Home > Secrets and the Bride(3)

Secrets and the Bride(3)
Author: Alexa Riley

I thought we’d had a moment, but I knew I was wrong when he didn’t bring it up yesterday. I suppose we were wearing masks, but I could never forget him. He was the only man I accepted a dance from that night. There’s this darkness that surrounds him, and I want him to pull me into it. Then maybe I could give his world a little bit of light.

I roll my eyes at myself. I’m so silly and naïve. To think that I could light up his world only goes to show how little I know about men. He’d probably laugh if he knew what I was thinking. He didn’t even remember me!

Staring at my phone, I will it to go off with a text alert, but it doesn’t. I try not to get upset when he doesn’t text back immediately, but he’s probably still asleep. What if he was being nice last night and didn’t think I would actually text him? Maybe he was being polite, or worse, he felt bad for me, and it was a pity invite.

Giving up, I abandon my phone to go get ready for the day. Not that I have any plans. It was nice being so busy over the last week and getting ready for my brother's wedding. I got to spend time with my new sister-in-law and her mother, and their family is so different from ours. I really enjoyed hanging out with Amelia’s mom Cora. She was not at all what I thought she would be.

When I step out of my closet dressed for the day, I hear an alert from my phone. Excitement lights up inside of me as I jump on my bed, searching for it. I start to throw my pillows when I can’t find it quick enough, and somehow, my legs get tangled up in the sheets. I try to get up so I can just pull them off the bed, and I end up tripping and falling on my ass.

“What are you doing?” My head snaps up to see my mother standing in the doorway of my room.

“I lost something.” I kick my foot free before I stand. “What’s up?”

“Are you feeling okay?” The way she’s staring at me, you’d think I was an alien from another planet.

“Good morning, Mother.” I give her a smile. “Is there something you need?”

“I was coming to talk to you about something, but now I’m not sure you’re ready.” Oh crap. Is she talking about marriage? I really hope she isn’t, because I’m not ready. I don’t even want to think who my parents might pick for me.

“I mean if—”

She cuts me off, probably not noticing that I was talking over her words. “A trip might be too much for you to do alone.” Her eyes flick around my bedroom, which is a total mess.

“I’ll get it cleaned. With the wedding and everything, I’ve kind of let it go.” It’s not a total lie. The wedding kept me busy, but the reality is, I’m always a hot mess. I don’t even know where half the messes I make come from. I swear they appear out of nowhere.

See, I’d make a terrible wife. I can’t cook either. I’ve even taken a few classes on it, but they didn’t stick. I always ended up burning everything.

“I’ll send the housekeeping over. You’re not going to have time. I already told Cora you’d love to come to their home in the country. They’re having a party.” I stand there in shock. “I’m not sure your father and I will end up making it out, but I see no reason you can’t go in our place. But you’ll have to be a well-mannered guest, Glenda.”

“I’ll be the best guest ever!”

She gives me a skeptical look, and I don’t really blame her. “This is important, Glenda. They’re family now, and your father is hoping to do some work with them in the future. Cora has taken a shine to you.” I can’t help but smile at that.

“She’s lovely, and I want to get to know everyone better. As you said, they’re family now.”

Cillian isn’t. If he was, then the thoughts I’ve had about him are against the law. There’s nothing brotherly about him to me. Oh, gosh. Does he see me as a little sister? Was that why he was so protective and insisted on walking me home? My excitement starts to dwindle.

“All right, I’ll trust you in this. Now pack a bag. You’ll be staying until after the party. Cora said you helped her a great deal with the wedding and thinks you would have some ideas for their son’s party.” That skeptical look returns to my mother’s face. It’s kind of crappy that my brother's new mother-in-law can give me compliments or say sweet things about me easier than my own mother. She wasn’t always that way, but I think my parents' marriage is starting to turn both of them bitter.

“I’ll start packing now.”

“They said they’re sending a car for you. It will be here in an hour. I have plans for brunch, so I won’t be here. Your father is out of the house too, so you need to make sure you’re ready to go when they arrive. Don’t make their driver wait on you.”

“I won’t,” I agree.

She really thinks I can’t do anything on my own. What if I can’t? I’ve spent most of my life in boarding schools where everything was so regulated. It’s been a bit jarring being back home full time, and sometimes I miss school. That’s a feeling I was sure I’d never have, but at least I was free to be myself there.

“Then I’ll see you when you get back, unless we end up making it out to the party.”

I walk over and kiss her on each cheek before she leaves, closing the door behind her. I do a little happy dance because I can’t believe I get to go. What a stroke of luck that Cora thought to even invite me. I wonder if Cillian spoke to her.

This could be my chance to get him to see me as more than a sister-in-law. Maybe I could seduce him. A warm, fuzzy sensation lights up deep inside of me. I know this might not be a forever thing, but I could get my first kiss. One that was from desire and not some forced arrangement. I could have memories I’ll treasure forever.

My phone buzzes and snaps me back to reality. I remember I have an hour to get myself ready. Rushing over, I grab my phone off the floor and see a text from Cillian.

Cillian: Morning, sunshine. Sorry it took me a moment to respond. I was working on a plan.

Cillian: I think it worked. See you soon.

I stare down at the messages and wonder if his texts mean what I think they do. He must have had his mother call mine. That would mean he really wants me there. I wish I wasn’t too shy to ask. I let out a small scream when another text pops up. What is wrong with me?

Cillian: You’re coming

I have a dirty thought about coming, and my cheeks heat. I know that’s not what he meant, but I am a little curious about the text as I read into it more than I should. There is no punctuation on it, so I’m not sure if it’s a question, an FYI, or a demand. Once again, my mind goes dirty, and I’m hoping it’s a demand. Deciding it’s better to lean into it, I send a text back.

Me: I’d love to come

A second after I hit send, I bite my bottom lip nervously. I’m sure his mind isn’t in the gutter like mine, which is totally fine, I reassure myself before I rush to pack with a big, bright smile on my face.



Chapter Four






“Are you home alone?” I ask as I look behind Glenda and then back at her.

She’s wearing an oversized sweater with leggings, and I want to pull her against me and see if she feels as soft as she looks. The fact that she never shows skin drives me wild with need, because I want to be the only one to see it. I want her to show me what she doesn’t show anyone, and then I want to keep it all for myself.

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