Home > The Nanny (RUINED CASTLE #3)(30)

The Nanny (RUINED CASTLE #3)(30)
Author: Vivian Wood

Isla’s bottom lip is trembling as she looks from her mother to me. “We’re okay. I was just saying how we could maybe watch cartoons, but Mama doesn’t want to right now.”

I give Kinsley a moment to say something—anything—that might smooth things over with Isla, but no. She can’t be bothered. She’s more interested in looking at her phone screen than anything we might have to say.

Which is fine. Also totally predictable. I hope she’s texting my mother and telling her what a horrible idea this was. I hope she never turns up on my doorstep ever again after today, but that’s probably asking too much.

“It’s getting late,” I say even though it’s the middle of the afternoon. “Kinsley, didn’t you say you have somewhere else to be soon? An appointment or something?”

She looks up from her phone and shoots daggers at me. It’s a look I know all too well. We both know she doesn’t really have anywhere else to be or anything else going on, and for a moment I wonder if she might call my bluff.

I walk over to place a protective hand on Isla’s shoulder, making it as clear as I possibly can that this visit is over. Fortunately, Kinsley takes the hint.

“Fine. You know what? I don’t have to put up with this. I’m leaving.” Almost as an afterthought, she turns to Isla. “Mommy has to go now. Be good.”

She walks out the door without another word. Without even another glance in our direction. It’s so hard not to chase her down and berate her for being such an awful person, but my daughter needs me right now. Her needs will always outweigh anything I have to do with her mother.

The tears are flowing freely down Isla’s cheeks when I look down at her this time. “Why is she angry with me? Did I do something wrong?”

My heart breaks into a million tiny pieces as I scoop her up into my arms and hold her tight. “No, sweetheart. You haven’t done anything wrong. I promise she isn’t upset with you.”

I try not to hold onto anger and hatred. Not for anyone, ever. I still get mad, of course. I still yell and pound my fists and slam doors when the mood overtakes me. But actual hatred?

Only a handful of people have earned a spot on that list. Natasha earned a spot the day she tried to kill Isla and Ella. Kinsley earned her spot today.

“Where’s Ella?” Isla sniffles. “Did she leave? Mama said I shouldn’t talk to her.”

One more reason why Kinsley has no business being left alone with my daughter. Ella has spent more time and shown more love to Isla than Kinsley is even capable of, and Kinsley knows it. That’s why she feels so threatened.

And that’s why I’m keeping Ella around as long as I possibly can. That’s my most compelling excuse, anyway.

“She’s here,” I hold Isla for another few seconds before setting her down on her feet again. “Shall we go find her? I’ll bet we won’t have to look too hard.”

“Yeah,” she sniffles, taking my hand and leading me toward the hallway. “Let’s go find her.”

I honestly don’t know where she is, but there are only so many rooms in the penthouse and I’m almost certain she didn’t sneak out the front door while Kinsley was here.

Isla stops in the middle of the hallway and cocks her head to the side. “Do you hear that music? Is it coming from the gym?”

I listen for a moment, then nod. “I think you’re right. She must be working out in there.”

Isla drops my hand and shakes her head as she darts down the corridor. “Ella doesn’t like to work out. She’s told me that before.”

She’s told me the same thing on the handful of occasions I’ve coerced her into going for a run with me, but maybe Ella wanted to burn off some pent-up frustration from having Kinsley up here in her personal space.

Or maybe that’s just me projecting. A good, long workout would probably do me some good right now, too.

“Ella!” Isla calls out as she throws open the door to our personal gym. “What are you doing in here? Why are you playing that boring music? You need fast music for a workout.”

I can hear Ella’s sweet laughter even before I make it to the doorway. “This is classical music,” she explains. “And I’m just stretching for now. Not really working out.”

I step into the doorway and freeze. Ella wears a brown leotard and white tights, her hair swept up in a bun with a protective red silk handkerchief tied tightly around her head. She moves with an ease and a confidence that I’ve never really seen her have before. She looks really young, suddenly.

My heart hammers against my ribs and I watch from a distance, feeling a bit lecherous.

Isla has no such reservations. She tilts her head and eyes Ella. “Why are you stretching, though? Can I stretch with you?”

Ella pats te floor beside her. “Of course! I’d love that.”

Ella hasn’t noticed that I’m standing in the doorway yet, so I watch quietly as she walks Isla through a few easy stretches. The way she interacts with Isla is like night and day compared to Kinsley, and I can’t help but smile seeing the two of them together.

My girls.

They’re my whole world right now, really.

The other thing catching my attention is how fucking good Ella’s ass looks in those tights.


This isn’t really the time or place to be thinking about things like that, but… damn.

“Did you want to come stretch with us?” Isla’s little voice pulls me from my not-child-friendly thoughts. “Ella is showing me how to be a ballerina!”

Ella looks over, blushing slightly as she seems to notice me for the first time. “You’re welcome to join us, Keir.” There’s a mischievous gleam in her eyes as she adds, “If you think you can keep up with a couple of girls.”

I snort. “I already know I don’t stand a chance.”

Ballet stretching was the very last thing I could have imagined myself doing today, but the only thing waiting for me in the other room is a stack of mind-numbing reports that I need to look through.

Those reports can keep fucking waiting.

“Okay,” I rub my hands together as I walk over to stand next to the two of them. “Show me how it’s done.”

I mostly just watch as Ella continues helping Isla with some so-called beginner positions that nearly make me face-plant into the mirrored wall when I try to join in.

“Maybe you’ve missed your calling all these years,” Ella teases, tossing me a wink. “You just need to limber up a little.”

“Maybe you can give me some pointers later.” I shake my head and laugh as she reaches to cover Isla’s ears. “Hey, I didn’t say anything bad. I can’t help what you might be thinking.”

“What are you thinking about, Ella?” Isla looks back and forth between the two of us. “I didn’t hear him say a naughty word.”

Ella sighs, dropping her hands back to her side as she walks over to turn up the music. “He didn’t say a naughty word, but he doesn’t get to say anything else at all until we’re finished.”

Isla looks over and offers me a sympathetic shrug before turning her attention back to the impromptu ballet lesson. “This is fun! Do you really think I could be a ballerina like you?”

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