Home > Turn Up The Heat(48)

Turn Up The Heat(48)
Author: Kimberly Kincaid

Watching her come was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen, the intensity so deep and real that Shane wanted to have it forever.


“Shane,” Bellamy whispered, slipping her hands around his face and bringing him back to the moment. “Come here.”

He kissed his way gently past her still-trembling thighs and over her body until he reached her face. Bellamy ran her hands across his chest, letting them land around his waist. His fumbling for the bedside table hit the mark on the second try, and he found the condom he’d left there and put it on. Returning to the space between Bellamy’s thighs, he snaked an arm around her rib cage, cradling her shoulder with his palm.

But she gave a slight shake of her head and hooked a leg over his hip. Using the arm he had braced beneath her and the momentum of her weight against his, she swung him over to straddle his hips. Before Shane could even register being on his back, Bellamy had curled her fingers into his shoulders, the heat of her pussy so close to his cock that he couldn’t think about anything other than sinking into her.

“Bellamy,” he whispered, and she responded wordlessly by lowering herself over his cock. She balanced her weight on her palms and knees until their bodies were completely joined, skin on skin and heat on heat. She moved slowly until she found a rhythm, and Shane wrapped his hands around her hips to guide her through each thrust. When her pace quickened, he held her even tighter, keeping their bodies joined as she rocked against him and took what she needed. Her breath grew heavy, turning to moans, then his name, then finally a sharp cry as her pussy clenched and her body went bowstring tight. The sensation sent a bolt of heat all the way from the base of his spine, and he dug his fingers into her hips, leaving no space at all between them as he came with her name on his lips.

Bellamy melted against him, her breath still spilling out in ragged bursts. Shane folded his arms around her, tucking her into his body like she belonged there and nowhere else. Without thinking, the words in his mind tumbled out.

“Stay. Please stay.”

Bellamy nuzzled his neck, releasing one of those soft sighs that made him forget all the reasons why he couldn’t be with her in the long run.

“I don’t want to go back to the resort tonight,” she admitted, settling against him.

Shane shook his head. “No. I mean don’t go back to the resort at all. Stay here with me for the rest of the week.”

Her head lifted from his shoulder, blond curls brushing the space between their bodies. Goddamn it, he knew he shouldn’t have opened his mouth, or his heart, or whatever it was that had made him ask her to stay. He knew he couldn’t be with her in the long run, but the way she made him feel every time she looked into his eyes or said his name had pushed the stupid, reckless words right out of him.

“You want me to stay here with you the whole time,” she said, like she was making sure she’d heard him correctly. Shane could feel her stare in the shadows, and he met it even though it scared the hell out of him.

“Do you want to?” He couldn’t quite bring himself to say that yes, he wanted her to stay more than he wanted to fucking breathe, but Bellamy seemed to get the idea just fine without words, which was one of the reasons he wanted her to stay so badly to begin with.

She got it. Despite how different they were, she got him. And even though Shane couldn’t have her in the long run, he wanted her for every second until she had to go back where she belonged.

“I do want to. As long as you’re sure.” Bellamy paused to give him one last chance to backtrack.

But he didn’t take it. Instead, he nodded, pulling her close. He didn’t want to waste a single second of the time he had with her worrying about the fact that, eventually, he had to let her go. For the next few days and nights, he had her.

And he was going to make the best of it before she went back to her life, in the only place he couldn’t follow her.






Bellamy rolled over and slid her arms beneath her pillow, cradling it under her cheek as she inhaled the fresh cedar scent she was fast becoming addicted to. She didn’t open her eyes, just breathed in deep and memorized the feel of the flannel sheets, soft against her body, and the comfortable quiet of the cabin.

She’d told Shane she would stay.

In the grander scheme of things, staying at his place made sense. It wasn’t exactly a secret that she liked him, and the feeling seemed pretty freaking mutual, especially after last night. They had some time before she had to leave to go back to the city, and he wanted to spend it with her. It wasn’t as if they were getting married or anything. For God’s sake, it was four days. Ninety-six hours. Nothing major.

“Hey, are you awake?”

Bellamy fluttered her lids open just in time to catch Shane putting a steaming mug of coffee on the bedside table. He leaned in, his hand brushing her curls, but didn’t sit down on the bed.

“Coffee’s fresh.”

Her insides tightened. Shane was already dressed in his trademark jeans and thermal top, the lean muscles of his forearms showing just enough past the pushed-up sleeves to make Bellamy’s pulse hopscotch.

“Mmm, thanks.” She sat up, rubbing her eyes for a full five seconds before she realized she was naked as the day she was born. Modesty made her scoop the covers to her chest, trying to hold them in place with her palms. Shane’s eyes flared, but then he looked down, probably to give her at least a little privacy as she tried to figure out where they’d flung her clothes. Bellamy patted awkwardly through the sheets with one hand, using the other to try to cover her nakedness.

Oh, fuck it. It wasn’t like Shane hadn’t seen every inch of her, and more than once. He was the one who’d taken her clothes off in the first place. Dropping the covers, she twisted her hair up in a knot and launched a full-on rummage for her bra. Her cheeks burned as she found it tucked in the folds by her feet and put it on, following quickly with her shirt. Looking around for her clothes like this should feel awkward, right? They’d shared a night full of hot sex, sure. But things could be so different by the light of day, and—

Was that bacon?

“I have to go to work in a little while, but I made breakfast if you’re hungry. It’s nothing fancy,” Shane added. His eyes were back on her, and they’d lost none of the intensity of the night before. “But I kind of figure you can’t go wrong with bacon and eggs.”

Bellamy’s stomach rumbled, letting her know it was more than interested. “That sounds really good.”

He nodded. “Okay. I’ll just let you get dressed then.”

She waited until Shane had his back turned before sliding out of bed to scoop her pants and panties off the floor, grimacing slightly at the thought of putting the torturous thong back on. Measuring her options, she decided to forego panties altogether. After all, she was only headed back to the resort to get her things.

Her heart played a healthy game of pinball in her ribcage as she remembered Shane’s request. Maybe he hadn’t been serious when he’d asked her to check out of the resort and stay with him for the rest of the week. Worse yet, maybe he’d said it in the heat of passion and was now totally regretting having asked. It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the universe, right? I mean, sure, it would be a blow to her healing ego, but still. She couldn’t really blame him. People said all kinds of crazy things in bed.

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