Home > The Watcher (Men of Hidden Justice #4)(30)

The Watcher (Men of Hidden Justice #4)(30)
Author: Melanie Moreland

I lifted my head, shocked at her expression. Tears were running down her face, and she was white as a ghost. She covered her mouth, her hand shaking.

“He listened—he listened to everything?” she gasped, her breathing fast.

I stood. “Leo—”

He picked up the little stuffed animal and headed for the door. “I’ll come back.”

I crossed the room, kneeling in front of her. I cupped her face, shaking my head.

“No, baby. Not when you were in my apartment complex or my home. Not inside this office building. If we had come in the front door, you would have walked through a security checkpoint that would have shut down the trackers and alerted us to their presence. Because we came up inside the building already, the machines by the front door didn’t pick them up. Leo’s extra scanners did.”

“But before today…?”

“He may have tracked you to my street, but he would lose all capabilities to hear or track you once you’re inside the apartment complex.”

“So, he didn’t—he didn’t hear us? When we were together?” she whispered, her voice heavy with tears.

I stroked her cheek in gentle circles. “No, Raven.”

I pulled her to me, wrapping her in my arms. I sat in the chair she had been in, holding her tight.

“Those were our moments. Our intimate, private moments,” she sobbed. “To think he’d stolen that from us…”

I kissed her head, something tender and new unfurling in my chest. “No, Raven. The only one who hears how you sound when we make love is me. I’m the only man who will ever hear that sound again.”

She shuddered and buried her face into my neck. I stroked up and down her back in long passes, marveling at her sweet, worried thoughts. But I hated to see her so upset. She calmed, releasing a pent-up breath of air.

“Why didn’t you turn them off when you discovered them just now?”

“I didn’t want to tip him off that we had discovered them if he was listening.”

“That makes sense,” she agreed.

“He’ll assume they are being blocked right now, but not discovered. We want him to keep thinking that way.”

She nodded, silent for a moment before speaking again.

“He heard us in my apartment.”

“It depends where your bag was compared to where we were. Leo is probably testing the devices to figure out their capabilities. I assume he heard enough.”

“All this time,” she whispered. She looked up, her red-rimmed eyes doing something to me. I wanted to find this asshole right now and eliminate him. Permanently.

And this time, I would probably enjoy it.

“The roof?” she asked. “When we were talking? When I was on the phone with Deb?”

“He might have heard you, but he might not have. I’ve never tested it. But he, no doubt, knows you are living in my place. He still can’t get to you, Raven. He can’t get in the building.”

“But if he heard me, he didn’t show up at the coffee shop.”

“No, he didn’t.”

“Maybe he’s given up?” she asked hopefully.

“Maybe. Or maybe he knew you were being watched. Or the scanners prevented him from hearing.”

She sighed and wiped under her eyes. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have gotten so upset.”

“Hey, you have every right to be upset. This dickhead has invaded your privacy, frightened you, and stalked you. Don’t hide that from me.”

“What do we do now?”

“I’m going to keep your little bunny here and see if it can help us find him.”

“Will I get him back? Emery, one of my favorite students, gave him to me.”

“Yes. I’ll take good care of it. But for now, it stays with me.”

“Okay.” She was quiet for a moment, and Leo returned, knocking before he came in. He set the bunny down. “The range is good. They aren’t like what we use, but they’re not run-of-the-mill either.”

“Can we find him, using the manufacturer?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I’d probably be able to figure it out. But I have to take them apart.”

“Maybe we could test my theory before you destroy them,” Raven said quietly.

“Test how?” Leo asked, ignoring me as I began to shake my head.

“You think he knows something in the building is blocking him.”

“Or thinks the bugs are malfunctioning.”

“But he doesn’t know that you know about the bugs.”

“I don’t think so,” I replied. “What are you thinking?”

“So, once we leave the office, couldn’t we use that to our advantage? Let him think there are glitches, but the bugs haven’t been found? Let him know where I will be and when? Like when I go shopping tomorrow? Or go somewhere on the weekend? See if he shows up?”

I stared at her in surprise. As much as I hated the thought of exposing her, it was a good idea. And she was incredibly brave to have suggested it.

“He’ll know we’re watching,” I pointed out.

She shrugged. “Or maybe make him think you’re backing off a little. That you think your scare tactics worked on him.”

“I am not backing off.”

“I know. Use your guys. Ones he doesn’t know. Send them ahead.” Then her eyes widened. “Why don’t we go for a walk and have a fight?”

“What? A fight?” I asked. “Why?”

“He’ll see me walk away from you. Maybe he’ll approach me.”

Leo met my frowning gaze. “That’s not a bad idea.”

“Maybe I should go back to my apartment,” she added. “Be easily accessible.”

“That isn’t happening.” I snapped, tightening my grip on her hip. “I’ll think about the other idea.”

She stood, smoothing down her skirt. She was pale, upset, and fierce. She settled her hands on her hips, glaring at me. “The bottom line here, Damien, is it is my decision. I could walk out of this building right now, and you can’t stop me. I think we need to see if he is still hanging around. This seems the best way to do so. You can arrange your men. We can play things up. I know I’ll be safe. Maybe he isn’t even bothering anymore.”

“And if he is?” I said, furious she was insisting and knowing she was probably right.

“Then you nab him. Take him to the police. Find out who he is.”

Leo spoke up. “She’s right, Damien. If he is around, still following, he may take the chance.”

I stood. “I’ll think about it, and we’ll discuss the logistics in the morning.”

Raven didn’t budge. “We’ll discuss it now.”

I rubbed my eyes, tamping down my temper. I recalled how often Missy defied Marcus. The time Evie went on a lone shopping spree and drove Matteo mad with worry. I had laughed at their frustration. Their overreactions. I hadn’t expected it from Raven. I supposed I should have. They would laugh at me right now.

“We will have rules. Boundaries.” I pointed my finger at her. “You will adhere to them.”

“You figure it out, and I’ll bring in the men,” Leo offered. “We’ll make sure she’s safe.”

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