Home > Fortune(15)

Author: Helen Hardt

Thundering applause.

“I’m going to get Ryan and Ruby up here to say something, but first I want to talk a little bit about their wedding and what it meant to all of us here in the Steel family.”

He clears his throat, and for a moment, I think he may choke up.

“Twenty-five years ago today, my little brother and his wife stood in this very yard and promised to love each other forever. Standing next to me that day were my two sons, Dale and Donny. They weren’t legally my sons at that time, but Jade and I had taken them in, given them a home, and begun adoption proceedings. That’s how I remember this beautiful day. Because it was not only the beginning of a life of love and family for Ryan and Ruby, but it was Dale and Donny’s introduction into the Steel family. Ryan and Ruby played a huge role in bringing my sons into this family, and they’ve both always been close to my brother and sister-in-law, especially Dale, who shares Ryan’s love of and talent for wine. So I think it’s only fitting to bring Dale and Donny up here to do the toast to their Uncle Ryan and Aunt Ruby.”

More applause.

Dale and Donny walk up to the stage, and Donny takes the microphone from Talon.

“I’m going to let Dale—with his gift of gab—”

Laughter permeates the crowd, and Donny joins in.

“Right, though Dale does talk a lot more now that he’s married to his lovely wife, Ashley. I’ll let him do the majority of the talking, because he’s the resident wine guru and Uncle Ryan’s protégé, but before I hand him the reins, let me just say that I remember when Uncle Ryan and Aunt Ruby got married. We stood up for them that day, next to our father, wearing little gray suits, which were the most uncomfortable thing in the world for little boys to wear. We had just recently lost our birth mother. But we were welcomed into the Steel family that day, and it’s been the best thing that ever happened to both of us. Well, the second-best thing, next to Ashley and Callie.”

Laughter and applause.

“Thank you, Uncle Ryan and Aunt Ruby, for letting us be part of your day twenty-five years ago.” He slaps his forehead. “Damn, twenty-five years! It doesn’t seem possible, but I look in the mirror, and I see a little gray in my blond hair. I’ll be celebrating my own wedding soon to the lovely Callie Pike”—he blows a kiss to Callie, who’s seated with Brock and Rory at the table next to ours—“and none of that would’ve been possible without all of you welcoming us into the family the day Ryan and Ruby got married. So thank you, Aunt Ruby and Uncle Ryan, thank you, Mom and Dad, Uncle Joe and Aunt Melanie, Uncle Bryce and Aunt Marjorie, and all the people here who were around that day and welcomed Dale and me into the community. Thank you.”

More applause as he hands the microphone to Dale.

I’ve known Dale Steel since he came to Snow Creek. He was a quiet and frightened little boy of ten, and we were the same age and in the same grade at school.

Now he stands tall and proud, and he still wears his hair long like I do. He brings his wife, Ashley, to stand next to him. I’ve never heard him say more than about ten words at a time, and even from our table, I can see his eyes are glistening a bit.

It’s clear that Ryan and Ruby mean a lot to him.

“Hey, everyone,” Dale begins, and then he clears his throat.

A few seconds pass until he starts speaking again.

“I may be a man of few words, as you all know, and that’s okay right now, because I don’t think there are words in the English language to describe exactly what Aunt Ruby and Uncle Ryan mean to me. I agree with everything Donny said. Your wedding twenty-five years ago was when Donny and I realized we were actually part of this amazing family. Still, it took a while for me to come out of my shell. I suppose a lot of you would say I never really did. But I did. I did when I began working with Uncle Ryan at the winery. Who would’ve thought an interest in wine would be my saving grace?” Dale’s voice cracks a little, and he clears his throat again. “Turns out I have kind of a knack for it. Uncle Ryan saw that in me. He saw it, and he nurtured it, and he allowed me to go at my own pace. There were days when we’d work together and neither one of us said a word. He didn’t force me to talk when I didn’t feel like talking, and when I did feel like talking? He listened. He gave me sage advice. He helped me realize that every member of this family was on my side. He’s been a second father to me, and that’s meant everything.”

Ashley slips her hand into his, while I consider his words. Every member of this family was on my side. Dale truly believes that, but I’m forced to wonder… Are the Steels on Ava’s side? How could they be if they’re keeping secrets?

After a few seconds, Dale speaks again.

“And then there’s Aunt Ruby. Aunt Ruby, who let me tag along on an investigation twenty-five years ago. I found a polished rock. That may sound silly to you, but we were looking for clues—any kind of clues—and I found a polished rock outside on the ground. I handed it to Aunt Ruby, and I told her it didn’t belong there.”

Laughter trickles through the audience.

“She told me I was right, and that polished rock ended up being a significant clue in her investigation. You gave me a voice that day, Aunt Ruby, and I’ll never forget that.”

Soft murmurs through the group.

Dale sniffs. “I could say more, but I’m already getting misty up here. Just suffice it to say the two people we’re celebrating today mean as much to me as my own parents do. Uncle Ryan and Aunt Ruby, you both gave me what I needed at a time when I didn’t know what I needed. So here’s to your twenty-five years, and we will all be here to join you when you celebrate the next twenty-five.” He holds up his glass of sparkling wine. “To Ryan and Ruby, and twenty-five years of happiness!”

The rest of us hold up our glasses. “To Ryan and Ruby,” I chorus with all the others.

Ryan and Ruby walk onto the stage, and though they should be radiating happiness, I’m not getting that feeling at all.

Dale hands the microphone to Ryan, but he gestures to Ruby.

Ruby smiles at him and takes the microphone.

“I think Ryan’s a little choked up. That was a wonderful tribute from you guys.” She nods to Dale and Donny. “There’s a lot of love in this family, and Ryan and I have been so lucky to share in that love for the last twenty-five years. Dale talks about coming out of his shell. I was a mousy detective when Ryan and I met, and he certainly helped me come out of my shell as well. Everyone welcomed me into the Steel family, especially my best friend in the world, Melanie—”

Melanie waves and smiles from her table.

“And I’ve had a life I never thought I’d have because of this wonderful family. So thank you so much for being here, all of you. And thank you to my wonderful husband, Ryan Steel, for giving me this incredible life. I love you so much, babe.”

She nods, smiles, and hands him the microphone while applause echoes through the yard.

Ryan doesn’t bring the microphone to his lips. Instead, he lets it hang at his side as the applause dies down.

Finally he brings it upward. “I wish I knew what to say. To my brothers and sister, my sisters-in-law and brother-in-law, my beautiful daughters, Ava and Gina, and all my amazing nieces and nephews, thank you all for being here. And to all of you in the community who came out to celebrate with us tonight, thank you.

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