Home > Secrets and the Bride(5)

Secrets and the Bride(5)
Author: Alexa Riley

As excited as I was to see the home that Cillian told me about, I was a bit disappointed when we finally arrived. I wanted more time alone with him. I’m not sure I’ll be able to do that again because his parents might have rules about us being alone. God knows my parents would have a list of them if a man came to stay with us. Not that they’d ever let that happen.

“I won’t keep you long. It looks like you and Cillian have been enjoying each other's company,” Cora says as I follow her toward the back of the house.

“I do enjoy my time with him.” My face heats, and I know she’ll be able to spot my blush. “He’s sweet.”

“Sweet.” She lets out a small laugh.

“Why is that funny?” I blurt out defensively and then put my hand over my mouth at my sudden outburst. I have no idea where that came from.

Cora stops walking and fully faces me as a giant smile spreads across her lips. “I think Cillian is sweet too. It's just not often I hear it from a woman that’s of the appropriate age to date him.”

“I…” Again, I start to get defensive, but she keeps going.

“He tends to avoid those women, and as much as I love my son, I know he can be a bit rude in his quick dismissal of them. He’s not one for attention.” This time, nothing comes flying out of my mouth. In fact, I’m not sure what to say to that. “It’s nice to see him so smitten.”

Her words give me a glimmer of hope. I also kind of love that Cillian is dismissive of girls that try to get his attention. I shouldn’t, because like Cora said, it’s rude, but in one of the rare moments I spotted Cillian at the wedding, I actually saw two girls try to talk to him. I truly thought he hadn’t noticed them, but now I’m thinking he saw them and was making it clear he had no interest.

It’s strange because both were breathtakingly beautiful, and most people would label me as plain. Forgettable even. Cillian forgot that we shared a dance at the Monarch event. I’d only drawn his attention toward the end of the night at the wedding reception because of who I was, and he was worried over me walking home alone at night. I don't think that makes him smitten with me.

“He sees me as family. That’s probably why he’s sweet to me.”

Cora lets out a laugh as she snags my hand to pull me along with her. “I don’t think Cillian sees you as family, Glenda. Just so you know.” She winks at me.

I’m not so sure she’s right, but I keep that to myself. If I’ve learned anything about Cora since I met her, it’s that she’s a true romantic at heart. She wants everyone to experience the love that she has. In all honesty, Cora has the life that I dream of having, but I know that it will never be possible.

The thought of marriage freaks me out because I know it won’t be like that for me. In a different life, I’d want that more than anything. If it could be on my terms, I’d get to marry a man I was madly in love with and live out in the country with not only a herd of children but animals too. My husband wouldn't care that I can’t cook to save my life and that I’d likely make as many messes as our children. In fact, he’d find it endearing. I know all of this is impossible to have or find, and that’s why it’s a fantasy.

“I’ve got everything set up in here.” She pushes open two pocket doors to reveal what looks like an explosion of, well, everything. The giant room has little areas with a variety of things going on. One nook has a desk with a computer. Another is a sitting area in front of a fireplace. Next to that is a sewing machine and what I’m guessing is a crafts station.

“Is that a gift-wrapping corner?” I ask.

“Yes, I have a small obsession with making my gifts look over the top.” She shrugs. “But this corner is my party planning section.” She points over to a large table that is loaded with all kinds of books. All around the table, boards are set up with theme ideas pinned to them in different styles.

“You really do have everything in here.” I laugh. It’s kind of amazing.

“This is my woman’s cave. Men have them, so why can’t I?” She has a point.

“Does your husband have a man cave?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “He’d say our bed is his man cave.” I snort a laugh, and I’m sure I’m blushing too. I glance over to the table filled with party planning supplies. I want to help, but I also want to get back to Cillian if I can. I’m already dreading our time coming to an end.

“So where should we start?” I make my way over to the party planning table. She has a lot of wedding stuff—I’m guessing from Amelia and Felipe’s, but they must have been concepts they vetoed. I don’t remember any of these that are laid out. I would have because they’re beautiful. It has more of a country feel to it, and after seeing this place, I wonder why they didn’t get married out here.

“You like it?” She points to one of the mood boards that has more of the country style on it.

“I love it. Why didn’t they get married here? This place is a dream.”

“Amelia is my princess, and well, that wedding was really more for the public. Felipe wanted everyone to know Amelia is his wife and that what everyone believed of him was bullshit.”

“He loves her so much.”

“You and your brother are a lot alike.”

“Really?” I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say that before. In fact, people say the opposite.

“He’s very modest too. I don’t understand why people ever thought he was a playboy. Sure, he was coming and going from clubs and bars, but he owned them. Never once was there a picture of him actually partying with a woman. He wouldn’t dare to have a picture like that happen because such things are only for his wife.”

“I suppose you’re right.” I’d never thought of it that way.

Cora pulls out her phone, glances at the screen, and then puts it back into her pocket. “Speaking of modesty, this is why I brought you in here. This was all last-second, so I thought you might not have a dress for the party. I had these brought over.” She walks over to the other side of the room and grabs a rack I hadn’t noticed before. “The sizes should be good. I had your measurements from your dress at the wedding.”

The woman really covers everything. I find it hard to believe she got these dresses so quickly, but I suppose she is an Andora. People must have jumped to get these here so quickly.

“You didn’t have to do all this.”

“Of course I did. I got these too.” She pulls over another rack. This one has boxes of shoes on the bottom, and hanging on the rack are undergarments. I reach out and touch the sexy, soft material. “I know you like to dress modestly, but it’s fun to have something that makes you feel sexy underneath.”

“I’ve never worn anything like this.”

“You don’t have to. Pick and choose what you like or don’t pick anything at all. In fact, I’ll have this boxed up and sent to the cottage.”

“Oh, I mean I can pick now if you like. You’ve already done so much.”

“It’s fine, honey. This way you can try on different things and take your time. I think I’ve got what I needed your help with for now.”

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