Home > The Villain (Gentlemen Rogues #5)(57)

The Villain (Gentlemen Rogues #5)(57)
Author: Nana Malone

"What are you doing?"

I climbed in first so I could brace her back. "We my love are having a bath. You'll be sore."

She took my hand and stepped into the tub with me, settle in in front of me. As I held her tight, I whispered all the words about how I felt hoping it would be enough to make her understand.

You're a fool. She'll never understand.









So much for trying to leave her. That went well.

I stood outside one of the bungalows on the edge of Abott manor admonishing myself. The single-story structure fronted by a large veranda had been hastily kitted out by Gabe’s team after we arrived.

I glanced at the fresh paint and ancient wood of the door, then took a deep breath and knocked. The sound reverberated through the stillness of the morning, like an omen of what was to come.

Reginald answered, his face tight and drawn but his eyes sharp and alert. "Drake," he said in greeting, ushering me inside.

When we were alone, he dragged me to him in a tight hug. I had to hurriedly blink away the unwanted tears.

“Lad, you gave me a scare.”

I pulled back and nodded solemnly. “I'm glad you're safe," I said as we sat down. "But we need to talk."

I didn't waste any time, filling him in on the disaster that had been the wedding. I told him about Massimo's men and how they had tried to take Daphne, but Massimo himself was nowhere to be found. My fists clenched in frustration as I recounted the story.

"I feel like I failed," I admitted, my voice raw with emotion. "I especially feel like I failed Daphne by not catching Massimo. He's still out there, and he's going to keep coming. Our last shot is the auction."

Reginald's eyes narrowed, concern etched on his face. "What do you plan to do, Drake?"

I exhaled, running a hand through my hair. "I fucking love her, Reginald. I fucked up and bloody fell in love. And now this twat is out there, and he could take her from me. Just like I took her from him. This is all my fault. If I'd just taken him off the board, she'd be okay. But I had to get my bloody life back, didn’t I? I have to let her go."

Reginald shook his head, his gaze steady and unwavering. "No, Drake. Massimo was coming for her anyway. If you love her, tell her."

"I did," I replied, my voice cracking. "But this isn't going to end well. You know that. If it's not Massimo, it'll be someone else. That’s the joke, Reginald. I was the monster. She made me human, and now I don't get to keep her because someone else dangerous will always be coming."

Reginald regarded me thoughtfully for a moment, and then spoke with a conviction that surprised me. "Drake, you're not giving yourself enough credit. Yes, there will always be danger. There will always be someone who wants what you have or who wants to hurt the ones you love. But that's life. It's unpredictable and messy, and sometimes it's downright terrifying."

I shook my head, my heart aching at the thought of putting Daphne in harm's way again. "Reginald, I can't do that to her. I can't ask her to live this life, knowing that she'll never be safe. She deserves better than that."

Reginald leaned back in his chair, his expression grave. "Drake, I understand your fears, I really do. But Daphne is a strong, capable woman. She made her choice to be with you, knowing the risks. You can't make that decision for her."

I sighed heavily, trying to process it all. "I know," I said slowly. "But what if something happens to her? What then?"

Reginald's gaze softened as he looked at me with understanding. "Drake, if something were to happen to Daphne, you would grieve and you would find strength in it. That doesn't mean that you don't care for her deeply; it just means that life is unpredictable and sometimes things don't go as planned." He paused for a moment before continuing. "But more importantly, if something were to happen to Daphne because of Massimo or anyone else, you’d make sure that justice was served. Make sure whoever did it pays for their crimes."

A war raged inside me, a battle between love and fear. I wanted to believe that we could make it through this, that our love could conquer all the obstacles in our path. But the thought of losing Daphne, of seeing her hurt, or worse, because of me was too much to bear.

Finally, with a heavy heart, I made my decision. "Reginald, Daphne deserves better than this life. She deserves safety, happiness, and a future free from the constant threat of danger. And the only way to give her that is to let her go."

Reginald frowned but didn't argue. He could see the resolve in my eyes, the determination to do what was best for the woman I loved, even if it meant breaking my own heart in the process.

"But I'm not giving up on bringing Massimo down," I continued, my voice firm. "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure he never threatens Daphne or anyone else again. And once he's dealt with, she can go back to her life… without me. That's the only way she'll be safe."

Reginald's gaze softened, and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I understand, Drake. And I'll help you in any way I can. Just remember, you're not alone in this fight."

I nodded, grateful for his support. "Thank you, Reginald. I don't know what I'd do without you."

As I left the bungalow, my heart was heavy with the burden of my decision. Letting Daphne go would be the hardest thing I'd ever done, but it was the only way to ensure her safety. The life I led was too dangerous, too unpredictable, and I couldn't bear the thought of her getting caught in the crossfire.

I resolved to bring Massimo down once and for all, to protect Daphne and all the people I cared about. And when the dust settled, I would let her go, giving her the chance to live the life she deserved, free from danger and the shadow of my past.

It wouldn't be easy, and every fiber of my being screamed in protest at the thought of saying goodbye to the woman who had changed my life. But I knew it was the right thing to do. For her sake, for my own, and for the future we both deserved.

As I walked away from the bungalow, I knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, filled with danger and heartache. But I would face it head on, fueled by the love I felt for Daphne and the promise of a better future for her, even if it was one I couldn't be a part of.




A week later, the Rogues team had everything in place. The air was heavy and charged with electricity as we all cast our eyes to the huge monitor in the control room. The lights from the city seemed brighter and more alive than usual as the storm brewed outside.

On the screen in front of us were satellite images and blueprints of Massimo's villa in Italy, which we had been studying for days. It was time to put an end to this, once and for all.

"We need to end this for her," I told Gabe, my voice low and determined. "Whatever it takes, Massimo goes down."

Gabe nodded solemnly, understanding exactly what I meant. But Saff, now in charge of the Rogues, wasn't about to let me off the hook so easily. She crossed her arms, her gaze piercing as she regarded me.

"You know this isn't going to be easy," she said firmly. "The island compound is heavily defended, and our intel suggests he’s expecting us. We need a plan that will get us in and out without being detected."

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