Home > Rescuing Kaye(35)

Rescuing Kaye(35)
Author: Ellie Masters

I cling to him, as tight as I can, never wanting this feeling to end.

And while it feels as if time stands still, as we lose ourselves to the kiss, we finally break apart to catch our breath.

“Now that was definitely worth the wait.” His dark eyes smolder with desire. His gaze lingers on mine before he takes a step back and releases me. “As much as I want more of that, we should probably get off this roof.”

We share one last lingering gaze before he reaches for my hand.

With night falling, the lights of the city make the sky glow, twinkling like a million tiny stars. It’s not much different from the night we met. All around me, life goes on as if I didn’t experience the most intense few minutes of my life.

I wish I could stay right here, right now, with the whole world on pause.

But time rushes on. Zeb escorts me off the roof. We head down three flights of steep stairs. He makes me pause at the door.

“Stay here. Let me check the street.”

“You don’t think he’s here?” My stomach clenches with fear.

“I don’t, but I’m still going to check. If I wave, it’s clear to come out. If I head back, that means it’s not safe.” He lifts my chin with his finger and places a tender kiss on my lips. “Yeah, way better than an accidental kiss.”

With that, he heads outside where he parked his motorcycle. He glances up and down the street, taking his time, then pulls two helmets out of pannier bags draped on either side of the back wheel. He waves and I exit the building.

Without wasting time, he dons his helmet, then helps me with mine. Swinging a leg over the bike, he gestures for me to get on the back.

This is another first for me.

“It’s about a two-hour ride to HQ from here. If you get too cold, let me know and we’ll stop and get you something warm to wear.”

Why would I need a jacket when I plan on leaning against him the entire time?

All around us, the constant hum of traffic flows by. Sirens wail in the distance and the roar of the freeways, with their never-ending stream of vehicles, makes the night come alive.

The deep, growl of the Harley fills the night. Zeb reaches back, grabs my hand, and places it around his waist.

“Hold on, luv. I hope you love a ride on a Harley better than a ride on a zip line.”

“I’m definitely looking forward to this.”

I wrap my arms around his waist and lean against his back. Without any shame, I take in a big breath, inhaling his uniquely warm scent as I close my eyes. He engages the clutch and we merge into traffic.









The wind rushes past my ears as Zeb’s Harley roars down the street. The Harley is an adrenaline-fueled, gas-fed, living, breathing thing, coming to life beneath me. It rumbles through the city streets, holding back its power until it can unleash itself on the open road.

I cling to Zeb from behind, feeling his strong back through the thin fabric of his cotton T-shirt. I peek over his shoulder, letting the wind whip my hair. The smell of oil and exhaust, rather than noxious, somehow enhances the ride.

Night has truly fallen. Stars shine brightly, peeking out from beneath ribbons of clouds streaking across the sky.

We exit the city, then find our way onto PCH-1. Two hours of driving along the coast lie ahead of me. To my surprise, the air is warmer than I would’ve thought, and some heat rises from the motor beneath me to beat away the chill.

The engine hums between my legs, singing a lullaby. The first hour is exhilarating. The only sound is that of the engine, the wind whipping through the air, and the occasional car ahead of us.

After the horror of yesterday with Scott, I feel free. At one point, I let go of Zeb’s waist and lean back in my seat. I stretch my arms out wide, letting the wind whistle between my fingers. It feels like I’m flying, free from the constraints of my life.

Free from Scott’s abuse.

Free to do as I please.

I soar down the road, leaning into the curves, then I wrap my hands around Zeb’s waist and place my cheek against his shoulder. Eyes closed, it feels like I’m in a dream.

It’s as if the Harley can carry me to new adventures and places where I truly am free.

The front headlight illuminates the dark highway, but that only makes the experience more invigorating. To my right, steep cliffs drop down to the ocean below. Every now and again, the pounding surf penetrates the low rumble of the Harley and reaches my ears.

I’ve never felt more alive.


About an hour into our ride, Zeb stops at one of those scenic lookouts. When I climb off the bike, the soreness in the muscles of my legs comes as a surprise. The wind swirls around us, chilling me, but I barely feel it.

Overhead, a full moon shines down on the ocean. Dark and mysterious, the black waters surge below us, crashing against the rocky coastline booming like thunder. White froth dances on the tips of the waves, glowing in the moonlight, and every now and then, a bird dives down to plunge into the water, seeking its evening meal.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Zeb comes up behind me. He wraps his arms around me and stares out into the ocean. The heat of his body warms me and my senses grow hyper-alert. I inhale his rich scent, a mixture of leather, gasoline, and something uniquely Zeb.

“Absolutely stunning.” I lay the back of my head against his chest and grip his arms as they wrap around me.

“I love coming to places like this, especially at night,” he says.

“You do?” I twist my neck to look into his eyes, mesmerized by him.

“Fewer people. I can sit alone with my thoughts. The smell of the ocean, the salt and brine, and the constant movement of the water soothes me.”

His words resonate with me. Something about the ocean just centers me.

“It’s amazing.” My voice comes out soft and almost a whisper.

“You’re cold.” He shifts behind me, releases his grip around my waist, and runs his hands up and down my arms in an attempt to warm me.

“I don’t feel cold.” I feel absolutely perfect. As for cold, a chill ripples down my spine, but it’s not from the chilly air. It’s from the heat of his hands running over my skin.

I turn to face him and see the silvery reflection of the moon in his eyes, making them mysterious and captivating.

“Here. I’ve got a jacket in the saddle bag.” He leaves me to grab the jacket. He shakes it out and holds it up for me. “Put this on.”

I spin around and love the weight and feel of his jacket on my body. He takes my hand in his and leads me near the edge of the cliff. We stand behind the guardrail and stare out at the ocean as a companionable silence envelops us. The rhythmic lull of the waves creates an almost hypnotic state.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Zeb’s deep voice sends a shiver of anticipation rushing along my skin.

“Gorgeous.” I turn my face to the night sky, basking in the glow of the full moon high overhead, loving the way the wind whips through my hair.

With my eyes closed, Zeb surprises me with a gentle kiss to my forehead. My eyes open and I can’t help but smile. He pulls me close, arms wrapped tight around me, as we listen to the waves.

I don’t know how long we stand there, taking in nature’s beauty, but eventually, Zeb clears his throat.

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