Home > State (Diamond MC, #1.5)(21)

State (Diamond MC, #1.5)(21)
Author: Lila Rose

My body warmed. “I do, and I like it too, Dom.”

He grunted. “Good.”

When we met at the front of the car, he took my hand in his. I never thought he’d be a hand-holding type, but he always reached for mine when we were walking down the street or even sitting on the couch watching something.

I enjoyed how affectionate he was. Actually, I enjoyed a lot of things about him, but especially how the sex was out-of-this-world good.

At the door, Dom asked, “What’re you thinkin’ about?”

I turned into him, putting my arms around his waist. “Just how good you are in bed.”

A throat cleared.

I hadn’t even heard the door open.

Usually, no one waited and I just walked in.

But now, my three brothers stood in the doorway.

Casper screwed up his face. “I didn’t need to know that.”

Carter fake dry-retched, and Calvin closed the door in our faces.

Finding this hilarious, Dom chuckled. I smacked his stomach and opened the front door again. My brothers weren’t in sight.

“She’s out there now, telling the neighbors how good her guy is in bed,” I heard Casper say.

“I am not!” I yelled, storming down the hallway and into the kitchen. “What were you freaks doing at the door anyway?”

“We just happened to be near it when you arrived,” Calvin said from where he sat at the dining room table.

“Sweetheart,” Mom called, “it’s good to hear State pleases you in bed, but maybe it’s best you don’t tell everyone.”

“I really didn’t need to hear it,” Dad added.

“That was a private conversation that these idiots weren’t supposed to hear.”

A hand landed on my shoulder.

Mom looked over my head. “State, it’s great to see you.”

“You too, Beth. Patty, thanks for havin’ me for dinner.”

“Let’s just hope it’s one of Beth’s better meals,” he joked and got a slap to the side from Mom.

“State, these are our boys. Carter, Calvin, and Casper. Boys, play nice.”

When I glanced back at my brothers, they were all sitting on the opposite side of the table, glaring at Dom.

Groaning, I pointed at them. “Quit it.”

“So,” Carter drew out, “what are your intentions with our sister?”

Goddamn it.

Dom kissed my temple before moving over to the table, where he took a seat and leaned back. “She’s mine. I’m hers. That’s all you gotta know.”

Carter opened his mouth, closed it, and looked at Calvin, who steepled his hands and rested his chin on them. “Are you financially stable enough to provide for her?”

“State, ignore them,” Mom tried.

I walked up, gripped the back of Dom’s chair, and leaned into him. “They’re only testing you because a… um, a guy I brought home a while back was intimidated by them and left.”

Dom tipped his head back, and his jaw clenched. “Babe, it might be best you don’t bring up anyone you’ve been on a date with, or I’ll hunt them, find them, and kill them with the brothers at my back.”

Casper clapped and stood. “Right, question time over.” He leaned over the table and shook Dom’s hand. “State, good to meet you, except for the fact that I think I shit myself.”

“Casper,” Mom cried. “Go to the bathroom.”

Carter and then Calvin also shook his hand, seeming to accept him since he said he’d kill my exes.

“I have the address of a dickhead who I hated dating my sister. If you decide to kill him, can I come watch?” Carter asked.

“Sure,” Dom said with a smirk.

“Dom, hon, no taking my brothers to any killings.”

“We’ll talk later,” Carter said.

“State, a word please,” Dad called.

I tensed until Dom stood up, tipped up my chin, and ran his gaze over my face. “It’s all good, little mouse.”

“I know.”

Then he proceeded to kiss me in front of everyone. And I didn’t mean a quick peck. No. When Dominic kissed, he put everything into it.

He owned me.

Possessed me.

And I loved every heated touch.

Then he walked out of the room, leaving me red-faced and breathing heavily.

“Why do I have the urge to slap your back and say congratulations?” Casper asked.

“I need to bleach my eyes,” Carter grumbled.

Calvin sighed. “I threw up a bit in my mouth all while second-guessing my sexuality.”

“Shut up, boys,” Mom scolded. “Sweetheart, anyone with eyes can see how he looks at you.”

Turning to her, I asked, “How?”

“Like you’re his world.”

A tingle spread through my belly. Yet I shook my head, still not quite believing any of this was real. Meeting someone who ticked every box I looked for in a guy, plus about fifty more I’d never even considered before Dominic, never happened to me. “Don’t get your hopes up, Mom. It’s still early days, and he could get sick of me.” I winced at my own words. I seriously had to stop belittling myself and letting my past relationships rule my thoughts like I told Dominic I would.

I had to remind myself I was worth the time of day.

I did deserve Dominic.

I was pretty. I was sexy.

My confidence would take time, but I would get there.

My brothers snorted in unison. It was freaky when they did things like that.


“Nothing,” Carter said, shaking his head.

“No… what?” I took the seat opposite them.

But they only shared a look and kept their mouths closed. Of course, I kicked the closest one under the table.

Calvin cursed. Mom scolded.

“We’ve only just met him and already know he’s into you. Deep into you.”

“Dude,” Casper yelled with his nose screwed up.

Calvin blanched. “I didn’t mean it like that, you dick.”

“Boys, enough. Dinner’s ready. Come help me take it to the table.” Their chairs scraped along the floor when they stood up and did as Mom asked. All the while, I thought over what they’d said.

Yes, Dominic did say he saw a future between us, and I hoped that was the truth, because, well, I wanted to claim him as mine. Maybe I needed to put more effort into actually believing him and believing my brothers when they told me stuff like how deeply Dominic felt for me.

Despite it being such a short amount of time.

My brothers placed the platters on the table, and I jolted from hands on my shoulders. Dom’s scent filled my senses when he leaned down and whispered, “You good?”

Tipping my head to the side, I smiled. “Yes. You?”

“Yeah, baby. Just talkin’ about the shit that went down.” He took the seat next to me as Mom told us to dig in. Dom picked up my plate and started to pile it with a bit of everything. He didn’t notice everyone who watched him. He didn’t notice the soft smile on my parents’ faces or when Calvin mouthed, “I told you.”

Dominic placed my food in front of me, hooked a hand to the back of my head, and drew me in for a kiss. “Eat, little mouse,” he ordered before he helped himself to food.

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