Home > Simplify How to Stay Sane in a World Going Mad(24)

Simplify How to Stay Sane in a World Going Mad(24)
Author: Bob Hillary

The consumer, corporate-driven modern world appears to be eating itself, hungrily, with an insatiable appetite (the ego) and it’s not a very pretty sight. So, yes, indeed these are end times for this way of doing things. This is what we call the ‘old paradigm’. It’s been about profit before honour and greed, and it’s clearly not working any more.


And yet, at the same time as this old world seems to be rapidly making itself ‘extinct’, another new world is rising from the ashes. New consciousness. Change. New ways. Collaboration. Transparency. Freedom. This is what we call the ‘new paradigm’. So, it pretty much boils down to this one question: which path do YOU want to be on?

Do you want to be part of a world of ‘end times’ where wealth, greed and gain lead the show, separation is the norm, everything is about comparison and competition, and gets increasingly dark? Or, do you want to be a part of the emerging evolution of humanity? One that is embracing full change, openness, expanded consciousness, fairness, open-hearted communication, full transparency, leadership from within and new ways of being, doing and acting in the world as the norm?

A new way is rising, and we are growing wildly as a collective. One world could end messily if people stay fixed in their heads, the other will blossom beautifully as the heart’s power sets us free. Consciousness is rising on planet Earth. It’s time to choose which reality you want to be a part of.

Which one will YOU choose?





How do we create a new Earth?


We stop feeding the old one!

The old paradigm system only exists because we allow it to, because we feed it with our energy, our money, our fear, our taxes and our minds. If we don’t fuel it, it will drop away. It’s as simple as that.

The key is to extract yourself from it: do everything you can to simplify your life and undo yourself from its grasp. Walk away from it. Cut ties. Step out of a world of fear and lack and distrust of each other (old paradigm), and into a whole new world that is based on love and abundance, and an inherent trust of human nature (new paradigm)!

To create this new world that we all dream of, we first need to start with ourselves. Each and every one of us. It’s about doing the inner work we discussed in Part 3. Healing. We need to heal the fear and ‘lack’ that’s inside of us – the feeling of ‘there’s not enough’ that so many of us feel. Once we start to heal these patterns and worldviews inside of us, then everything on the outside starts to change. It’s rather amazing.

The outside world is, in fact, a mirror. What we see and experience in our external reality is a reflection of what’s inside us, and when we heal our internal world the things outside start to change – they start reflecting our new inner landscape back to us. However, if we are full of fear and self-loathing, then that is what we will see out in the world. If, on the other hand, we do the healing work and start feeling more love, trust and self-acceptance for ourselves, then this is what we will see in the world.

It sounds simple and it is: heal yourself and the world heals with you. If we all start to do this for ourselves then very quickly the world will start to change for the better. This is already happening.

People are waking up. More and more of us are stepping out of jobs we don’t like and taking steps to start doing what we love. We’re healing, and living more authentically, and so it starts a domino effect – one by one we step out of false lives and become shining ‘new world’ mirrors for those that are still stuck in old worldviews. As we do this, the old paradigm will dissolve, and the more of us that step in to this newness, the quicker the new paradigm will form.

We mirror this way of being to the people we meet. Gradually the old fear-based worldviews and ways of being will become unacceptable to us. This is really when the new Earth will get rolling! So bring it on!



Consciousness – the secret ingredient

There is an entirely new world waiting to be born. The universe is willing it to happen and it’s going to happen. This is about consciousness, which is really what this whole book is about. The trick to navigating these testing times lies with your consciousness – what you do with it and how you use it. Once you start healing yourself, your consciousness starts rising, your experience of life starts changing and – this is the most beautiful thing about being on the healing and spiritual path – your experience of the world starts shifting and you start seeing things in a new light.

Know that there is a new Earth unfolding, it’s not some hippy dream – there really is massive change for the better happening on our planet. Right now. The key is knowing this. It’s a change of consciousness, a change of attitude, a change of mindset and it’s fast becoming the ‘new normal’.

So, make the steps towards your dreams, move towards that which brings you joy! Move towards that which has good values, morals and ethics. And leave behind all that which doesn’t.






Know this, fellow brothers and sisters… the world IS changing. This is a time of transition. Of changing worn-out and out-of-date systems in the world. And the absolute best thing you can do right now is to embrace this. Fully. With open arms. ‘Welcome change…! We’ve been expecting you! Thank you for coming…’ kinda thing.

Let there be no doubt about this folks – it’s an epic time to be alive. Things are changing on an incredible scale. Everything from the way government works to how we dispose of our garbage – it’s all changing. A new Earth is trying to be birthed here. And we are, at present, in a stage of transition between the old and the new. This is why the age we live in seems such a chaotic and confusing one. Things are changing with such rapidity that we can barely, it feels, keep up. But we can.

And you have chosen to be here at this time to play a role in all of this madness! So, the best thing you can possibly do at this time is to know that we are living in an era of change, and learn how to ride the changes, because, oh mama, they are comin’!


The best way to navigate these somewhat tumultuous times is to just let go, surrender, and make yourself a vessel for the new. Be the change you want to see in the world. Try to let go of control, of gripping on tightly to life, and become the ultimate surfer of change: ready to catch a new wave at any time, knowing you are not entirely in control, but willing and ready anyway. If you grip on, you may well be tossed from your board (life), and you may flounder under the crashing waves, but if you let your surfboard flow with the waters and be guided by them, magic will unfold. I’m sure of it.





It’s time to start envisioning a better future for ourselves. Creating it with our minds and then stepping into it. It’s going to require some pretty badass pioneers and some pretty creative thinking, but it’s perfectly doable, and SO needed.

And we need to enjoy the process, to do it with humour and lightness of heart rather than with fear, panic and taking it all too seriously. If we’re not having a laugh while changing the world then we’re kinda missing the point! This is our mission – so let’s enjoy it!

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