Home > Filthy Little Pretties(31)

Filthy Little Pretties(31)
Author: Trilina Pucci

Liam takes a swig from the Jack and passes it over to Grey as I shake my hips and turn in a circle. I lick my lips, my teeth sinking into the bottom one, as Liam comes up behind me, matching my rhythm and swaying back and forth. His hand splays over my stomach, and the warmth I was feeling from the liquor feels like ice in comparison to his large palm. He turns us to face Grey, who is standing stock-still, bottle in hand and a cigarette lifting to his lips. He takes in a long drag as he watches us dance. It’s the way he watches that makes my entire body feel on fire.

He’s arrogant. Entitled. Like a goddamn king. My very favorite version.

My eyes drift to his torso, taking in the tattoo again and smiling. It’s fitting for him—“I am not led, I lead.” He does lead, everyone but me. In fact, I’ll never tell that I already knew what it meant. Sometimes, it’s more fun to let him believe his saying.

He juts his chin, calling me to him, but I don’t move. Try again. Liam nudges my waist, speaking into my ear. “Go on, Van. He won’t bite. Unless you ask him to.”

Holy hellfire and brimstone. I’m going to burn for this. Closing the three feet between us feels like the longest walk of my life, each step erasing the line before it. My throat is dry, but I’m already wet everywhere else. My thoughts are barreling around in my mind like they’re all in a freefall. But all I know is that I want whatever Grey has to offer.

Grey looks down at me as I come to a stop in front of him, peeking up through my lashes.

“You wanna hit?” He brings the cigarette back between his lips, sucking in the smoke, and I nod, but he doesn’t hand it to me, just blows up into the air. Grey’s eyes lock to mine as his head tips back down.

“Ask me nicely.”


My hair is swept over my shoulder as the heat from Liam’s body engulfs me from behind. His lips graze my neck as he inhales up my jawline, making my head tilt and breath suck in between my teeth. Lines aren’t just being blurred. They don’t fucking exist anymore.

“Come on, Van. Ask us nicely,” Liam whispers, and my eyes shut.

When I open them, Grey flicks his cigarette into the fire. He licks his lips, letting his eyes drift down my body to where Liam’s finger is tracing the hem of the T-shirt at the top of my thigh. Liam’s finger runs back and forth indecently slow, barely ducking under the fabric, but I’m already panting, wet, and hungry. So fucking hungry. They’re really good at this.

“Were you actually talking about smoking?” I ask, already suspecting the answer.

“Not even a little, Cherry.”

Grey walks toward me, then past me, and Liam’s finger leaves my leg at the same time. My eyes blink, let go from the spell I was under, as I turn around, watching them walk to the couch.

Liam looks over his shoulder and gives that crooked grin. “Come on, Van.”

They each lower themselves down on the couch, leaving a sizeable distance between them. It’s for me, but only if I’m basically lying down.

I look at Grey as he spreads his legs, adjusting the large bulge in his pants, and lets out a low growl. My arms join behind my back, grasping my shirt as he stares at me. I’m nervous, but I want their eyes on me. I like it. I shift my eyes to Liam, who runs his hand over his head and lifts a book from the end table. I recognize the cover immediately from school, Lady Chatterley’s Lover. I smile as I bite my lip, giving a tiny giggle.

He pats the space on the couch next to him. “Remember when we were little and I would read to you when we had slumber parties?”

My feet are moving toward the couch, to Liam, as I nod. “I do.”

The fabric of the couch brushes my knees as I stand, clad in Grey’s T-shirt, looking down at Liam. If I sit, I won’t be sitting. This entire night has been a series of one thing meaning another. And now I’m standing here, just like in my dream. They heard it all. And they’re recreating the moments. I’m living in my own fantasy.

“Cherry, sit down and let Liam read to you.”

I stare at the fabric of the oversized black couch. Am I doing this? Are we really doing this?

Liam’s hand runs up my leg, leaving a trail of chills, and ducks under my shirt, stopping at my hip.

“Van, would you like me to read to you?”

Words said one way but that ask a completely different question.

My voice is husky, a breathless plea. “Yes, please.”





DONOVAN’S KNEES FIND THE CUSHIONS as she crawls onto the massive couch. She keeps them tucked under herself as she cozies up next to Liam, drawn into the crook of his arm, so her back is partially against him.

She’s flushed, turned on, maybe even nervous, and it’s everything and more than I thought it would be. I woke up a half hour before her because my dick was rock hard. The leg she had hitched over me was giving way to her slow and soft drags up and down my leg. She was fucking herself in her sleep, moaning my name and then Liam’s.

It was all I could do to not wake her up and do my worst. But when Liam woke up, something happened. The energy changed. Because the more she moaned our names, the more we knew. Donovan’s always been ours, and this was bound to happen. It’s not as if Liam and I are inexperienced in this particular kind of fun. Girls are always more than willing. We’ve had our fair share.

But this is different. Donovan makes it that way.

I’ve wanted to watch, eat, fuck, and savor her since she stepped out of that damn limo. Now more than anything, I want to hear my name cried from that gorgeous mouth. I want her to beg me to come. And I want to make this fantasy real for her. Every filthy little part.

I reach out, gripping her ankles, and pull them to my lap as she huffs a breathy sigh, giving me her bright eyes. Laying one over the other, I run my fingers over her petite ankle, entranced by her smooth skin. She smiles as she watches my finger glide over her skin. My tongue drags over my bottom lip, catching it with my teeth and letting it drag out as I let my eyes drift up her body, until my eyes are captured by the sight of her panties. Damn that’s pretty.

Liam’s fingers trace her collarbone, but my eyes are drawn back to the white that peeks out, a small blue polka dot on it, exposed by my wayward T-shirt she’s wearing. I glance up at her face again, but she’s looking down to where my eyes just left. Her hands reach for the shirt, and I expect her to try and cover herself, so I reach to stop her, but she doesn’t. Instead, she looks back to me, darting her tongue out and giving a small lick of her lips as if she’s hungry, and draws her shirt up a little bit more—showing me what she wants just as Liam lifts her chin, running his hand down her throat. Fuck.


I don’t just speak it, I growl it. I want him to read, so I can do what I know she wants me to. That’s what she said, as she slept between us. She thanked Liam for reading to her, then asked what I was doing, before arching her back and letting out the most exquisite moan. My hands are kneading her ankles now, barely holding myself back as she lifts her knee, tugging her leg away only to lower it back. Squirm for me, Cherry.

Liam pulls her hair over her shoulder, a sinful smile playing on her luscious lips, gripping it hard and forcing her head to tilt back to his face. “Do you want me to kiss you, Van?”

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