Home > The Nanny (RUINED CASTLE #3)(52)

The Nanny (RUINED CASTLE #3)(52)
Author: Vivian Wood

“Sorry,” he says, reaching out to steady me without taking his eyes off whatever he’s seen in the distance. “It’s James.”

“No,” I gasp, craning my neck to see. “Seriously? Here? Why would he come to Isla’s play?”

I feel a momentary rush of panic when I spot him. I’ve tried to move past what happened the other night—or to at least avoid thinking about it for now—but the prospect of running into James again so soon after he nearly attacked me makes me want to turn around and run.

Keir makes an angry rumbling noise and I can see that James has spotted us. “He’s actually going to come over here. Un-fucking-believable.”

The pent-up rage is radiating from him and I’m seriously worried he might try to fight his brother right out here in the middle of this school campus.

“I still don’t understand why he’s here, though. What does he have to gain from showing up at a kids’ play?”

“Because this is what he does. This is classic James. He gets to score political points by coming out here and supporting his niece, showing that he’s part of the community and he cares about the kids—all that typical politician bullshit. And he gets to come here and taunt the two of us, knowing I won’t kick his ass at my daughter’s school play. It’s a win-win for him.”

I would have been hesitant to believe someone could be so cold and calculating, especially when it comes to a kids’ event, but I’ve found out firsthand just how horrible and nasty James can be. I wouldn’t put anything past him after what he did the other night.

Keir takes a step forward, planting his feet and placing himself between James and me. “Just stay right there,” he half-growls, half-whispers to me. “He’ll have to get through me first if he wants to say anything to you this time. Looks like he has someone with him, so he might actually be on his best behavior tonight.”

I’ve been trying not to look in James’ direction at all, but I can’t stop myself from glancing over to see who he brought as a plus-one to Isla’s play.

“Oh my God,” I suck in a sharp breath and take a step back before I even realize I’ve moved. “I know that guy.”

Keir looks over his shoulder to shoot me a confused look. “You do? How? From where?”

What fresh hell is this? Am I actually living inside a nightmare right now? “He’s, um, an ex.”

Keir’s brows knit together. “An ex what? Please tell me he’s an ex-con.”

My throat is closing up as I shake my head. “No, not an ex-con.” Lord, I can’t believe how quickly this night has gone from good to bad to worse. “He’s an ex-boyfriend. We dated back when I was in the ballet.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he mutters. “This is a new low for my brother, and that’s saying a lot.”

James is close enough to hear us now, and I’m pretty sure that cocky grin just got a little wider. “Keiran, so good to see you again.”

“Is it?”

James tosses a pointed glance in my direction before turning back to his brother. “Always good to catch up with family, right? I’m surprised you found time to make it here tonight, though. Seems you and your, ah, nanny have been pretty busy lately.”

God, I hate him.

“You’d better watch your fucking mouth,” Keir grinds out through gritted teeth. “Why don’t you introduce us to your date?”

I snort before I can stop myself, drawing a scowl from my ex and a sneer from James. “I think your nanny might already know my old friend, isn’t that right? Would you like to handle the introductions, Ella?”

“No,” is all I say, leaving the four of us silently staring at each other for a few uncomfortably long seconds.

“I’m Spencer,” my ex shoves a hand in Keir’s direction. I’ve heard a lot about you, Lord Grayrose.”

Keir looks down at Spencer’s hand and waits a beat before shaking it. “I’ve heard very little about you, Spencer.”

James tosses me a wink that makes my skin crawl. “I’m sure Ella can fill you in on all the important details. The two of you might have a few things in common, Keir. Seems you share the same taste in women, at the very least.”

I can’t stay quiet anymore. I’ve tried. I really have. But I can’t keep standing here pretending like any of this is normal. “Why are you doing this, James? What are you trying to prove? What did I ever do to you?”

“Aside from fucking my brother and making a mockery of my family’s name? Whoring around all over Europe with him while you pretend to tutor my niece? Shall I go on?”

Keir steps so close to him that James actually flinches. “No. You shouldn’t. I don’t want to hear you say another word to her. Ever.”

“Sure, brother,” James shrugs. “But maybe when the two of you leave here, you can ask her about her relationship with Spencer. Seems your nanny really has a thing for older, rich gentlemen, hm?”

As much as I appreciate the fact that Keir is defending me, I can’t stop myself from giving his brother a piece of my mind before we leave. “Go to hell, James. You don’t know anything about me, and you sure as hell don’t know what kind of guys I like. You’re just pissed that I wouldn’t give you a chance.”

That cocky mask slips for a second and I see a flash of pure hatred in James’ eyes. He opens his mouth to say something else but stops when someone nearby calls out his name. His eyes narrow for a split-second before he schools his features into his characteristic smirk again. “We’ll have to continue this enlightening conversation another time. A constituent needs me.”

He stalks off with my confused ex in tow, leaving me standing alone with Keir again. “God, that was awful,” I exhale a breath I’ve been holding in for way too long. “I’m sorry, but I really hate your brother. Like, really, really hate him.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you had a rich ex?” His voice is cold and his expression is still stony.

“I’m… sorry? That isn’t the sort of thing that normally comes up in conversation, Keir.”

What the hell? Is he pissed at me now? How did this ambush suddenly become my fault?

“Seems like something you might have mentioned,” he shrugs. “Unless there’s a reason you kept it a secret?”

Okay, now I’m getting angry. “Have you lost your mind? I know you’re upset with your brother, but please don’t take that out on me. I had no idea my ex was going to be here—I assure you I’m just as pissed as you are right now.”

“I doubt that,” he shakes his head. “All this time you’ve played up how poor your family is and how you’ve never been around someone with as much money as I have—can you blame me for wondering how much of that is true?”

“What?” I have to stop myself from yelling because he’s making me want to pull my hair out right now. “First of all, fuck you for whatever you’re implying. But second, why would I lie about my past? What possible motive would I have? Yeah, I used to have a wealthy boyfriend. We dated for a while and then we broke up.” I lower my voice again because I’m starting to yell again. “But don’t worry, the two of you really don’t have much in common. He never made me pretend to be his fucking nanny.”

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