Home > The Baby Blitz (Varsity Dads #3)(11)

The Baby Blitz (Varsity Dads #3)(11)
Author: Lex Martin

His shoulders are shaking, and I’m smiling for some reason. His mom pops out of nowhere and snaps a photo of us. “Aww, look at that. You two are getting along.”
Vanessa joins us, and I let go of her boyfriend’s arm. She looks out of place, and since I know how that feels all too well, I decide to help her feel welcomed.
“What’s your major, Vanessa? You’re a student at Lone Star, right? I think I’ve seen you around campus.” She’s very attractive with striking red hair and brilliant blue eyes. All the women I’ve ever seen around Michael have always been gorgeous. Which makes sense because he’s ridiculously handsome, especially like this, in a suit.
“Communication.” She sniffs and, clinging to Michael’s arm, turns away from me.
Okay, then. Maybe she doesn’t want to be friends.
One of the groomsmen, a guy by the name of Greg, asks if I need a ride to the restaurant for the rehearsal dinner.
“She can come with us,” Michael says.
I’m once again shocked. Is he only being nice to me because we’re in a church? Or did his mom threaten life and limb if he wasn’t civil to me this weekend?
Judging by Vanessa’s expression, she’s not excited by the idea of me tagging along. Being cooped up with them isn’t my idea of fun either.
“Actually, I’d love a ride,” I tell Greg before I turn to Michael. “That way you guys can enjoy your date.”
Michael and I have one mode, and it’s awkward as hell. No need to torture his girlfriend with our weird vibes.
Throughout dinner, I sit next to Greg and try to concentrate on what he’s saying, but my attention keeps drifting to Michael and Vanessa across the table. Their evening doesn’t seem to be going well. She’s stiff and silent as she picks at her food.
I have no idea how long they’ve been together. I make a point to never ask Ben or Sienna about him, but now I wish I had because I’m dying to know if this is serious.
Michael gets up and talks to one of the restaurant staff briefly, and I take the opportunity to give him a once-over.
His injury must have healed because he’s no longer sporting crutches. His hair is neat and combed out of his face, except for that one lock of hair that has never acquiesced to any styling product and falls rakishly over his left eye. He’s lean and tall and fills out his suit like nobody’s business.
Greg coughs, and I jump in my seat, uncomfortably aware that I’ve been staring at Michael for untold minutes now.
Someone taps their silverware against their glass, and the table quiets. Kayla’s maid of honor stands and welcomes everyone and explains that we’ll go around and share a few things about the couple. Hearing so many people toast Kayla and Joe fills my heart. When it’s my turn, I stand and smile at the happy couple.
“Kayla, you were one of the first people I met when my family moved to town. It was such a sad time for us because my dad had just passed away, but you always brought sunshine and laughter to our home anytime you babysat my sister, who was just a toddler at the time. I have so many memories of you making my mom smile when I didn’t think that was possible anymore.”
She wipes under her eyes, and my throat tightens. “Anyway, before I turn into a soggy pile of tissues, I just want to say how much I love you and Joe and how excited I am that you’re getting your fairytale. Thank you for letting me be a part of your wedding. I’m so honored.” I hold up my glass. “To Kayla and Joe and happily ever afters.”
Silently, I pray I can find what they have someday. But it feels so far out of reach, especially that night as I lie in bed and listen to Michael bang his girlfriend on the other side of the wall.
Talk about stamina. It goes on forever. He must be good to make her moan like that.
Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to block them out.
You just have to get through this weekend, and then you’ll never have to see him again. He does a good job of avoiding me, so why wouldn’t he continue to do so when we’re back in Charming?
I snuggle the cold pillow, and I promise myself this is the last time I get worked up over Michael Oliver.
The knock on my door has me groaning. What time is it?
I roll over in bed and reach for my phone on the nightstand. Eight in the morning. I don’t have to be anywhere until ten.
“Michael,” my mother calls out from the hallway. “Honey, we need to switch back. Our room was too cold, and your dad couldn’t figure out how to work the thermostat. We need to hurry before the hairstylist gets here.”
Christ. Just what I want to do this morning. Wake up before my alarm and haul my shit back across the hall.
“Yeah. Okay. Give me five minutes,” I yell and roll over.
“Don’t fall asleep, Michael. I’m serious.”
I check my phone. No text from Vanessa, but I’m not surprised.
There’s a message from Ben, though. You should be here, man. Sucks that you’re not.
The combine. Ben, Johnny, and a few other teammates got invited.
I should be grateful for my sister’s wedding. It’s a good distraction. Although this weekend is not going as planned.
After I tug on some shorts and shoes, I toss my toiletries in my bag and drag my sleepy ass across the hall and back to room 301, which originally was mine. My mom opens the door. “Darling, shouldn’t you get dressed before you come out here?”
I shrug. “Do you want me to move your suitcase?” I drop my stuff in a chair. Mom liked the view from my room, so we switched before heading to the rehearsal yesterday.
My dad grabs her from behind, and she giggles and playfully swats at him. “Not in front of the children.”
I grab my phone and ignore my parents’ flirting until they’re gone. But then I spot my mom’s favorite lip gloss on the nightstand and head over to 302 to return it.
As I’m swiping the keycard to get back into my room, the door next to mine opens, and out sweeps Maggie wearing some silky, floaty burgundy concoction that makes her look like a princess with her beautiful long hair.
I smile at her, but her reception is decidedly less friendly than it was yesterday. “Hey. How’d you sleep?”
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