Home > Tight Ends & Tiaras (Varsity Dads #2)(73)

Tight Ends & Tiaras (Varsity Dads #2)(73)
Author: Lex Martin

Fortunately, Winston’s seated on the other side of the ballroom. He and Fowler are having a heated discussion, ignoring their dates.

As I’m taking a sip of my Coke, the granny next to me says, “I just love those tight pants y’all wear! They make your booties look so nice!” She pats me on the arm and winks, making me choke on my drink.

Across the table, there’s another couple, a pregnant lady with her husband. He’s probably in his mid-forties, and I’d be surprised if she was twenty-five. They chuckle when Sylvie the granny asks me if I’d be willing to model those pants for her.

“Sorry, ma’am. You’ll have to buy a ticket and come to our next game to check out the goods.”

She laughs and slaps the table. “Thank God someone here has a sense of humor.”

Olly leans toward me and whispers, “Why all the security tonight? You’d think the president was stopping by.”

“I have no idea. You got here before I did.”

“Only by a couple of minutes. Amelia and I took a detour.” He gets a starry-eyed look that makes me mildly nauseated.

Of course my best friend is in love while I’m having a hard time giving a shit about anything. All I see are couples everywhere. They’re dressed up and kissing, and it makes me miss Sienna. It reminds me how I never had the chance to take her out or do anything special with her.

And now I’ve lost the opportunity.

I keep waiting for that sense of loss to stop hurting, but if anything, it’s only getting worse. Even talking to Dr. Patricia, who was finally able to squeeze me in, doesn’t help.

I’ve been thinking about that conversation Sienna and I had last week in the parking lot. Truthfully, I’ve thought of little else.

I finally got Maggie to admit that Sienna was staying with her in that drafty house she inherited. Everyone on this side of town knows that house. It’s the biggest eyesore on the block. I’m surprised it hasn’t been condemned. Since I found out, I’ve been debating whether I should march over there and demand that Sienna give me another chance.

But nothing’s changed in my situation. I don’t know what I have to offer Sienna besides those twenty minutes when we wake up together and talk softly as the sun comes up. Or the showers we take when we’re trying to “conserve water.” Or late nights when I wrap her in my arms and collapse into a coma. Or those quickie lunches when I race home to see my girls.

And I’m not even talking about the sex, although it was out of this world. At this point, I don’t give a shit what she did or didn’t do with Winston. I just miss her sweet smile and great laugh and all the ways she helped me be a better person. I miss her optimistic outlook on life and the way being around her made me happy.

Only Sienna’s not at our home anymore. Maggie greets me with a smile and a happy Lily when I’m able to sneak off campus for a little while, but it’s not the same. Nowhere close.

Maybe those moments we spent together didn’t mean much to Sienna, but they meant everything to me.

I pull at my tie, loathing every minute I have to sit here and pretend everything’s fine when my life feels like it’s falling apart. The only thing I have right now is Lily.

So I put on a smile and pretend that’s enough.









The man across the table introduces himself and his girlfriend. I nod like I care and listen to the conversation half-heartedly.

“What about you? Where’s your date tonight?”

I realize the rich guy is talking to me.

“No date tonight.”

Amelia is kind enough to fill in the blanks. “His girlfriend broke up with him. I keep trying to set him up with my friends, but he’s a sad panda.” She finishes that statement in the most annoying baby voice I’ve ever heard. What Olly sees in her, I’ll never know.

I give her a tight smile, remembering how she outed my fake-dating situation to Janelle. With everything going on, I forgot to talk to Olly about it. “Thanks, Amelia.”

“Sure thing, Ben.”

For some reason, the football guys at the table start sharing their majors. We go around like we’re at some get-to-know-you session at orientation.

When it’s my turn, I smile politely and share the pertinent details. “Double major, business and computer science. Tight end on the team. Father to a two-year-old named Lily.”

For some reason, this catches the attention of the rich guy, who I learn is named Alex. “That’s a lot on your plate.”

He has no idea. “It’s not so bad if you have your priorities on straight.”

“No time for partying.”

I haven’t been to a party this semester. “Don’t feel like I’m missing much. Been there, done that. My ex always used to say that a little sacrifice today will make a big difference tomorrow.”

“That’s just sad.” Amelia reaches over and pats my arm like I’m a loser. “Sienna broke up with you, bro. Give it up.”

Olly winces and mouths ‘sorry.’

Why am I here again?

“Excuse me. I’m gonna get something to drink. Can I get anything for y’all?” I look around the table, and of course Sylvie wants another Bloody Mary.

I’m paying for Granny to get blitzed when out of the corner of my eye I spot Destiny hauling ass to the stage.

Haven’t seen her around, but Sienna told me a while back that Winston had knocked up her former best friend. Destiny definitely messed with the wrong guy. Winston has zero concept of honor or loyalty. I suppose that’s the universe’s way of evening things out after she backstabbed Sienna.

Destiny storms up to Winston and tosses a drink in his face.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he yells as he jumps up and starts for her, but Fowler holds him back.

The entire ballroom quiets. Every pair of eyes is on Winston and Destiny.

She doesn’t seem to care that her life is at risk because she gets in his face. “I’m pregnant with your baby and you’re here with another woman? What about all the promises you made to me? What about your responsibility to me and this baby?”

“That’s not my kid, you crazy bitch!”

Krud runs at them, testing the strength of the buttons on his suit. His face is bright red as he angry-whispers at them.

Winston’s date tries to defend him, and Destiny reaches over and yanks out some extensions.

“Ooooh, bad move.” Olly shakes his head before he apologizes to the boosters at our table. “We’re not always a Jerry Springer episode, but when we are, we really do it with style.”

Krud and the security drag Winston, his date, and the ex behind the stage, but the curtains are cracked open, and I can see hair flying.

Everyone in the ballroom hears bits and pieces because the mic at the podium is hot and catching what they say.

The girls get dragged away, but Krud is still yelling at Winston. Let me say, for someone who’s been on the receiving end of Krud’s ire since training camp started, I’m rather enjoying this moment.

“Do you have any idea who’s in attendance tonight, you moron?” Krud’s breathing so hard, we can hear it in the front row. “I got hired to do two things—finish the funding for the renovations and win games. Your father isn’t paying me enough for this crap. He swore up and down that your talent alone could carry the offense, which is bullshit and you know it. If he wants me to promote you while keeping Rodriguez off the field, he’d better double those payments.”

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