Home > Moments In Time(62)

Moments In Time(62)
Author: K.K. Allen

“Because I was chickenshit.”

She tilts her head. “Even with me?”

“Especially with you.” My chest swells as every ounce of insecurity I had back then comes bubbling to the surface. “I couldn’t tell you that I was in love with you for the same reason you couldn’t tell me that you were in love with me.”

She sighs in mock exaggeration before brightening with her smile. “Fair enough. I guess it’s good to know now, even if it is thirteen years later.”

I pull her toward me and lean down to her ear so my words can’t be heard by anyone nearby. “In all fairness, I did show you a great amount of affection in that tent after the dance.”

Her blush speaks loudly enough for me to smile. “That you did.”

Laughing, I take Violet’s hand and walk her around the perimeter of the gym, looking for nothing in particular. Our instructions were to ensure students were acting safely and appropriately. Hopefully, we’re a better judge of that in our adult years than we were as kids.

“Do you think we should test the punch to see if anyone spiked it?”

Violet smirks. “Why? Did you bring a flask of vodka just in case they didn’t?”

“No, but I did promise Anderson we’d stop by the saloon tonight before calling it a night. He wants to tell me something and wants to do it in person.” I scrunch my nose, not liking the sound of my words spoken aloud. Usually, Anderson doesn’t beat around the bush, so whatever he has to say must be important.

“Didn’t you say he’s proposing to Hope soon? Could that be it?”

I don’t know why I didn’t think about that. Suddenly, I’m eager to get back to camp. “That definitely could be.” I sling my arm around her shoulders and grin. “You’re very smart, Violet Hart. Very smart, indeed.” She grins up at me just as a memory triggers in my mind. “Hey, how long do you think we need to spy on these teenagers?”

Violet shrugs and searches the crowd. “I’m not sure. Patrice and Jim are around somewhere. We can ask them.”

When she starts to take off in another direction, I tug her back to me. “I have a better idea.”

“But we—”

I hold a finger up to my lips and shake my head. “Follow me.”

With Violet’s hand in mind, I lead her out the side door that brings us to one of the main hallways on campus. It might have been thirteen years since we traipsed the halls as teenagers, but I will never forget the layout. And like in years past, the school closes the main hallway off during after-hours events, so it’s dark and deserted, the sounds from the gymnasium muffled behind us.

“Oh my gosh,” Violet gushes. “I still remember walking down these halls.”

I run my free hand along a row of red lockers. “I didn’t until just now. It feels like yesterday, doesn’t it?”

Instead of answering, her gaze wanders down the hall a little farther until she gasps. She’s clearly past the issue of me stealing her away from our chaperoning duties. Her hand slips from mine, and she walks quickly to a section of lockers that I recognize immediately.

Lockers 723 and 724. Those were ours. We had claimed them on the first day of senior year.

She leans back against her locker and sighs like she’s in heaven. “Want to know a secret?” She smiles at me coyly.

I step closer and press my palms against the lockers on either side of her. “Tell me all your secrets.”

Her hands move to my waist, her head tilting up so she can look into my eyes. “I couldn’t wait for classes to end so that I could bump into you right here. Seeing you, even if it was just a glimpse, was always the highlight of my day.”

I move my head closer so my lips brush hers. “You should have just thrown yourself on me. That would have saved us a lot of time. Especially if you were wearing that cheerleading skirt.”

“Oh yeah?” she teases and brushes her nose against mine. “I think I would have wound up just like one of your other two-month flings.”

I shake my head slowly. “No way. We would have been a done deal. Violet Hart and Jamison Bexley, most popular couple at Orcas High. Prom king and queen. High school sweethearts.”

She laughs and rolls her eyes at my obvious embellishments. “Okay, okay. You’ve made your point.” She pulls me closer, lifting her lips to mine. “But isn’t this so much better?”

I know she’s talking about the life we lived before and all we’ve learned since then. It’s why we make such a great match now, and that’s something I’ll absolutely agree with. Especially because I can’t imagine our lives together without Brayden. Maybe he’s been the missing puzzle piece all along. The reason we were never able to speak our love aloud. The time just wasn’t right.

“So much better,” I finally agree. “Out of all the moments in time we’ve shared, I wouldn’t change a single thing because it means that we got here.”

Her eyes become glossed over with emotion when she smiles again. “I completely agree.”

I kiss her gently, slowly, all while savoring the feel of her before breaking away to whisper against her ear. “I love you, Tarzan.”

Her body shivers in my hold, and her arms tighten around me. “I love you, Jane.”



It’s nearing closing time at the saloon by the time Violet and I get back to camp, but it’s clear the bar is still thriving from the faint sound of music and happy voices streaming through the woods. The closer we get, the more my curiosity grows at whatever it is Anderson wants to show me. Then again, maybe Violet is right and he wants us there for his proposal to Hope. Either way, I’m anxious to get back.

“Hey, Jami,” Violet says casually. We’re holding hands, and she swings our arms as we walk. “Did you ever figure out a name for the saloon?”

I groan at the reminder. “I have not.”

“Procrastinate much?” she teases.

“Weren’t you supposed to give me some ideas?”

Violet laughs as she nods. “You’re right. I was, wasn’t I?” Then she stops walking, causing me to stop beside her, and she points up at something ahead of us. “How about that?”

Confused, I frown and look in the direction she’s pointing to find the saloon lit up in a bright-pink neon light. “Jamison’s Saloon,” I read out loud in bewilderment. I snap my head to her. “You did this?”

Violet’s grin is so wide, I can’t help but smile. “Well, I had some help.”

Anderson steps out from the entrance and greets us both. “Surprise.” He raises his arms up high, gesturing to the new sign above his head. “You have to admit, it’s the perfect name. Violet knew you’d never name the bar after yourself, so we did it for you.”

Looking back at the huge sign, I almost can’t believe my eyes. Anderson’s right. I would have never named the saloon after myself. And while I love the gesture, I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used to it.

“Well, thank you both. I was not expecting this.”

Anderson grins. “If you don’t like it, that’s your own fault for taking your sweet-ass time.”

“Think about it,” Violet says, pressing her body to my side. “The saloon was your idea. Your dream. And now the landmark will be named after you forever.” She bites down on her lip, seemingly amused. “If only your parents hadn’t misspelled your name on that birth certificate of yours.”

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