calmed their mind enough to be able to listen to their heart.

• A warrior is healing their own conditioning, wounds and blocks.

• A warrior listens to their intuition and lives to be ‘in service’.

• A warrior is in touch with both their masculine and feminine sides. They are strong and soft, soft and strong.

• A warrior lives to bring change to old structures that aren’t serving the world any more. They will not stop until they change for the better.

So, aim to become a warrior, make some changes in your life. Be someone who gives, someone who shares, someone who cares. Be an example. Be the change – step into it and see how good it feels…





Ok. Can I get a show of hands as to who’s had enough of the concept of government in our world? Ah. Just as I thought. Many, many hands shooting swiftly and passionately into the air for miles around… Excellent! Would you like to hear my views on the subject? (You are welcome to take them or leave them entirely.)

Here they are:

I don’t think we, as humans, actually need to be governed. I believe as a species we are evolving out of this need and into something that breeds more equality. I think the modern-day concept of ‘government’ is very out of touch. Out of date. It’s worn out, not working and needs to change into something that serves ALL of us. Not just big business and corporate power. Which is, at present, what it seems to be doing.

Fewer and fewer of us across the globe believe in our governments anymore. In particular, many young people today are disaffected with the old power structures and are themselves looking for a simpler, planet-centred, more heart-centred way. They are deeply frustrated with what they see. Which is why the organization Extinction Rebellion is so full of passionate young people. They are a reflection of the times we live in. We simply don’t feel our leaders – we see through them. We see that they aren’t serving us – or the planet. Which, quite frankly, they should be. People are calling for a NEW type of leadership. One where our leaders lead by EXAMPLE, not by dominance.



Governing ourselves

Could the problem with government be that it presumes we even need to be governed?

Do YOU need to be governed?

I’d like to ask you a question – a slightly edgy one: what do you think would happen if we had no government? Would this lead to total chaos, or could it actually usher in a welcome change?

There is much talk here in the UK of something called the ‘Citizens Assembly’, which is a new model of how to run a country, where the decisions that affect us all (think climate change) are actually made from a selection of people that represent all sectors of society – not just the 1 per cent!

This is basically about taking the power out of the hands of the few and giving it back to the people.

We actually have the ability to govern ourselves. This is what’s changing, and this is why our leaders are floundering so much at the moment. They feel this, they feel that the world and its people are changing and they know they are out of date. The old ways that have been in place for eons just aren’t working any longer.

I feel that we are in a time now where we need to show our leaders how it’s done. Each of us. We gotta do the work (see page 139, Chapter 3). Because the people in power aren’t doing their ‘inner’ work and they are messing things up for all of us.

Warrior practice

So, your warrior practice is: to do the work. To set about healing yourself. To getting yourself into such an awesome state that your personal power spills out (in a deliciously good way) to all those around you. Your warrior work is to get yourself so strong that you don’t need governing. BECOME EMPOWERED!

Start taking full responsibility for every action, every deed, everything you do in your life. How you are. How you act. Strive to do the right thing. All the time. Then you can affect others around you in such a positive way, that it becomes like a domino effect, we all start taking our power back, and it spreads, and one by one, gradually we start making the need for governance obsolete!

People on the whole are good, if we were left along for long enough to discover this, then maybe we would. People generally want to do the right thing, it’s part of our deepest nature.

My point is: warriors don’t need governing. They govern themselves. They do the right thing. They lead themselves with a clear and open heart. And they listen to each other. They don’t argue or bicker like our ego-minded politicians do. They work together. THIS is the new way. A new way where we listen, where we are able to hear each other, so that the right decisions for everybody are made. This is what the Citizens Assembly is all about ...

The ego’s tendency is to fight, whereas the heart, it listens. So, work on getting in your heart good people. Let’s make the changes at ‘ground level’ first, and then try to influence the people ‘at the top’ ... show ’em how it’s done!

A powerful song lyric from songwriter Murray Kyle:

‘Our leaders will follow, when the people lead...’

This is how we’re going to change the world.

Put simply, it’s time for a change and we’re all feeling it.





It certainly feels like these are end times that we live in – the potential end of life on our planet as we know it – but they are also beginning times. Depending on which side of the fence you’re on.

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