Home > It'll Be An Adventure (Masters of the Shadowlands #15)(43)

It'll Be An Adventure (Masters of the Shadowlands #15)(43)
Author: Cherise Sinclair

She was out within a minute. Her trust in him squeezed his heart.
He, however, was wide awake. It’d been many years since he’d enjoyed holding a woman in his arms this much. Since he’d simply enjoyed being with a woman this much.
How could he not like a smart, caring, loyal woman? One with a sense of humor and a sensitive heart.
And if before sleeping he had a couple thoughts of fucking this silky-clad teddy bear…well, a man didn’t have to act on every urge that crossed his mind.
The next morning, Murphy checked the fridge. Thankfully, her infestation of trespassers hadn’t helped themselves to her food aside from the Chinese takeout. Murphy snorted. A few more hours and that probably wouldn’t have been true.
As she fixed a big breakfast, she listened to Saxon in the shower. He was singing “We Will Rock You” before segueing into “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Somebody was a Queen fan—and had a pretty good baritone too. She was grinning as she cooked…right up until she turned and bumped her bottom against the oven handle.
The nasty sting showed her ass was still sore. “Dammit, ow.” Sadists assuredly were sadistic.
There was no way she was going jogging today. In fact, it’d probably be painful to even sit. She frowned at her hard plastic desk chair in the living room corner. Maybe she’d do her writing on the couch with her laptop.
“Something smells good.” Saxon walked up behind her and dropped a kiss on her head as he checked out the bacon, scrambled eggs, and hash browns. “Damn. Did you make hash browns from scratch?”
“Of course. My father owns a B&B. I can make almost any kind of breakfast.” She grinned. “Meals like this are why I go jogging a few times a week.”
His gaze on her legs held a very masculine appreciation. “I like the results.”
Keeping an eye on the bacon, she popped two pieces of bread into the toaster, then handed him a cup. “Coffee’s ready.”
He poured himself a cup, ignoring the creamer and sugar she’d left out.
Black coffee, ugh. In her opinion, creamer was mandatory. In fact, she looked forward to a time when she could afford the fun, expensive flavored ones. White chocolate raspberry. Or…amaretto. Mmm. Being broke sucked.
As she dished up the food, Saxon carried everything to the small oval table. “Nolan will be here later to rekey the locks. Have you met him at the club?”
“I don’t think so, no.” Taking her own coffee to the table, she took a seat and noticed he’d waited for her before sitting. After she picked up her fork, he grinned at her and dug in.
Funny, she hadn’t thought about a Master having manners. But he did—even as he ate with open heartiness.
She’d always loved seeing someone enjoy the food she’d made. It was almost as nice as hearing that she’d kept someone enthralled in a story for hours.
“So what’s happening with Sherlock? Won’t he need to be walked or something?”
“A neighbor kid will pop over. The pup also has a doggie door so he can take himself outside, and the yard is fenced.” He grinned. “The top of the fence arches inward so neither the cats nor a search and rescue dog can climb over it.”
“Oh.” She smiled. “I’m trying not to be envious. I always wanted pets, but Pa said animals and paying guests didn’t go together.” What with Pa’s erratic temper and mood swings, it was just as well they’d had no vulnerable furbabies.
“I hear you. I was in boarding schools, same deal. But after high school, I met Jake—and he always had dogs and cats.” Saxon’s smile was wry. “I could’ve gone into business, but nope. I took a hard left into caring for the beasties.”
She studied his face. Uh-huh. “Somehow, I’m not seeing any regret.”
His grin flashed—and still had the power to make her insides quiver. “You don’t live at a B&B any longer. Why no pets now?”
“Oh.” She shrugged. “I didn’t trust my brothers to be careful and not let a dog or cat out.”
His mouth went flat, his blue eyes chilled. “I see.”
Boy, she never wanted him to look at her in that way. No wonder her brothers had practically fled the house last night.
Then he smiled at her. “Now, tell me, how is our poor heroine Dinah going to get out of being restrained without getting killed?”
“I should make you wait and read the book, you know.” But how could she hold out under the power of those blue eyes? “Montague will start a noisy fight to lure the murderer away from Dinah, then a servant he bribed will release her. Dinah will end up making friends with Jane, the servant.”
Saxon grinned. “And eventually take Jane back to their estate and teach her to read?”
“Huh, you know my heroine well.” Dinah had a habit of taking in women and helping them better themselves. “Yes. Jane gets bullied by the other servants at the club.” Murphy considered. “Maybe because her father made her insecure.”
That might work. Would be an interesting twist to the—
“How much of a writer’s personal life creeps into her stories?” Saxon asked, derailing her plotting.
“Um.” Oh, hell. “Some. Now and then, I guess.” Was her face red?
The corners of his mouth tipped up. “I’ll be watching to see if a blond guy with long hair shows up in your books.”
Even as Murphy snickered, she felt an ache of longing. Because Saxon had listened to her with respect, with interest. He had suggestions—and wouldn’t he be wonderful to brainstorm with? Ross had never shown any interest in her writing—or in her life, as a matter of fact. Neither had Pa or her brothers.
With a contented sound, Saxon pushed his plate back. “Great food, Murphy. Thank you.”
Managing a smile, she picked up her dishes. And smothered a sigh. Saxon was the kind of guy she’d dreamed about as a girl—and was so very different from her ex. No wonder she’d struggled while being with Ross. That hadn’t been love; it’d been her wanting a relationship. Pretty shallow, Murph.
She shook her head. True enough, but that’s what experience was for. Now she knew she should hold out for her dreams.
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