Home > How The Heart Breaks(37)

How The Heart Breaks(37)
Author: Stacey Marie Brown

Oh. Holy. Shit.

“Oh.” I dropped the knife, swiping up my cell and shoving it in my pocket before she could read it, my gaze not able to meet hers. “It must be about the part… the dishwasher broke again.”

LIE. LIE. LIE. It felt as if a blaring neon sign was on my forehead.

Addison’s gaze didn’t leave mine, her eyes studying me as if somewhere inside she sensed something.

“Hey, hey!” A man’s voice came from the front entry. “I have pie and presents.”

Addison squeaked, running out to the man. “Kevin!”

Relief flooded me, grateful for Kevin’s timing. His entrance had me stunned for another reason. Addy was very comfortable and excited to see him, and he had simply walked in. No knocking, no being a “guest.” This was huge. Harper wouldn’t let a man she was dating be so casual unless it was serious. The way Harper smiled at hearing his voice, I knew my sister was in love.

“Wow, he sure has Addison’s approval.”

“Yeah. They hit it off. He even took her to a football game with him the other week. She said they had a blast.”

“I’m so happy for you, Harp.” I felt myself choke up. “You deserve it so much.”

“So do you, sis.” She wrapped her arm around me, heading over to where Kevin and Addy were. “And don’t for one moment think the conversation earlier is over. You have this ‘I’m getting a truly fucked’ aura about you. I know because I had the same happy dazed look after I met Kevin.” She let go, jogging for her boyfriend, leaping into the arms of a tall, toned, and handsome man.

He peered up over her shoulder, going stiff. My heart tripped over itself as I stared into the same face who told me Ben would not be coming home.

It was blurry, hazy, like a bad dream you couldn’t exactly recall, but somewhere in your gut, you did.

“Kevin.” I gulped back the knot in my throat, reaching out my hand.

He and Harper parted, and he stepped up to me.

“I’ve heard so much about you.” Kevin took my hand. “It’s nice to officially meet you.”

“You too.” With his hand in mine, I felt tears brimming in my eyes, but for once it wasn’t out of heartache. It was gratitude. “I never got to thank you.” I gave him a watery smile. “Your kindness that terrible night. What you did…”

“I was only doing my job.” He looked down, letting go of my hand. “But something about your case stuck with me.”

A full smile bloomed on my face when I glanced over at Harper. “I guess it did. I’m glad it was you who knocked on the door.”

He let out a relieved breath, like he was afraid I would never be able to forgive him for the role he played that night.

“Maybe it was fate.” I glanced at my sister and Addison.

“Maybe.” He smiled warmly back at me. I already knew this man was a keeper.

“Come on. Dinner will be ready soon.” Harper moved back to the kitchen, and I watched him follow her, his hand rubbing her back, kissing her sweetly before they stepped out of my eyeline.

Seeing him again, the officer who had to give me the horrendous news, it gave me this sensation of lightness. Maybe I was actually moving on. A sense of closure, and as much as I would always love Ben…

It was time to let myself free.



Chapter 24



I peered down at my cell again, a groan bubbling in the back of my throat, my hand rubbing over my head with frustration. She told me she’d text when she got there, which should have been hours ago. All I needed was a damn text telling me she was all right.

Shit. I sounded like a boyfriend.

Not what we agreed to be. Just sex. And fuck, was it unbelievable. I could not get enough of her. My dick was raw after days of relentless fucking, but I still craved her like a drug. I wanted to be inside her now. But it was more than that. From the day I saw her across the field, I couldn’t explain it. I was drawn to her. It was nothing I felt before, as if I had always known her.

She was mine.

I had to walk this line, play by the rules she set, and not call her like a worried boyfriend.

“You okay, son?” Grandpa glanced over at me, his attention going to my bouncing knee.

“Yeah.” I hopped up, realizing I hadn’t been paying any attention to the football game. “Gonna go check on Grandma.”

Christmas was usually the three of us. My father had been their only son, and since I didn’t know my mother, I only had them after my dad died. We’d watch football games while Grandpa went in and out of napping, and Grandma humming Christmas songs in the kitchen as she cooked while I prepared the turkey.

Our small gathering never bothered me before, but this year, everything felt off.

Grandma couldn’t leave the bed, and she slept more than she was awake. I did the cooking this year, but doing it for Grandpa and me seemed pointless. We were going through the motions, but neither of us wanted to celebrate. Grandma was the lifeblood of this family, and I feared she might not be here much longer. When she went, so would the joy in this house.

To not think about it, my brain flipped back to Emery, which had me just as agitated.

Grandma appeared so little and fragile in the bed. I never noticed how old and weak she had gotten. She was still the woman who raised me, who swung me around and taught me how to cook.

“Mason.” Her voice was soft and frail, her lids barely holding up.

“Sorry if I woke you. I wanted to check on you.”

“Come here.” She patted the empty spot next to her on the bed.

I went over, sitting next to her, her hand wrapping around mine, her grip still surprisingly strong.

“Do you know how much your grandfather and I love you?”


“Let an old lady talk.” Her shaky hand tapped at my hand, telling me to be quiet. “You know I’ve only wanted the best for you, Mason, and I feel your grandfather and I have let you down.”

“What?” I jolted. “No way. If anything, it’s the other way around.”

Her hand pressed on mine, snapping my mouth closed.

“I know you didn’t have the best childhood, but the moment you came to live with us, you were ours, Mason, and there wasn’t or isn’t anything we wouldn’t do for you. And that’s why I blame myself.” Her lids fluttered. “I know you’ve put a lot of pressure on yourself to finish school, coach football, and experience your senior year—for your grandfather and me, not yourself. Like you’re obligated to us, when that couldn’t be further from the truth. We saw your father’s regret. We saw all the experiences other kids were going through, which you missed out on, and I think we made ourselves believe it was something you wanted too, for our own selfish reasons. It took until this stroke for me to be honest with myself, to face what I’ve known for a while—you are merely going through the motions for us.”

“Grandma—” My throat bobbed.

“We’re not going to be around long.”

“Grandma, stop. You’ll probably outlive me.”

“Don’t say that.” Her face pinched, her hand squeezing mine harder. “Don’t ever say that,” she whispered, almost in a cry.

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