Home > The Nanny (RUINED CASTLE #3)(34)

The Nanny (RUINED CASTLE #3)(34)
Author: Vivian Wood

“I did care,” I admit. “I should care. I’ve been raised to be hyper-aware of my surroundings and anything I’m doing that looks bad or might be taken the wrong way. But Deacon told me before we came here that nobody gives a damn about all that out here. And you know? He was right.”

She still looks confused and maybe a little skeptical as she tries to follow my stream-of-consciousness explanation. “How do you know he was right? If you tell me you have some kind of paparazzi sixth sense, I’m going to walk right back into that movie theater by myself and pretend like that hot, amazing kiss didn’t just happen.”

I can’t help but smile a little. “No sixth sense, though it would certainly be helpful sometimes. But you and I proved his theory tonight on the red carpet. Nobody knew who you were but they were captivated. Captivated, Ella. It was like you cast a spell over them and I think they were genuinely disappointed when you went inside and they couldn’t keep taking photos of you.”

That light pink color that I can’t get enough of is creeping up into her cheeks as she makes a dismissive gesture. “That’s sweet of you to say, but I don’t think it was quite as magical as you’re making it sound. I did get followed in by a handful of talent scouts who wanted to take my name and number, though.”

“See? I mean, those guys are a fucking joke, but still—that’s what I’m talking about. You got all this well-deserved attention and then when I stepped out onto the red carpet?” I shrug. “Nothing. Crickets. Nobody gave two shits and it was the best feeling in the world.”

“I’m glad you had that epiphany,” she nods, a tiny crease forming between her perfectly manicured brows. “But you don’t think I should follow up with those talent scouts?”


This is what happens when I don’t think before I speak.

“I didn’t say that,” I begin. I don’t want to make things worse but I also don’t want to dwell on this particular topic when it’s not even the thing I’m supposed to be apologizing for. “All I meant was that those guys are like—look, you’re beautiful. You’re amazing. It’s nothing to do with you, but those guys are all the same. They’re just hoping to find the next ‘it’ girl to exploit.”

I pause and take a breath, hoping I’m making sense and not digging a deeper hole for myself. “Anyway, aren’t you always telling Isla to live in the moment and not worry about the future? All I want is for both of us to live right here, right now, in this moment.”

“I get that,” she nods. “And I don’t disagree. But I can’t keep pretending to be your nanny forever, Keir. Whether I want to or not, I have to think about the future.”

I want to argue but I can’t. Not only is this not the place or time, but the movie is over and the crowd is starting to filter out of the theater and I can see Saffron and Deacon walking out together.

Well, no.

Saffron is walking out and Deacon is right behind her. I’ve seen that exact same look on my sister’s face so many times before that I immediately know something is wrong.

“Saffron is about to go nuclear,” I mutter out loud. “I don’t know what he did to set her off, but I’d be willing to bet she’s about five seconds from socking him in the jaw.”

Whatever happened, at least I’m off the hook for now. Ella turns and we both watch as my sister and Deacon bicker back and forth. We’re not the only ones watching, and I can tell Deacon is starting to get a little nervous about causing a scene.

I take Ella’s hand again and nod toward them. “I need to step in before this gets ugly.”

“Probably a good idea. Looks like it might already be getting out of hand.”

Saffron sees me first as I try to wave them over.

“No,” she mouths, shaking her head. She turns on her heel toward the door.

Deacon puts his hands up in a mock surrender. “How was I supposed to know you and your sister share the same short temper?”

I groan. “Jesus, I probably don’t even want to know what you did to piss her off.”

“Probably not,” he smirks. “Not here, anyway. But there’s a nice little bar right around the corner where I can tell you all about it.”

I look over to Ella. “Can I buy you a drink as a peace offering?”

“I think you owe me at least two drinks.” She raises a brow. “And at least one more apology.”

That’s a deal I’m happy to make. “Perfect. Let’s get the hell out of here.”









When we get back to our penthouse suite, Keir is all over me the second the elevator doors close. He pushes me against the wall of the elevator, pulling my hands behind my back, kissing the back of my neck.

“Keir…” I admonish him.

“No one is watching,” he growls. “It’s just you and me now, sweetheart.”

He reaches around to slip his hand between my legs, rucking my dress up roughly until he touches the tiny silken triangle of my black lingerie.

“Keir!” I hiss.

“Shhh.” His fingers trace the seam of my pussy and circle my clit once. “Fight against me. Tell me you don’t want it. Go on, I dare you.”


Keir kisses me then, hard and punishing, stealing the very breath from my lungs. My whole body stiffens against him at first. I pound a fist against his chest as he bends me back, his tongue sweeping my mouth, his fingers finding their way into my hair. My heart pounds.

As much as I am loathe to admit it, this is what I knew would happen. Worse, I wanted him to kiss me. To fuck me.

To make me cry his name as I came.

He pushes me back toward the bed, half carrying me, the onslaught of his kiss never giving up an inch.

With every passing second, I feel my resolve against Keir weakening. Every brush of his lips on mine, every stroke of his fingers up and down my body. There’s something different in him. I’ve felt him changing, slowly, a more vulnerable side emerging from the darkness.

But it requires anger to bring it out of him.

His tongue plunders my mouth and I find myself meeting it eagerly with my own. I can feel his desire to dominate, to possess me, and it doesn’t scare me like it used to. I welcome it.

“Keir,” I sigh against his lips. “What has gotten into you?”

“Nothing. I’m just taking care of my good girl the only way I know how.” He takes my lower lip between his teeth and tugs, swift and hard.

“Keir…” I say, a warning edge to my voice.

“Ella, sweetheart. Don’t make me punish you, little girl.”

His growl sends shivers through my body and my nails dig into his chest. Slowly my eyes lift to meet his penetrating gaze, and what I find there makes me pause.

The familiar arrogance has lifted slightly, and a hint of vulnerability is there. “I want what you want, Keir.”

My hands trail to the buttons on his shirt and slowly I slip them open one by one. He hisses and sucks in a long breath.

“Fuck, darling.” His grip is firm on my hips, but when I open his shirt, a slight tremble rolls through him. “I need you, Ella. Your soft skin, your quiet moans, the way you make me feel… You’re a fucking drug and I am fucking addicted to you. Why do I feel this way?”

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