Home > The Nanny (RUINED CASTLE #3)(50)

The Nanny (RUINED CASTLE #3)(50)
Author: Vivian Wood

“How can we be done? How can we break up if we weren’t ever together in the first place. You might be done, and that’s fine. You can go. I won’t stop you.”

I’m going to start crying if I say anything else at all. He’s already seen me shed too many tears, and I’m not going to let him see me cry today.

Instead, I turn and walk away. True to his word, he doesn’t try to stop me.









The flight back to Glasgow is almost completely silent. Ella and I are sitting at opposite ends of the cabin, and Isla is shuttling between us, chatting to whoever seems more inclined to listen at any given moment.

I’m not ready to go back to Scotland and I know Ella isn’t, either. But Isla has rehearsals for a school play that she doesn’t want to miss, so here we are.

If she’s the only one of us who gets to have a semi-normal life for now, so be it. She certainly deserves it after everything I’ve put her through.

“Dad, the seatbelt light came on!” she announces as she climbs into the seat next to me. “Are we getting ready to land?”

“We are,” I nod. “Just in time to get you to the rehearsal.”

She cheers and I help her fasten her seatbelt as we start to descend into Glasgow. I cast a quick glance in Ella’s direction but she’s facing forward, just like she has been this entire flight.

We’ve hardly spoken since our discussion yesterday, but we also haven’t really had time to talk much—and honestly? I think we’ve both said everything that needs to be said at this point.

There are two black SUV’s waiting for us on the tarmac when we exit the plane, and I gesture to the one in front when Ella turns back to give me a questioning look. “He’ll drop you off at the apartment while I take Isla to her rehearsal.”

“Oh, right,” she nods. She looks like she wants to say something else, but turns away instead and walks to the waiting SUV. “See you back at the penthouse.”

Isla starts questioning me as soon as we climb into the other vehicle. “Why did you make Ella go home by herself?” She pins me with a hard look that she no doubt learned from her Aunt Saffron. “I wanted her to ride with us.”

“We’re going to different places,” I shrug as if it’s no big deal.

And it isn’t a big deal. In fact, it’s better if we ride separately for now, since that’ll keep the paparazzi guessing and will make it harder for them to photograph the two of us together.

Isla’s frowns. “She isn’t going to watch my performance? Did you tell her not to come?”

Jesus, why do I always have to be the bad guy? Does my own daughter really think I’m an asshole?

Probably best if I don’t know the answer to that particular question.

“I didn’t tell her to do anything, sweetheart,” I sigh. That’s mostly true, anyway. I don’t give Ella too many orders, and in return she doesn’t ask too many questions about my family, my business dealings, or where we might be traveling next. “Ella will be waiting for us at home when we get there this evening, so don’t worry.”

Yeah, she still looks worried. And upset.

I just hope the play rehearsal will take her mind off all the stuff going on at home and allow her to escape for a couple hours of fun.

I use the rest of the trip to Isla’s school to make some phone calls, so I don’t notice the text from Ella until we’re climbing out of the SUV with just a few minutes to spare before the rehearsal.

James is here. I don’t know what to do.

“What the fuck?” I mutter out loud, earning me a disapproving look from my daughter.

“Language, Dad.”

“Sorry, honey.” The text is from ten minutes ago, which means Ella has been stuck alone with James for at least that long.


I text Ella back to let her know I’m on my way, then fire off another quick text to Saffron, asking her to cover for me at the rehearsal. Now I just have to break the news to Isla.

I wait until we’re inside and I can see some of the other kids running off to join their teacher before I lean in to give her a good luck hug and let her know what’s going on. “Sweetheart, I need to miss a few minutes of your rehearsal, but I don’t want you to worry because Aunt Saffron will be here to watch you, okay?”

She frowns up at me. “Where are you going?”

I obviously can’t tell her the truth and I don’t have time to come up with a lie. “I just need to check on something at home. I’ll try to be back as soon as I can, though.” I nod toward Isla’s teacher and classmates. “Go on now, have fun with your friends. That’s what we’re here for, right?”

“Yeah, I guess.” She’s disappointed and I don’t blame her. This is out of my hands, though. James shouldn’t be at my house, and he sure as hell shouldn’t be alone with Ella.

“Listen, I promise I’ll be here to watch your entire performance later this week, okay? From start to finish, nothing is going to keep me away.”

She perks up a little. “Not even if your work calls?”

“I won’t answer.”

“You won’t have a meeting at the last minute?”

Damn, she really has heard all my excuses before, hasn’t she?

“No meetings,” I shake my head, silently cursing myself for making her feel like she needs to question me like this. She obviously doesn’t trust me, and that’s something I have to fix. I can only fix one thing at a time, though, and it’s Ella’s turn right now. “You have my word that I’ll be here with you the entire time, Isla. Now go on and break a leg.”

She gasps. “You want me to break my leg?”

In spite of everything else that’s going on, I find myself laughing as I pick her up and give her a kiss on the top of her head. “It’s just an expression, my love. Now hurry, so you don’t get in trouble for being late.”

I set her back on her feet and watch until her teacher greets her, then I turn and make a mad dash for the door. I haven’t had another message from Ella since that first one, and the silence is starting to worry me.

I have no idea why he’s there or what made him think it was okay to stop by unannounced in the first place, but I’m going to set him straight.









“Ella?” I call out her name as soon as the elevator doors open. “Ella, are you here? James?”

I step into the living room but I can’t see or hear anyone. I’m trying not to panic but something is definitely wrong here.

“Ella?” I call out again as I hurry down the hallway toward her room. “Ella, I’m here—can you hear me?”

A muffled sound comes from the other side of her door and I throw it open wide without even thinking about knocking. “Jesus, Ella.” She’s huddled in her bed, lying on her side and crying so quietly that I still can hardly hear her even though she’s right in front of me.

“Are you okay?” I don’t wait for her to answer. I sit down next to her and pull her into my arms. “Tell me what happened. What did he do?”

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