Home > It'll Be An Adventure (Masters of the Shadowlands #15)(3)

It'll Be An Adventure (Masters of the Shadowlands #15)(3)
Author: Cherise Sinclair

“Actually, we only wanted autographs from the C-Guard stars.” Skylar tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder in a move that reminded Murphy of every cheerleader everywhere.
C-Guard, right. The popular romantic suspense series about the Florida Coast Guard had been turned into a TV series. C-Guard was filmed in the Tampa/St. Pete area, and the book signing event organizers had jumped at the publicity from having TV stars here.
“I got all the actors, even Everly Ainsworth’s,” Cassidy said.
Murphy glanced to the left wall where the TV stars reigned. Although the series author was present, most of the fans were jostling to get the attention of the actors and actresses. That poor author, having to undergo all the pressure of the event and then put in the shade by the bright and shiny.
“It’s a shame your shit can’t be made into a TV series,” Ross said. “Why can’t you write something like those Coast Guard romances?”
One of the readers lining up for an autograph snorted. “The Chaykovsky books would make a fantastic film series. Classic mysteries with a twist.”
A rumble of agreement came from the fans waiting for her signature.
Cassidy picked up a bookmark to read the blurb then sniffed. “Looks boring. Sorry, but I’m not into mysteries or historical stuff.”
“The historical thriller genre is small,” Murphy said agreeably and bit her tongue against adding that a certain intellect was required to read mysteries. She didn’t like snark in other people; she wouldn’t let herself go there either.
Besides, like Ross, Skylar and Cassidy were managers. They weren’t stupid. They were just the adult equivalent of mean girls.
Ross looked over at her table. “So, are you selling any books or just—”
“She’s down to her last box of books,” Josie’s soft drawl had a snap in it. “And there are readers waiting for her autograph, by the way.”
Belatedly noticing he was blocking the line, Ross cleared his throat. “Ah, right. Yeah. We need to get going. We’re heading over to Clearwater Beach to catch some sun.”
Of course they were. It was August, and she’d wanted to go to the beach for the last couple of weekends. Ross always had reasons not to go. At least with her.
She forced a smile. “Have a wonderful day.”
Involuntarily, she glanced toward the clock over the double doors. Not quite two hours left.
Even as she picked up her pen, more people joined her line. Okay, okay. Sure it hurts to see how unimportant I am to Ross, but buck up, Murph.
This was a book signing, not a wake. She sure wasn’t about to ruin the experience for her readers.
She turned to the first person in her line and gave him her brightest smile. “Hi there.”
He eyed her and asked the question she’d heard far too often. “You’re M. L. Chaykovsky?”
She laughed. “I am, yes.”
The signing was over. Murphy shook out her aching hand. “Ow. I can’t believe how many people wanted an autograph.”
“I know.” Josie rubbed her own fingers. “The mark of a good signing—not being able to close your hand for a day. We both did good, though”—she grinned—“my fans were about twenty years younger than yours.”
“But incredibly loyal, I noticed.” The way some of the teens had role-played Josie’s characters had been adorable. The fire-starter Laurent had been flirting with the knife-fighting Tigre. One enthusiastic boy had even worn a dinosaur mask, pretending to be of the reptilian Grestor race.
Josie really did have a great imagination.
“So, Murphy…” Josie waggled her eyebrows. “Did you think more about setting your next book in a BDSM club?”
With a huff, the inspirational author shook her head and hurried away with her wagonful of books and promotional materials.
Murphy giggled.
“Ah, well.” Josie grinned. “Some people like vanilla. So…?”
“I think I will, yes. It’d be different. Only I have no clue what the place would look like, let alone how the hero and heroine would investigate there.”
Josie swept her swag into a box and set it on the table. She only had a partial box of books left. “No familiarity with the BDSM world?”
Murphy looked away.
I’m not going to talk about my one visit to a BDSM club. Uh-uh.
“Facts aren’t difficult to research, but I need to experience what I’m writing about. A circus setting”—Murphy waved her hand— “circuses are easy to visit. Joining a search and rescue group let me discover what an actual search feels like.”
“I love that feeling of reality about your books.” Josie tapped her fingers on the table. “It appears you need to visit a BDSM club.”
Just the idea silenced Murphy. Or maybe it was the shot of fear…along with the strangest craving.
To her relief, a man walked up to Josie’s table. “Josie.” He wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and drew her forward for a kiss. No tongues or anything, but somehow the total focus and the gentle way it ended, heated the air.
Wow. Had Ross ever kissed her like that?
No. No, he hasn’t.
And wasn’t that a pitiful realization?
Murphy shoved the last of her swag into the box. Only partly full and easy enough to carry to her car.
“Murphy, this is my man, Holt. Holt, Murphy is ML Chaykovsky—the author of historical thrillers.”
“It’s good to meet you, Murphy.” The guy had a devastating smile and a voice like velvet. He shook her hand, firmly but gently.
“Her next book might be set in a BDSM club, so I’m trying to talk her into visiting one.” Josie leaned toward Murphy and lowered her voice. “As it happens, I bartend a couple of evenings a week at the Shadowlands, a very exclusive, very private club with a sterling reputation.”
“You what?” A cold chill ran down Murphy’s back. “You really bartend in a BDSM club?”
In the Shadowlands?
Josie nodded. “There are other clubs in the area, but truly, the Shadowlands is probably the closest you’ll find to a historic gentleman’s club ambiance. Want me to get you a guest pass for a night?”
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