Home > Primal Instincts_ Volume 2(31)

Primal Instincts_ Volume 2(31)
Author: Nicole Edwards

I relaxed back on the sofa and stared into his room. It was too dark to see him, but I could hear the rustle of the blankets as he tried to get comfortable.
To keep from thinking about Journey, I let my focus remain on Hawk. I imagined him beneath me on the bed, his tight ass sheathing my cock. I’d never fucked anyone as thoroughly as I’d fucked Hawk. No one had ever submitted to me the way he had. I was a man in a position of great power. I was at the helm of a multi-billion dollar company that I’d started from nothing. I held the reins in my fists and could ultimately make or break anything within it. However, when I was dominating Hawk, the feeling of power ramped up exponentially. It made the other feel like nothing.
Some believed domination was a power trip. In a sense, maybe that was true. For me, it was the ultimate peace. It was that single moment—whether a minute or a day—when all the chaos vanished, and the only thing in front of me was the submissive yielding their control to me. It was both empowering and humbling. From the moment the chase began until I’d broken them thoroughly, I could maintain that all-consuming high.
And until Hawk came along, I’d thought there was a limit to that intense feeling. I’d learned differently the first time I dominated him. The sense of mastery his submission gave me was so intense I almost hadn’t recognized it.
But it wasn’t what Hawk thought it was. For me, it was godlike in its structure, but it wasn’t love. Never that.
For whatever reason, I got the same feeling when I was around Journey. This overwhelming need to bend her to my will, to see her need to please me with my own eyes.
And therein lies the problem. When it came to Journey, it wasn’t want, it was need. I’d never needed anyone or anything before. At first, it didn’t make sense to me. Hell, it still didn’t, but I had managed to accept it. Or I was beginning to.
As I sat there, my thoughts once again shifting to Journey, I reined them back in, imagining myself standing beside Hawk’s bed, his ass up and ready for me, his hole lubed and fucking eager.
Before I knew what I was doing, I was stroking my dick, rough groans escaping. I stopped myself several times, panting as I tried to fight off the hunger. I was usually in complete control, but for whatever reason, Journey had disrupted the current. From the day I met her, I’d felt out of sync. Off balance, if you would. I refused to use Hawk as a substitute because there was no substitute for Journey, the same way there was no substitute for Hawk.
My eyes drifted shut as I succumbed to the pleasure, letting the rough grind of my hand be enough while my thoughts drifted to Journey. Those soft moans I’d heard when she masturbated at my command. I wasn’t sure I’d ever heard anything sexier than those husky sounds.
Something brushed against my leg, and my eyes flew open. Hawk was kneeling before me, his blue eyes intent.
“Let me, Alpha,” he whispered.
I shouldn’t. I knew I fucking shouldn’t. He deserved better than this. Better than me. Yet, I squeezed my dick and angled it toward him, desperate for the sweet suction of his mouth.
His eyes locked with mine for those interminably long seconds as he leaned forward. I felt his breath fan over the head before the wicked heat of his mouth enveloped me. My back arched as I sank into the cushion. I tried to keep my hands at my side, not wanting to encourage him. I told myself this was his choice, not mine. That I didn’t ask for this. That he was only doing this to please his Alpha.
It was one of many lies I told myself.
Hawk didn’t tease. He consumed me, fucking my dick with his mouth, taking me down his throat in an effort to press his nose to my groin. He didn’t let up. It felt so fucking good.
I palmed the crown of his head, holding him in place as I pumped my hips.
“Fuck … Hawk…”
He hummed, the vibrations lashing through my cock with brutal intensity.
“Oh, fuck,” I ground through my teeth, thrusting my hips as I yanked his head down. “Goddamn you!”
My release was violent, my cock pulsing deep in Hawk’s throat. I briefly wondered if he could taste my self-loathing.
He wasn’t allowed to strip me of my control. No one was. That was why I was the goddamn Alpha, the Primal Dom who oversaw everything. No one had more control than me.
Fucking no one.
As soon as Creed came down my throat, I left him alone.
It took tremendous effort on his part to accept what I was offering, and because I’d done it selflessly, there was no reason for me to linger.
I knew Creed didn’t feel for me what I felt for him. He’d made that abundantly clear. At the same time, he kept me around. As his friend and his business partner. I didn’t want to lose that, even if I couldn’t resist the driving urge to submit to him.
This time when I went to my bedroom, I closed the door to shut him out. He wasn’t thinking about me right now. Hell, he hadn’t been thinking about me when he’d been ramming his dick down my throat. No, I believed Journey was the only one on his mind, and for whatever reason, he didn’t know how to handle it. Since she was on my mind constantly, I understood his dilemma.
That confusion wasn’t easy to deal with. I knew that firsthand because I hadn’t stopped thinking about Journey for one second since I first laid eyes on her. She’d taken over my thoughts, consumed my dreams. When I wasn’t with her, I wanted to be. And when I was, I never wanted to leave.
I closed my eyes, but as soon as I did, I heard her voice in my head. The conversation she’d had with Creed had been on constant repeat. The night Creed sent her to dinner with Garrison. The moment I learned about it, my guts had twisted into knots, my fear of losing her before I ever had her so real I didn’t recognize myself.
Creed… Is this a game to you? Are you trying to test me? Yes. I like Hawk. A lot. A whole lot more than I like you right now. You know what? Maybe we should table this conversation until you get back. I think you’ve got an angle, and I’m not particularly fond of it. I do not intend to be your plaything or inadvertently hurt Hawk or Garrison because of your agenda. Good night, Creed.
Her admission, while it had been delivered under duress, had soothed me and reignited the hope that was snuffed out when Creed brought me here for the sole purpose of keeping me away from Journey. From the moment I had stepped onto the jet, he’d implemented high protocol, which for him meant every breath I took was only for him. To enforce it, he’d taken my phone and my computer and monitored everything I sent and received. I knew it was to keep me from having access to Journey.
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