Home > Reckless Truths (Lost Kings MC #21)(98)

Reckless Truths (Lost Kings MC #21)(98)
Author: Autumn Jones Lake

Grinder looks at me, then Dex. “You’re right. I just want to pass on whatever wisdom I’ve picked up. No matter how small.”

“Thank you, Father Time,” Dex sneers.

In a gentler tone—well, gentle for Grinder—he adds, “Since I’ve been out, all I’ve seen you do is work and help your brothers, Dex. It’s admirable. But you need more. Don’t let guilt rust you up so tight, you never move forward. Take chances. Move forward. Rust or ride.”

Dex and I both groan. In the early days of the club, Grinder and Lucky had used that phrase often. Then Lucky died, and prison stole fifteen years of Grinder’s life.

“I was wondering when you’d bust that one out,” Dex says.

“Laugh all you want,” Grinder says. “Those are the only two options for a biker. Rust or ride. Which one you wanna do?”

“Neither right now,” Dex says with a smirk. “But I am going to run away from this conversation.”

He claps my shoulder. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

“You got it, brother.” I grab onto his arm. “Sorry I started that,” I say in a lower voice.

He tilts his head, accepting the apology. “It’s all good, brother.”

Then Dex does exactly what he said, and hurries away from us.

“Happy now?” I ask Grinder.

“What did you do?” Serena’s soft voice as she cautiously approaches us wipes the agitated scowl off Grinder’s face.

“Nothing, buttercup.” He slides one arm around her waist and rests his free hand on her stomach.

“Your ol’ man was just handing out some wise—if not ill-timed—life advice,” Charlotte says.

Grinder’s not offended. If anything, the half-smirk on his face says he’s amused. “Firecracker, I told you.” He points at me. “Glad you finally got your act together.”

Charlotte chuckles. “Everything fell into place.”

Grinder smiles wider. “She’s gonna hold your feet to the fire for the rest of your life.”

I hug Charlotte to me tighter. “I’m looking forward to it.”

Grinder turns, searching the backyard until his gaze lands on Dex. “That’s all I want for him.” He presses a kiss to Serena’s cheek and she leans into his side.

“I’m sure Dex knows it’s coming from a good place,” Charlotte says.

“If not an annoying one,” I add.

Serena winces and moves her hand over her stomach. Grinder forgets all about rusting, riding, or anything but Serena. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She squeezes her eyes shut, then opens them. “All good.”

“Let’s sit down.” Grinder whisks her away without another word to us.

As the sun slips away, the hundreds of tiny white lights I strung up around the yard flicker to life. Music flows from speakers set up around the patio. I curl my arms around Charlotte and draw her close, gently swaying—not quite dancing—to the rhythm.

“This is nice,” she sighs.

“I don’t ever want to be without you,” I whisper, leaning down to kiss her lips.

Charlotte melts against me. “Then you won’t,” she promises.

For most of my life, I was convinced happily ever after was a myth only found in the books I read to my little sister.

Now, I know I want to spend the rest of my life making this woman happy.

Ever after isn’t enough. I want her for eternity.









Years later…


“Daaad.” I hate the whiny note in my voice. “It’s not fair. Alexa and I don’t need Chance to babysit us all summer.”

Chance—the smug jerk—kicks back in one of our dining room chairs, laces his hands behind his head, and shoots me a shit-eating grin, complete with his adorable dimples that absolutely do not work on me.

“Grace,” Dad rumbles in a similar tone he uses to lay down the law to the club, “Chance has his own job lined up working for Dawson. It has nothing to do with you.”

Chance sticks his tongue out at me.

“Mom!” I protest, turning her way. Surely, she’s not going to allow this patriarchal bullshit.

“It’ll be nice for the three of you to be together. You can all look out for each other.” She pins me with her serious mom stare. “Honestly, it’s the only reason I’m allowing you to go. I still think you’re too young to be out on the road all summer.”

No. Oh no. Nope. Alexa and I fought too hard for Mom to yank her permission away now. “Aunt Shelby will be watching out for us,” I sputter.

“Aunt Shelby is busy performing,” she argues. Having a lawyer for a mom is the worst.

“Yeah, but Alexa and I will be her assistants so we’ll be by her side twenty-four seven.” Ha ha, having a lawyer for a sister-in-law is the best. I’ve learned the art of persuasion from Charlotte.

I shoot a look at Alexa. Jump in and help any time now. But she remains silent and continues watching with an amused expression.

“Bet Uncle Rooster’s gonna love that,” Chance mutters, reminding me of his annoying presence. “You two constantly pestering him.”

“Aunt Heidi, are you really allowing this? It’s insulting.”

She flicks her gaze to my dad then to Chance’s dad. “Uncle Z, are you sure you don’t need your son at home this summer?” Aunt Heidi asks.

I knew she’d be on our side.

“Sorry, Heidi-girl.” Z walks behind Chance’s chair and squeezes his shoulders. “Gotta let the bird outta the nest sometime. Besides, he wants to gain experience doing whatever the hell it is he’s doing for Dawson.”

“Sorry, I tried.” Aunt Heidi gives me a helpless shrug. Too bad she can barely hide her laughter.

So much for being on our side.

Alexa rolls her eyes at me. “Saw that coming. My mom’s in on this too. I overheard her talking to Dad about it.” She slides a stink eye at her mom. “Otherwise he wasn’t going to let me go.”

“There’s still time to change our minds,” Aunt Heidi says.

“Great,” I grumble. “Glad everyone finds this so amusing.”

Heidi nudges her oldest daughter. “Go home and finish packing, smart-ass.”

“Toodles!” Alexa waves at us over her shoulder as she hurries out the front door.

Aunt Trinity’s been sipping coffee in our kitchen, where she could quietly watch the drama but not be part of it. Now, she sets her mug down with a hard thump. “I am outraged on your behalf, Grace,” she says. “Absolutely outraged.”

She’s also not trying hard to hide her giggles.

“No you’re not,” I grouch, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Aw, come here.” She pulls me in for a hug. “You’re going to have a great time.”

I hug her tight and rest my head on her shoulder. “We’re not babies.”

“I know,” she says in a soothing voice. “You’re a big girl. About to go out into the big bad world.”

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