Home > Tight Ends & Tiaras (Varsity Dads #2)(77)

Tight Ends & Tiaras (Varsity Dads #2)(77)
Author: Lex Martin

“Thank you,” Sienna says quietly as she perches at the edge of the couch. “And I’m sorry for speaking to you both the way I did. I kinda lost my temper.”

My aunt reaches over and pats her hand. “I deserved it. We both did,” she adds as she nudges my uncle.

He nods and wipes his forehead. “I hope you know that you’ll always be welcome at our house.”

Sienna nods hesitantly. I’m under no illusions she’s going to magically forget all the crap they put her through, but they’ve promised they’re over the fantasy of getting me back with Janelle. And now that they know all the shit she pulled since she thundered back into my life this summer, they admit Janelle’s not the person they thought she was. They swear they’re supportive of me and Sienna. I suppose only time will tell.

Lily covers Sienna in slobbery kisses when she sees her.

“Missed you, my little dewdrop.”

I take my girls to the Waffle House where we’re meeting her father. It’s strangely empty for a Sunday morning. There’s only one customer. Alex, that rich guy from last night. Internally, I laugh because this doesn’t really seem like his kind of restaurant.


I stand there, stunned, as Sienna lets Alex pull her into a hug.

Alex is her father. No shit.

“I’m glad you’re okay, honey,” he says softly. She nods, looking choked up.

He extends his hand, and I reciprocate. Once I have Lily in a highchair and everyone’s seated, “Alex,” or Alejandro as he’s known to the rest of the world, fixes his cuff links.

“Sienna, your boyfriend reminded me of a few things last night, and I wanted to apologize for not making sure you knew that I think you’re incredibly capable.”

Her eyes drop to her lap. I reach between us and take her hand in mine and give it a squeeze. She gives me a sideways smile and then turns to her father.

“Thanks, Dad.”

He takes a sip of coffee. “You know, I’ve been thinking about what you told me when we met for dinner last week, and I hope you know I’m every bit as interested in what you do as I am in your brothers. I’m obviously doing a poor job of showing you that, but I aim to try better.”

The beautiful woman at my side sniffs. Nods. Whispers another thanks.

“Unfortunately,” he continues, “I can see why you would think that. Which is why I asked Penelope to wait at the hotel today so we could have some time, just you and me, to talk.”

“Would you like me and Lily to leave?” I ask, not wanting to intrude on their time. While I might not know all of the history between Sienna and her father, I can tell they have a lot of fences to mend. “I don’t mind.”

“No,” she says. “Stay. This is my family. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I got to meet your family, so now I want you to meet mine.”

I kiss the top of her head. “Whatever you want.” Hopefully today won’t have the fireworks my family get-together had in Dallas.

Lily is quietly coloring in her highchair, which I take as a sign that this meeting is going well.

Alex taps on his phone. “Sienna, I read through your prospectus on the yoga program, and I’m happy to fund it. No strings attached.”

“Dad, you don’t have to do that. I’ve thought about it, and I decided to approach some local, fitness-oriented companies and see if they’d donate to the cause. I spent last week making a list of all of the businesses in Austin and the surrounding towns that might be interested.”

He nods slowly. “Then how about I match whatever amount you’re able to raise. I’d like to support what you’re doing.”

“Really? That would be wonderful.”

“Have you taken one of her classes?” I ask. “I have to warn you—she’ll put you through your paces. But it’s one of the best workouts I’ve ever had, and I’m a D1 athlete. It’s so good I told her she should put it on an app, maybe with different meditations people can choose from.”

He leans forward. “An app, you say?”

Sienna laughs. “Oh, God, you said the magic word.”

The three of us toss out ideas, and after a few minutes, Sienna gets out her phone and starts taking notes.

I tap on the table. “We could film you at your yoga studio. Edit everything down to the individual moves that people could mix and match, depending on what kind of workout they want.”

“I love that idea,” she says, her thumbs flying on the screen.

I cut up a waffle into Lily-sized bites and feed my daughter as Sienna chats quietly with her father. My kid has syrup smeared all over her face, but she’s smiling and happy.

“You want one more bite, peanut?”

Lily pats her chest. “All the bites.”

I chuckle, and I’m struck once again by how grateful I am she came into my life.

After we finish eating, I can’t help but ask Alex the question I’ve been dying to since we sat down. “Did you know that Sienna and I used to date when I sat across from you last night?”

“Of course.”

I nod slowly, feeling like a dumbass. “You look different than you did on Time magazine.”

“I get that a lot. But I’m sorry I didn’t properly introduce myself last night. I guess I wanted to get a feel for the man who told Melvin he loved my daughter.”

Makes sense. Yeah.

“Pretty slick, man. I’m taking notes for when my kid starts to date.” I wipe Lily down since her hands are covered in syrup.

He chuckles.

Sienna bumps me with her shoulder. “You told Melvin you loved me before you told me?”

I glance at her and then back to her father. Then back to her. “Do you really want to discuss it with your father at the breakfast table?”

She snickers. “I love how you’re blushing right now.”

“I’m not blushing. It’s hot in here. And yes, I might have mentioned it to Melvin when he looked like he wanted to beat the crap out of me because of photos Janelle took of me when I was asleep.”

“Aww.” She turns my face to her and kisses me.

I kiss her back until someone coughs.

Right. Her dad. Who suddenly doesn’t look so friendly anymore.

“Sorry, sir. Yes, I love your daughter.”

He crosses his arms over his chest. “You know you’re not getting a penny of her trust fund, right?”


I laugh with a shrug. “I don’t care about her money. If we get married someday, I’ll sign whatever prenup you want me to.”

Damn. Did I just bring up marriage?

Once the shock of that idea settles, it feels right.

They say when you meet the right woman, you just know.

I glance over at Sienna, who’s beaming a huge smile at me. “Love you, sunshine.”

Oh, yeah, I’m gonna marry this girl someday.









I switch the bouquet of flowers from one hand to the other so I can wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. Sienna would laugh to know how nervous I am right now, but it’s important to get this right. To show her how much she means to me. To prove I’ll be there for her.

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