Home > Filthy Little Pretties(23)

Filthy Little Pretties(23)
Author: Trilina Pucci

I toss my phone onto the dash, running my fingers through my hair.

“Someone’s grumpy. It’s a good thing I brought snacks.”

She holds up some fucking granola bars, and I shake my head, scoping out the perfect solution. “Hold on.”

Pushing my door open, I jog around the front of the car, hearing Donovan call out my name. Ignoring her, I duck inside of a McDonald’s, only to reappear with a bag of burgers, fries, and a couple of Cokes.

Her face brightens as I take a sip of my drink and come around to the driver’s side. She leans across and pushes my door open.

“You’re a prince among men, Grey McCallister.”

“Only for you, Cherry.”

I shimmy my leg in and lower down into my seat, handing her the bag, so I can close the car door.

“This could be our last meal. Might as well make it a good one. And granola doesn’t count as food.”

The bag crinkles as she pulls out a burger for me and then one for herself.

“What would you have for your last meal? For real…the world is ending, you get one last taste. What do you choose?”

I smile big, as I take a gargantuan bite of my burger, answering, “You.”

Coughing erupts as her eyes widen.

“Oh my God, you’re impossible.” She grabs a napkin and wipes her lips. “When will you ever take the hint?”

I take the napkin from her hand and dab it on a spot she missed at the bottom of her chin. Her tongue sweeps across that damn bottom lip, pulling it between her teeth.

“When you start sending one. Watch that tongue, Cherry. It says a lot without speaking.”

“Change the subject or I’m walking home.”


“Cool your jets. Okay… Tell me something, anything you did in the last five years.”

“God, it would be easier to do that in reverse. I lived too big, too loud, too much, Grey. Which is why I’d prefer to stay single and under the radar now. It’s the straight and narrow for me.”

“What does that mean?”

She shrugs and smiles coyly, taking another swig of her Coke.

“You aren’t going to tell me, are you?”

“Probably not.”

I take the final bite of my food and stretch my arm out across the back of the seat, thinking of what to ask her.

“Then tell me about something you miss.”

Donovan’s entire face lights up. She licks some ketchup off her finger, and my eyes fix to the pad of it, wanting to taste it too, but her words call my attention.

“Oh, that’s easy. The water. I loved living on the sea. Don’t get me wrong, New York is incredible, but there’s something spiritual about being by the water.”

“Would you go back?”

She shakes her head, brushing her hands together after taking her last bite.

“No. Especially now. Being back with you and Liam, it’s been just what I needed.”

I like hearing that. I want her to need me. She sweeps her lap and grins at me. “Okay, your turn. Tell me something unexpected that you’ve done in the last five years.”

I open my mouth to answer when The Cure fills my car. Donovan holds up a finger and digs inside that monster bag of hers, retrieving her cell and, apparently, a frown because her whole face is turned down as she stares at the screen.

“Are you going to answer it?”

She looks to me, her eyes unsure, but she hits the Accept button and puts the phone to her ear.


My eyes are fixed on her, even though she turns her shoulders slightly, trying for privacy.

“Yes, I’m aware. I’m with friends, Grey and Liam.”

Whatever he’s saying to her has her entire body tensed.

“I understand. Trust me, your disappointment rings loud and clear.”

Disappointment? What the hell could he be disappointed by? She’s incredible. Her fingers make way to her wrist and fidget with her bracelets. It’s something she does when she’s nervous and uneasy. I don’t even have to hear what her father is saying to know that I don’t like it.

“Yep. Got it. I’ll try really hard not to come home knocked up by a local or embroiled in national scandal… No promises, though, if one of those British princes shows up.”

My lips tip up at her sarcasm. That’s my girl. Never let them get the best of you.

Donovan pulls the phone from her ear, the screen already dark. He must have hung up. She smiles at me to hide her embarrassment, but I see it.

“Hey, don’t do that.”

Her head turns toward her door, but I reach out and grab her chin, forcing her back to face me. “You don’t ever have to do that with me. Not with me, Donovan.”

“I can’t seem to stop making him ashamed that I’m his daughter. Like it’s my function in life.”

“Whatever he’s said is bullshit. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past. I see you, I always have, and you’re stunning, inside and out.”

“What if I’m not that same girl anymore?”

Her whisper sounds of quiet regret as her head relaxes heavily into my hand, dropping forward until her forehead leans against my shoulder. My palm runs down her hair as I drop a kiss to the top of her head.

“I prefer the one sitting in my car—hotter body and she has bite. There’s nothing that you could tell me that would change my mind.”

“Don’t be so sure.”

“Do you want to test that theory?”

She shakes her head against my shoulder, and I want to push her for information, but whatever Donovan survived in Spain was enough to turn her against herself. That’s not something I’d thought possible for her future.

“All right then, do you want me to try for a hostile takeover and ruin his business? McCallister Inc. is all mine as soon as I turn eighteen, after all.”

Her head pops up, shocked. “It is? You could do that?”

I chuckle as she sinks back into her seat. “Probably not, but I could try.”

Her laugh fills the sky, and just like that, I begin falling for the girl.

“Okay. Drama’s over.” She breathes out in a whoosh, brushing her hair back. “Now answer my question.”

“What question?”

Donovan looks at me dumbfounded, as if me forgetting is a crime.

“What’s something unexpected you’ve done during my lengthy absence?”

“Oh yeah.” I smirk, and she pokes my shoulder. My hands tighten on the steering wheel, the leather quietly squeaking as I push, extending my arms straight. “Qualified for the Olympic rowing team.”

I let my arms buckle as I look at her stunned face.

“What! Grey, that’s amazing.”

Her hands find my shoulder, and she gives a tiny squeeze, as I lean in sideways closer to her. “Nobody knows. That’s our little secret.”

She pushes against me, mouth gaping. “Why aren’t you yelling it to the rooftops? It’s an amazing fucking accomplishment.”

My hand wipes across my mouth before I give a light punch to the center of the steering wheel.

“Because it’s not in the cards for me. I can’t walk away and know that everything my family built would remain intact. My life is my legacy. If I leave, it would all crumble…I won’t do that in her name.”

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