Home > Filthy Little Pretties(30)

Filthy Little Pretties(30)
Author: Trilina Pucci


His eyes close as his name leaves my lips like I’m begging. Grey’s hands lower from my waist to my hip bone and dig in before he opens those stormy bedroom eyes. It’s just like in my dream but a thousand times better.

“Do you want to know what I dreamed?”

I don’t answer because my body does it for me. It’s an automatic reaction. My hands find his chest and run up toward his shoulders.

“Cherry pie. All I could eat.”

His eyes never leave mine as he steps in closer. My chest rises and falls so hard that I’m pretty sure my heart is going to burst.

“C’mere,” he whispers seductively.

This shouldn’t happen. We should stop now. Why can’t I? Because I don’t want to.


The way he says that nickname, like it’s a wish. Like I’m his wish. It decimates any final resolve I had. My lips part, the words ready to float out, to give him every permission when heavy footsteps pad down the stairs and jerk me from the moment.

Holy hell.

I step back quickly, dropping my hands from Grey’s chest, his eyes locked to mine, and turn my face to watch Liam bounding down the stairs, wearing basketball shorts—only the shorts. Are you fucking kidding me?

“A party without me? That seems wrong.” Liam smirks as he gets to the bottom of the stairs.

I giggle, trying to hide my nerves, walking away from Grey’s scrutiny, knowing that he’s still staring, and make my way to the kitchen for some water.

“You couldn’t sleep either, huh?” I ask Liam over my shoulder as I pull the stainless refrigerator door open.

He answers, but I’m not paying attention. I’m staring off into nothing, pretending to peruse the contents of the fridge as I try and steady the storm of emotions I’m feeling. I just almost kissed Grey. Had the hottest dream of my life about the two guys who are half-dressed and standing all of ten feet away. I don’t even know how to process what the hell is going on in my head.

Hands grab at my hips, pulling me from the refrigerator and making me squeal as I’m spun around, picked up, and sat on the cold island counter.


My smile grows big looking into Liam’s hazel eyes and crooked grin.

“Hey, yourself.”

Liam looks at Grey and lets out a quiet laugh before he stretches his arms wide and yawns, making the muscles on his back ripple in the reflection of the glass cabinet doors.

“I had the best dream, Van. How about you?”

Liam’s words are directed to the ceiling as I blink, staring at his Adam’s apple. Oh shit.

“She had a nightmare. So she says,” Grey interjects, making my eyes flick to him before I narrow them, making him laugh.

Liam steps in between my thighs, getting my attention, and looks right through my bullshit. “Nightmare, huh?”

He slides my body to the edge of the surface, bringing me flush to him and leaning in to speak quietly but still loud enough for Grey to hear. “It’s cool, Van. Your secret’s safe with me.”

This time I can’t help but giggle. These two are trouble. Clearly, I gave more away than I would have liked, but fuck it. Who could blame me? I can either let them torture me forever or own it and move on. I push Liam back and roll my eyes.

“Two days ago, I dreamed I was holding Caroline underwater…doesn’t mean I’ll ever actually kill her.”

Both guys laugh loudly, and Liam pats my leg as he shakes his head before leaving me to take my place in front of the fridge. My attention shifts to Grey, who’s leaned against the marble, arms crossed over his chest. I was just touching that chest. He’s staring back at me, but behind the smirk is something else. Something that looks a lot like knowledge. I can’t help but notice just how comfortable they are with this conversation. Almost in answer to the thoughts in my head, Grey gives a wink, before turning his attention to whatever Liam is pulling out of the fridge.

My hands grip the edge of the counter, so I don’t fall as I lean forward. “Hey, grab me a water.”

Liam spins around from where he’s standing and narrows his eyes at me. “You know, Van. We never had those shots.”

“It’s one o’clock in the morning.”

“Bars are still open,” Grey reasons, walking around from where he’s standing with a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Liam comes back to where I’m sitting, putting hands back to my waist to take me down, and my hands come to his shoulders as he lowers me to my feet.

“No,” I protest, but Liam bites at my hand, causing me to laugh again.

“Come on, Van. What happened to the girl from earlier?”

I stare at Liam. What did happen? Just because I had some stupid dream doesn’t mean anything. And nothing is going to happen unless I lose my mind. One shot is harmless. My smile must give away my compliance because Liam raises his arms in the air, saying, “Yes, there’s our girl.”

They grab shot glasses and line them up next to me, filling each to the brim. Grey hands me mine, as Liam turns to face us, holding his up to toast.

“Here’s to our girl and all her wild dreams.”

An embarrassed laugh escapes, but I’m still hoping they didn’t hear everything as I take the shot back in one gulp. The burn travels down my throat, giving way to a warmth that spreads around in my belly. I do a small run in place, bobbing back and forth on my tiptoes as I breathe out harshly. Liam turns to the counter, taking my glass. Grey messes with my hair, screwing with my bangs, making me laugh, as I smack his hand away.

Liam turns back around and hands out another round.

“Oh God, again?”

Grey looks at me and tilts his head, as he takes his glass. “To firsts, lasts, and onlys.”

My lips tip up before I toss it back, feeling the burn again in my throat, but not nearly as much as the first shot.

“Okay. Now I’m done. Unless you find something smoother.”

The boys laugh, pouring only two shots. They both stand staring at me, Grey to my right and Liam to my left, as my head shifts slowly between them. It’s my turn to toast. Liam licks the side of his glass, cleaning some liquid that’s spilled, and my eyes dart to his tongue, watching it drag over the smooth surface, lapping up the Jack.

Before I can stop myself, the words are already out.

“To bad ideas and the boys who get me into trouble.”

The shot glasses hit the counter the minute they drink, and I tip my head back laughing. I rub my lips together and smile at them. “We need music.”


Liam grabs the bottle of Jack and walks over to his phone that’s on the counter, picking it up and looking down with a serious expression. He stays that way for only a moment before his beautiful face pops back up smiling, as the music filters out through speakers in the ceiling.

I wander over toward the couch, Grey right behind me, as the music amps up, hitting a crescendo. Liam turns it up loud, and Grey grabs me, spinning me around. We start to jump and thrash our arms around, Liam joining in, losing ourselves to the music and yelling to the ceiling. It’s perfect. They’re perfect.

The oversized shirt I’m wearing bounces up, exposing glimpses of G-string, but I don’t care because it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except this night.

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