Home > Rescuing Kaye(38)

Rescuing Kaye(38)
Author: Ellie Masters

“What’s that?”

“I blush.” She shrugs, but a wicked smile dances across her face. “Which isn’t fair. I can’t control it.”

“Which is why I love it, but don’t worry. I won’t use it against you.”

“So, you won’t be staying with me tonight? What if I have nightmares? What if I can’t sleep?”

“Now you’re pushing it.” Thoughts of spending the night with her make my cock jump. Reason number one why I need to get her out of here and down to medical ASAP. If I stand here any longer, we won’t be leaving her room for a week.

“Well, I have orders and those say to bring you to medical for a meeting with Doc Summers, and then to the Tech building to discuss next steps.”

“What a bummer. Think about the fun we could have.”

“Tell me about it.” I make no effort to hide my arousal. I want her to know I find her attractive. I also want her to know I can control myself. With a grimace, these next few days are going to be challenging.

After a short walk, Kaye and I arrive at Medical, where Guardian HRS personnel receive all medical care. There’s no one at the front desk at this hour, but I know exactly where to go. I take Kaye down a sterile hallway until we reach Doc Summers’s office.

“We’re here.” I glance at Kaye, only now noticing how terrified she is. Her eyes are wide and unsure. Her hands shake, although she tries to hide it from me. “Hey, you’ve got this. It’s just an exam.”

“I know.” She wraps her arms around herself and stares at the polished floor.

When I knock on the door, we’re welcomed by a friendly voice.

“Come in,” Doc Summers calls out, her voice light and cheery. When we step inside her office, Doc Summers wears a white lab coat with her name embroidered on it. She smiles warmly at us both. “Kaye, it is very nice to meet you.” She turns to me and I already know what she’s going to say. “If you don’t mind waiting in the hall?”

“No problem, Doc.” I turn to Kaye. “I’ll be right outside. You’re in good hands.”

“Thanks, Zeb.” Kaye looks a little more relaxed. That’s Doc Summers’s doing. The woman has the best bedside manner, always putting her patients at ease.

With that, I excuse myself while Doc Summers takes Kaye through a range of medical tests checking for any physical trauma that could have resulted from Scott’s abuse.

It’s my hope she’ll check Kaye’s mental state as well, offering advice and tips on how to cope with her situation, plus keeping herself safe in the future.

Finally, the door to Doc Summers’s office opens.

“We’re all done here.” She escorts Kaye out into the hall. “No major injuries. Just the few contusions. I mentioned taking self-defense classes while she’s here. It’s a great way to work through some of the trauma.” She glances at Kaye. “And I told her you would be able to teach her.”

“Oh, definitely.” My voice rises with excitement. “I mean, if that’s what you want?” I look to Kaye.

Why didn’t I think of that sooner?

Carmen and Rosalie should get the same self-defense training as our rescues at The Facility. It would certainly help to pass the time. Barbi too.

I think that’s why Carmen and Rosalie decided to leave HQ. In many ways, we basically locked them up in what’s essentially a minimum-security prison without much to do. No wonder Rosalie and Carmen wanted to get out.

“Great.” Doc Summers claps her hands together, signaling an end to the visit. “The others are waiting in Mitzy’s office. Kaye, do you mind if I talk to Zeb alone for a minute?”

“Um…” Kaye looks between the two of us. Hesitant at first, but then nods.

“Thanks, it won’t take but a second.” Doc Summers gestures to me to join her in her office. The moment the door closes, I jump in.

“She’s going to be okay?”

“Yes, like I said, only contusions from the ligatures. You already know this, but I don’t like to assume. She’s emotionally scarred by Scott’s behavior, leaving her at high risk for PTSD. Precautions are necessary. Be on the watch for symptoms and let me know if anything concerns you. Physically, she’s fine. The self-defense will help as well.”

“It’s a great idea. I’m annoyed it didn’t occur to me sooner.”

“Don’t beat yourself up about that. I understand what happened is new?”


“Well, then how would you have known?”

We head to the Tech building next, where I introduce Kaye to Mitzy, CJ, and Sam.

“Welcome to Guardian HRS.” Mitzy pulls Kaye in for a hug, even though it’s the first time they’ve met. “I’ll give you a brief overview of what we can do for your unique situation. CJ will explain how the Guardians fit in. Bottom line, we’ll not only protect you from Scott, but by the time you leave, he will never threaten you again.”

“Um, it’s nice to meet all of you.” Kaye glances around those assembled, her voice meek and unsure.

“Ah, don’t let the testosterone affect you,” Mitzy says. “They’re all over-protective to a fault, but good, down deep where it matters. Did you check into your lodging?”

“Yes. Rafe and Hayes put her things in her room.” I answer for Kaye, taking some of the burden off of her, considering she’s the center of attention, something Kaye doesn’t like.

“Good.” Mitzy runs her fingers through her psychedelic hair. “I promise we’ll get you back before midnight. We’re just starting to build out a package…”

“A what?” Kaye turns to me.

“It’s all the important tidbits.” Mitzy flaps her hand. “That’s my job. I lead the tech crew. We do intel and recon. This is CJ.”

“Good evening. It’s nice to meet you.” He extends a hand which Kaye takes.

“CJ leads the muscle. That’s Zeb and the others. We have four Guardian teams; Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. Zeb and the others are Bravo team. This lug in the corner is Sam. He’s kind of like the CEO of Guardian HRS, meaning we all report to him. You came from Medical, so you met Skye, and you met Forest some time ago.”

“I did. He was intimidating.” Kaye clasps her hands in front of her.

“Intimidating, yes.” Mitzy shakes her head. “But stubborn as a mule. He and Skye created Guardian HRS.”

“Yes. Carmen and Rosalie told me. It’s beyond amazing, and I can’t thank you enough for helping me. Compared to human trafficking, I’m small potatoes.”

“No life is small potatoes.” The deep rumbling voice of Forest Summers sounds from the hall. Our illustrious leader pokes his head through the doorway. “Nice to see you again, Kaye.”

“Likewise,” she says.

“Hey, I can’t stay. Got things to do, but don’t think you’re not worth our help. You’re one of us now, and we take care of our own.” With that, Forest leaves us.

“Well, there you go.” Mitzy wrangles our attention back to the front of the room. “So, here’s what you can expect. My team is going to build out a package around Scott. While we’re doing that, Zeb and the rest of Bravo are going to work with you and your roomies on basic self-defense. We’ll provide basic personal safety tips every woman should know. Our job is to leverage what we discover regarding Scott to neutralize the threat he poses. Once that’s done, you and your besties will be cut loose. Any questions?” Like always, Mitzy speaks a mile a minute. It’s a wonder Kaye keeps up at all, but she nods with understanding.

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