Home > Reckless (The Hartleys)(48)

Reckless (The Hartleys)(48)
Author: Valeria Heights

“She will for this. Failure doesn’t exist in Madison’s world. She would rather die than let everyone know she messed this up. Do we have a deal?”




Chapter Twenty-Five




Tyler and I were flying back home for the third time in the past month and a half. It was the first time though that we sat next to each other, traveling together. Not together as a couple, I wasn’t that delusional, but together as two people who enjoyed spending time with one another.

He worked late at night, just like Nick had, but Tyler never behaved like he was entitled to the right to show up at my door in the middle of the night. Or like I had to twist my schedule to serve his. In fact, he never even texted in the middle of the night. He usually came to my apartment around seven and left by nine to go back to work. Sometimes I fixed us something to eat and sometimes he brought takeout. It looked like a real beginning of a relationship. Lots of sex, laughs and takeout in bed. He didn’t expect anything from me, and I tried my best not to expect anything from him.

We didn’t even have a game plan for the wedding. It felt unnecessary to come up with one, giving the fact we weren’t in a secret relationship. Although if I dared to call what we had a relationship, I would also have to say it was the best one I ever had.

The moment we boarded the plane on Friday morning and put our belts on, Tyler leaned back on his seat and closed his eyes.

“Are you tired?” I asked. A dumb question, considering he probably got three or four hours of sleep before the flight. A sly smile formed on his lips.

“Don’t worry, little Spencer. I don’t plan on sleeping.” He reached over and placed his hand on my knee. Then slowly slid it up my thigh. I was wearing jeans, so it wasn’t like he could get too wild.

“What do you plan on doing? Flirting with the flight attendant?” I asked with an innocent smile. He didn’t answer. His phone distracted him. I glanced at it. A message from Chloe. Seconds later a picture of her son appeared on Tyler’s screen.

It wasn’t news to me they had something going on between them, but it still surprised me how his entire expression and posture changed when he saw that picture. He stared at it for a few beats, then turned off his phone and tucked it back into his pocket.

“That’s Chloe’s son, right?”

“Yes.” His voice was firm and meant to show me that he didn’t like me asking about them. But I had to. At least once.

“Is he your son?”

He looked straight into my eyes and shook his head, pure horror on his face. Then he leaned as far away from me as possible and barely talked to me the entire flight back home.

We got sucked into the drama right from the landing. Sylvia was the one to wait for us at the airport.

“Madison excluded me from everything. She’s only talking to Clementine and I have no say in anything.”

“You know you’re not the bride, right?” Tyler asked her from the backseat. He had pushed me into the passenger one, probably hoping he wouldn’t be in the spotlight.

Sylvia ignored him and continued listing every little thing she thought Madison and Clem did wrong. I nodded the entire time. That was all she wanted from me thankfully.

My phone buzzed in my pocket a few minutes before she dropped me off at my parent’s house.

Tyler: See you tonight?

Hannah: Forget it. I have to get up at six tomorrow morning.

There was a pause, not longer than a minute, but it seemed like forever to me.

Tyler: Are we good?

I shot him a glance over my shoulder and smiled at him, then texted back.

Hannah: Sure. Tomorrow. After the wedding.

Tyler: Tomorrow is going to be a torture.

Hannah: It’s only until ten. And after the ceremony, no one will pay any attention to you.

Tyler: I meant being right next to you without touching you.

His words surprised me. I shot him another look over my shoulder and the intensity of his gaze on mine, made my air pipes close.

They dropped me off at my parents’ house and left. Tyler’s message stayed unanswered.

The next time I saw him, he was standing with Lucas at the altar, while I was walking over to join them. His mouth twitched for a moment, but he suppressed his smile, his eyes never leaving mine. I took my place and seconds later a collective gasp announced the appearance of the bride. Tyler’s eyes flew in her direction, while mine stayed on him a little bit longer. He took Clem in, dipped his head, and tried to hide another smile. I turned to look at her. She beamed. Seeing her walking with that huge grin on her face, I would never assume that she had always hated being the center of attention when we were younger.

The ceremony was short. I noticed Elizabeth Cole cried while her son recited with vows, and Sylvia looked like if she allowed a twitch of a muscle on her face, she would lose it too.

“Some best man you are,” she murmured later when we waited for the guests to get seated for the reception. Apparently holding her emotions in made her extra sulky. “You looked like you were about to fall asleep during the ceremony.”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Yes, Tyler looked at his feet for most of the ceremony, probably forcing himself to stay emotionally detached. I didn’t believe for a second he was bored or didn’t care.

He opened his mouth to say something to his mother, but I was faster.

“I think he was just respectful, Sylvia. I’m sure Clem and Lucas appreciate it,” I tried to remind her that this day wasn’t about her. Sylvia slowly turned her head in my direction.

“And what was that face you made while they were saying their vows?” She asked with a smile that screamed you are next on my list, honey. “You looked like you were holding a sneeze.”

“I was actually.” I mimicked her smile and stared her down. I wasn’t arrogant enough to think I could intimidate Sylvia Hartley with a fake smile and a staring contest, but I wasn’t above trying.

And I didn’t mind sneezing while two hundred people watched me witnessing my best friends getting hitched, but I knew Tyler would have a field day afterwards.

An old, cranky-looking lady approached Sylvia from behind.

“Why didn’t anyone throw rice at the newlyweds?” Sylvia spun on her heels to face her.

“Aunt Millie, how are you?” She asked, ignoring the question.

“It’s a tradition,” the woman pointed a crooked finger between us three. “A blessing. For prosperity and fertility.”

“They don’t need help in that department,” Tyler said under his breath. Sylvia sent him a murderous look and I cracked up.

“What did you say, boy?”

“Nothing, Aunt Millie,” Sylvia patted her on the back. “Tyler is just being Tyler. Come with me. I will help you find your table.” We watched them walk away and I leaned closer to Tyler.

“She’s related to your mother, isn’t she?” I whispered.

“How did you know?” He shot me look of faux surprise and we both laughed. Then I glanced over to Clem and Lucas, who were having a few pictures taken by themselves.

“It feels so surreal,” I sighed. “They are married. Can you imagine that?”

Tyler glared at me. “We just witnessed them getting hitched, so yes.”

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