Home > Moments In Time(31)

Moments In Time(31)
Author: K.K. Allen

My laughter was instantaneous when I saw what the fuss was all about.

The blonde on screen was completely naked with a man’s mouth buried between her thighs. Her head tossed back with her moan, then her back arched, pressing her large breasts in the air. The man’s tongue lapped her center while she squirmed beneath his grip.

Yeah, my dorm mates were watching full-blown porn.

Stepping forward, I landed at the back of the couch and leaned down to talk to my roommate, Jeremy, who had his hand stuck between his girlfriend’s thigh. “Why the fuck are you guys watching this?”

He looked back at me, wiggling his brows. “Date night.”

I stood back up and looked around the room, confirming what he said was true. Couples crowded the couches, and suddenly I began to feel out of place.

“Look,” Jeremy said, nodding behind me. “There’s your date now.” He chuckled then turned back to face the television, leaving me confused. But when I turned back toward the door, I saw what he was referring to.

Violet’s wide eyes were focused on the screen, her mouth slightly ajar, and then her eyes tracked to me. The way she looked at me like I’d betrayed her killed me while simultaneously turning me on. It was the most bizarre sensation. To be happy and terrified to see someone at the same time. None of it hit me until she fled the room.

“Vi, wait!” I jogged after her, catching her as she was pushing her way into her dorm room.

“I thought you were going to bed.”

“I was. I am.” She started to close the door on me, but I slammed my palm against it to stop it. “What is your problem?”

She threw me a glare while stomping into her room. “You didn’t have to lie to me and tell me you wanted to go to bed if you just wanted to go watch porn with your friends.”

Laughter bubbled up in my throat before I could help it. Feeling the heat of her glare, I stepped into her room and shut the door behind us. “I didn’t lie to you. I was on my way to my room and wanted to see what all the laughter was about.” When she didn’t seem to budge in mood or posture, I sighed and leaned back against the door. “Are you mad that I was watching porn or that you thought I lied to you about going to bed?”

Violet tossed her long hair over her shoulders and crossed her arms across her chest. One of the straps of her purple tank top slipped down, directing my attention to her chest. I couldn’t help but notice the fact that she’d taken off her bra between when I left her and now, her hard nipples pointed straight at me.

Finally, Violet sighed. “I’m not mad. I was just hurt for a second, but I’m over it.”

My cheek lifted, tugging at the corner of my mouth. “That was fast.”

Annoyance flickered in her eyes. “Shouldn’t you be getting to bed?”

I shrugged and pushed off the door to make my way over to her. “I think I’ll take you up on your offer and sleep here.” Lying down on her bed, I rested one hand behind my head and patted the small space beside me. Those single beds were shitty for sharing.

Violet glared. “I meant you could sleep on Syd’s bed. Not mine.”

I glared back. “Beggars can’t be choosers. I like your bed better.”

“Fine. I’ll take Syd’s bed.” She stomped over and reached for the pillow my head was on. “Give me that.”

Instead of doing what she asked, I wrapped my hand around her wrist and pulled her onto the bed. “Learn how to share.”

A giggle erupted from her throat. “You’re such a jerk.”

“You love me.”

She didn’t respond to that. Instead, she settled in beside me with her eyes pointed at the ceiling. “Do you watch that stuff?”

“What? Porn?”

She nodded.

I shrugged. I’d never felt the need to lie to Violet, so I didn’t think to start then. “Sometimes.”

Her head turned to face me. “Why?”

“I don’t know.” I tried to think about my words before I said them. “When I was younger, I guess I was curious how all that worked. And now…” I could feel my face heat at what I was about to confess. “I don’t have a girlfriend or anything. So I have to use my imagination when I… you know?”

The pink in her cheeks darkened. “Oh.” She bit down on her lip, drawing my attention there. I’d kissed those plush lips before, and suddenly, I wanted to kiss them again. Something about Violet’s innocence always made me fiercely protective of her.

“Have you ever done that before?”

Her question confused me at first. I squinted to let her know I didn’t know what she was referring to.

“You know…” she started, her color darkening even more. “Lick a girl.” She swallowed while her hand moved between her legs. “Down there.”

I shook my head, my gaze fixated on her hand. “No. Has anyone ever done that to you?”

I knew the answer to that. At least, I hoped I knew the answer. Violet never dated much, and when she did, she always relayed every detail of her experiences with me. She always wanted my advice, my acceptance, but I never gave it. No man was good enough for my best friend.

Still, I waited for her response, my breath growing shallow while I waited. “No,” she finally breathed out. “That would be weird, right?”

Biting down on my smile, I lifted my brows. “If that video was any indication, I highly doubt weird would be the word used.”

Violet rolled her eyes. “She’s a paid actor.”

Usually when Violet’s curiosity got the better of her, there was no shutting her mind off until whatever piqued her curiosity was explored. All I could think about at that moment was the night of our senior prom six months earlier when we had been in that tent together. Nothing had happened between us since, but it wasn’t for lack of wanting on my part.

“I’m willing to test your theory.”

Violet’s palm hit my chest, and she laughed. “Good one.”

I frowned and turned to my side. “Seriously, Vi. Don’t you want to know how it feels?”

“Yes, but…” Her eyes got glossy, like she was considering what I was offering.

I scooted closer, pressing myself into her side to show her what she was doing to me. Then I leaned in, my mouth brushing her ear. “Let me taste you.”

All I could think of was stripping her down and burying my face between her thighs. But I wanted to do more than taste her. I wanted to fuck her with my fingers, my tongue, and my cock. It wasn’t the first time I imagined it, not even close, but that night, I wanted her more than ever before.

I also knew that if I got what I wanted… if I got that taste I so desperately craved… I knew deep down in the depths of my soul that I’d never want anything else.




“Hey, Jami.”

The sound of my name snaps me out of my daydream and forces my focus on the woman standing at the entrance to the saloon.

“Hey, Violet.”

She’s staring back at me, wearing tight black jeans with tears in the knees and an altered version of the shirt I gave her last week. The collar has been cut, making the neckline wide enough to sit down around her shoulders. And the bottom has been bunched up around her midriff, revealing her belly button.

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