Home > Hot!_ A Charity Anthology(76)

Hot!_ A Charity Anthology(76)
Author: Michelle Mankin

“Good thing I’m here.”

“Very good thing. I never thought I’d see the day where we could be brothers in anything more than name.”

“Yeah, well, we figured it out. You’re still an idiot, but I guess that’s what little brothers are supposed to be.”

My eyes stung. “I don’t deserve any of this. The family, the baby I made with Magic—and most definitely her. But every day, I try to be the man they need me to be. You all need and deserve me to be.”

Simon tightened the knot enough that I straightened to my full height and forced me to look him in the eye. “That’s a lot of pressure, Ian. I know how easy it is to bow under pressure. Don’t do that to yourself. Just be the best man you know how and the rest will follow.”

Swallowing tightly, I nodded. “I can do that.”

He gave me a good slap on the chest. “Hurt Zoe and I’ll have to kill you. The whole family tree thing is twisty with the Mannings and Ronsons, but they’re good people.”

I nodded quickly. “I’d rather die.”

“I know it. Still had to say it.”

I let out a shaky laugh. “Yeah.”

“So, wanna get hitched?”

“More than anything.”

“To Zoe.” Simon narrowed his eyes. “You meant Zoe, right?”

I laughed a little easier. “Definitely, Zoe.”

“All right. Ferguson, get out here. The smushy shit is over,” he called out.

“Thank Christ.” Rory slipped out, all decked out in his finery.

We slipped out into the hall and Margo did the flower thing on our lapels, taking an extra minute to smooth down Simon’s tie, then mine.

“You both are very handsome. You too, Rory.”

Rory pinked up and muttered, “thank you.”

“We’re ready to line up. Remember what you have to do?”

I nodded. “Not faint.”

Margo’s laugh was rich and warm. “You got it.” She went on her toes and kissed my cheek. “I’m so proud of you, Ian.”

I blinked against the sudden flood of tears. It was a rare word to hear attached to my name. “Thanks, Margo.” I hugged her briefly and rushed around them to go down the stairs.

I needed a minute to collect myself as I walked through the Lodge to the exit where the chapel was.

We’d decided to do our ceremony outside in the actual orchard. The chapel hadn’t quite been the place for us. The sky was a limitless blue and the apple trees were ripe with fruit.

Harvest would start the following week and everything was as picture perfect as a postcard. I dragged in a deep, slow breath and headed down the trail. I could hear the buzz of voices and the lilting strings of the musicians we’d hired.

I was supposed to line up with my brother and Rory, but I needed a moment to look at it as Magic would. The arbor with the billowing plum-colored sheers, the roses and fat purple flowers I could never remember the name of. Wooden folding chairs decked out with more of the white and purple flowers were filled with people who had become so special to us.

A woman turned and the familiar lines of Laverne’s kind face eased my mind. Then a small hand filled mine. I looked down and saw that Bez was just as introspective as his father. Well, in his three-year-old way anyway..

“Daddy, I saw you over here. Are we gonna get married now?”

I crouched down. “That we are. Got the rings for me?”

He dug into the pockets of his very smart suit and came out with a silk pouch. “Got it!”

“That’s my boy.” I helped him tuck them away and stood, taking his hand to walk down the aisle. At the other end, Simon was shaking his head and Flynn’s mouth was curved in an indulgent smile.

We rushed down the runner that led to the small dais. I swept my son up onto my hip so we could both see Zoe at the same time.

“Glad you could make it,” Flynn muttered out of the side of his mouth.

“I needed a second.”

“Change of heart?”

I shook my head as the music picked up. “Just so I hopefully don’t bawl like a baby.”

Flynn chuckled. “No chance. You’ll be blubbering in two minutes.”

Bez rested his hand on my shoulder and I looked at his curling hair so much like my own. I had a feeling he was right.

My niece Raine slowly made her way up the aisle with her little basket of flower petals. Her dark hair was in braids and her sweet white and purple dress swished around her knees. With a bright smile, she waved at her daddy and took a seat in the front row.

Margo and Lila were next and my insides started to hum as they strolled toward us with matching soft smiles. As the strings changed from gentle tones to the traditional wedding march, my heart lodged in my throat.

“Oh, wow,” Bez whispered as Zoe appeared at the end of the runner. Her father was beside her, walking her down to me, but all I saw was Magic.

I had to agree times a million. Her dress was as only Zoe would choose. The creamy white flowed into a deep plum at the edges. Lace hugged her perfect shoulders and dipped between her breasts before it floated around her gentle curves. She carried a chaotic bouquet of roses that fit her artistic heart.

Her angelic hair was down in a tumble of wild waves, tangled with a barely there veil that flew behind her as she walked down the aisle to us. Her eyes were shining and I could barely catch my breath.

If I hadn’t been holding Bez, I would’ve been bent over at the waist, praying that I didn’t die on the spot. But I was holding our son and I needed to stand up for her, for us, and show her that I was plenty strong enough to spend forever with.

Bez nearly arched out of my arms. Enough that I had to let him down to race to his mother.

She was crying as she bent down to kiss his cheek. Bez patted her face, a little upset to see her tears. She only brushed them away and laughed. Christopher handed her off to me and collected Bez, who was happy to go with him now that he knew his mom wasn’t hurting.

My sensitive boy. So much like me and I only hoped I could keep him that way.

I linked my fingers with hers and managed not to leak tears all over her. Well, only a few. “You’re beyond beautiful.”

She reached up and dashed away one of my tears. “You cleaned up pretty well yourself…husband.”

I drew her hand to my chest. “I can’t wait to be called that.”

“Then let me do the damn thing, son,” Flynn said gruffly.

We both laughed, but I was pretty sure we barely heard the sweet words he was probably saying. At least I hoped he was. The crowd laughed a few times, so I imagine it was dripping with his southern honey a time or two.

There was only Zoe and this moment. I’d thought about doing my own vows, but she was used to my flowery words and I wanted these to be as traditional as this moment.

To make sure she knew that I was here to have and hold, to cherish her forever, and I wasn’t even sure death could part us. This love was so much bigger than anything I could fathom.

She recited the same vows, but at the end, she added an extra line.

“And to take care of our children as I take care of him, and he takes care of me.”

My eyes blurred as I leaned into her. “I knew I’d convince you to have another.”

She drew my hand to her belly. “What I was trying to tell you last night. I guess we are getting married just in time.”

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