Home > Don't Let Me Go (Don't Let Me #2)(4)

Don't Let Me Go (Don't Let Me #2)(4)
Author: Kelsie Rae

“What the hell are you doing, man?” he growls, the sound vibrating from his chest and against my palms firmly planted on his pecs.

“Calm down,” Burrows replies. “We’re just playing a game.”

“This is Colt’s little sister!”

“Yeah. I know.” Burrows’ tone is calm and level-headed, unlike the man who’s holding me hostage. “He saw us playing and was fine with it.”

“Did he know you were gonna get her wasted too?”

“I wasn’t––”

Smacking Theo’s chest, I wiggle out of his arms and nearly fall on my ass. His grip tightens around my bicep, keeping me upright, though I refuse to thank him for it.

“He wasn’t doing anything, you big neanderthal,” I argue. “We were just playing––”

“Yeah, well, you’re done.”

“Who do you think you are?” I demand. Or at least, it’s what I’m trying to demand. My tongue isn’t exactly working at top speed. Nope. Instead, my speech is slurred, and I’m pretty sure I sound like an idiot. But it isn’t my fault. It’s Theo’s. He shouldn’t have pissed me off as soon as I walked up to his house. He also shouldn’t be smelling this good. What is it? Cologne? Or is it his own natural scent? If it is, it isn’t fair. That’s for sure.

“Look. I’ve already had enough shit go down for one night,” Theo growls, though I have no idea what he’s talking about. He glares down at me, shaking his head. “I don’t need to deal with you too.”

“Then don’t,” I argue. “I’m fine.”

Without bothering to tear his gaze from mine, Theo yells, “Everyone! Out!”

I flinch at the sharpness in his tone. He isn’t usually an angry guy. Most of the time, he’s laid back and––dare I say it––almost jovial. Like Santa Claus. Except sexier and without the massive belly.

Well. Unless I’m around. Then, he’s the Grinch with a side of Jack the Ripper. And with the way he’s looking at me right now? I might as well dig my own grave next to the massive trees in the backyard, ‘cause I’m not walking out of here tonight.

“Now!” Theo snaps.

Welp. Apparently, the party’s over.









A collective groan rolls through the backyard as people start heading inside and toward the front door, repeating Theo’s order to those who hadn’t heard him yet. I’m surprised no one protests though.

Nope. Just me.

Smacking at Theo’s chest––again––I spit, “Who said you get to end the party? They were having fun. I was having fun!”

“Yeah, I can see,” he grumbles. “Can you walk, or do I need to carry you?”

I blink slowly as I register his question. My mind feels like it’s stuck in quicksand, making every thought, every decision feel like it’s happening in slow-motion. Like I can’t catch up. Like I’m always a beat or two behind.

Impatient, Theo bends down, grabs the back of my thighs, and hauls me over his shoulder like I’m a sack of potatoes. It isn’t sweet or romantic. It’s tainted with annoyance. Obligation. Like he’d rather be anywhere else than holding me against him. And it pisses me off.

“You should let me down,” I slur, hating how good he smells. Seriously. It’s delicious. Like aftershave and sweat. But not gross sweat. Good sweat. I didn’t know there was good sweat until this moment. But it’s official. There’s such a thing as good sweat. Clean sweat. And I want to wrap myself up in it. Not to mention the view. Hello, tushy, tush. I kind of want to pinch it, bite it, and smack it all at once. Maybe if I do, he’ll even put me down.

Now that’s what I call a win-win.

“Well, this is just great,” a familiar feminine voice announces as Theo steps inside the Taylor House. “I swear I only left her for five minutes. But then Colt punched Logan and––”

“I get it,” Theo replies as I turn my head toward the voice and find a very upside down roommate staring back at me.

“Mia! My mama Mia!” I snort. “Get it? Mama Mia? It’s such a great movie.”

“She’s totally gonna puke in Ash’s car,” Mia mutters. She turns on her heel toward the front door. “Come on––”

“I need to pee,” I announce.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, the keys dangling from her other hand, Mia sighs while Theo takes a sharp turn toward the bathroom on the main floor.

My legs feel like overcooked noodles as he sets me down on the gray tile. I grab his arm to keep from falling over, vertigo practically assaulting me. Seriously. It’s official. This is the most drunk I’ve ever been, and I’m gonna be miserable tomorrow.

Nice move, Blake.

“Can you pee on your own?” Theo grumbles. I swear, the bastard isn’t even trying to hide his annoyance.


Although, it is an excellent question.

Can I pee on my own right now?

I gulp, my stomach knotting as the alcohol settles inside of me, then nod at him.

Unconvinced, he stays close, eyeing me like I’m a ticking time bomb. “You sure?”

“Yup,” I lie, giving him a thumbs up with my hand not currently digging into his arm to hold myself upright.

He grabs my wrist and removes my death grip on his bicep but makes sure I have my balance somewhat steady before he lets me go and steps away from me. “I’ll be outside.”

The door closes behind him with a quiet click.

I don’t know how long I’m in the bathroom, but I do know it's spinning. Round and round, like I’m on a carousel, when I’m most definitely sitting on the toilet with my thong around my ankles and my dress pooled around my waist.

Classy, I know.

I shouldn’t have had the last drink.

Damn you, Burrows. You’re too good at Beer Pong.

“Bad idea, Blake,” I scold myself, resting my head in my hands with my elbows perched on my knees as I close my eyes.

A soft knock echoes from the door, and my head lolls to the side.

“Who is it?” I sing.

“Blake,” a familiar low voice barks.

“Who is it?” I repeat a little louder this time while dropping the song.

“Unlock the door, Blake. Now.”

I locked the door?

Not gonna lie. I don’t even remember closing it.

Too. Much. Alcohol.

With a frown, I push myself onto my feet, pull up my underwear, and stumble to the sink. The cool water feels good against my hands as I wash them. The towel feels gross, though. Like it hasn’t been washed recently.

Or maybe it’s because there were so many people at the party.

I guess it makes sense.

A loud, jarring knock vibrates against the door again, and I jump in surprise.

“Now, Blake,” the low voice warns.

So bossy.

Grumbling under my breath, I unlock the door. The handle twists on its own, and the door is shoved open to reveal a very pissed off Theo.

“What’s your problem?” I slur.

“Mia and I have been trying to get you to open this door for five minutes.”

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